

 宙斯爱吃土司 2016-04-25

New York Homes Under $500,000

Few would dispute the notion that apartments have become over-the-top expensive for many New Yorkers. But just how very far out of reach can still be surprising.


The median price of a studio, long considered an entry-level apartment, in Manhattan is now $485,000, according to the Corcoran Group. If that price does not make your hair stand on end, consider that in the coveted submarket of Downtown Manhattan, the median price of a resale condo studio hit $863,000 in the last quarter of 2015.

单间公寓一直被视为入门级公寓。根据柯克兰集团(Corcoran Group)的数据,曼哈顿单间公寓的价格中值现为48.5万美元(约合人民币314万元)。如果这个价格不足以让你汗毛倒竖,那就想想曼哈顿下城(Downtown Manhattan)的情况吧,在那个热门的子市场,二手单间共管公寓的价格中值在2015年第四季度达到了86.3万美元(约合人民币558万元)。

Top row, in Jackson Heights, Queens, the price tag for a nicely renovated two-bedroom was $488,000. Below, in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, another two-bedroom will set you back $364,000. But you will have to climb stairs.

But back to the buyer in the half-million-buck bracket. What this will purchase in Manhattan is likely little more than a single room with a windowless kitchen.


For those who absolutely must be in the city, the other boroughs are generally cheaper, and the offerings roomier. But the trade-off for that extra square footage might be limited shopping and dining options, so-so schools and long commutes.


Using online services like nytimes.com/findahome and StreetEasy.com, it was possible to find many existing apartments and houses for $500,000 or less beyond Manhattan in places such as Grymes Hill, Staten Island; Sunset Park, Brooklyn; and Spencer Estates, the Bronx.

如果使用nytimes.com/findahome和StreetEasy.com等在线服务,就有可能在曼哈顿以外的地方找到许多50万美元以下的现房。这些地方包括史坦顿岛(Staten Island)格里姆斯山(Grymes Hill)、布鲁克林日落公园(Sunset Park)、布朗克斯(Bronx)斯宾塞庄园(Spencer Estates)等。

And if you require natural light while making breakfast, take heart: Many of the kitchens came with windows. Most of the places were an improvement over their Manhattan counterparts in some way.


“We’re the last of the Mohicans,” said Charles Bludeau, a salesman with Douglas Elliman Real Estate who represents a two-bedroom condo on the water in Spencer Estates for $489,500. “Where else can you even go?”

“我们是最后的莫希干人,”道格拉斯·艾丽曼房地产公司(Douglas Elliman Real Estate)的销售员查尔斯·布鲁道(Charles Bludeau)表示。他代理着斯宾塞庄园的一套489500美元(约合人民币3165107元)的滨水两室共管公寓。“还有别的地方可以去吗?”

If a Brooklyn neighborhood has a “hill” in the name, as in Boerum or Cobble or Vinegar, it is fair to assume it may be pricey. A “heights,” as in Brooklyn Heights, is probably not the place to hunt for bargains, either.

在布鲁克林,如果一个社区的名称当中带有“山”字,比如波伦山(Boerum)、科布尔山(Cobble Hill)或威里格山(Vinegar Hill),那么可以断定那里的租金或许不菲。名称当中带有“高地”的,比如布鲁克林高地(Brooklyn Heights),可能也不是物色平价房源的地方。

But finding an apartment for less than $500,000 that improves upon a similarly priced Manhattan studio does appear possible in neighborhoods like these, although the upgrade may be slight.


For example, 111 Hicks Street, Apt. 15A, in Brooklyn Heights, which was offered late last month for $425,000 and has already drawn many interested buyers, does not on paper seem a big step up. It’s a studio, and its price is steep for Brooklyn Heights. According to the Corcoran Group, the median price for a studio in the area that includes Brooklyn Heights, Cobble Hill, Dumbo and Downtown Brooklyn was $385,000 in the fourth quarter of last year.

希克斯街(Hicks Street)111号15A室就是一个例子,它位于布鲁克林高地,上个月末标价42.5万美元(约合人民币275万元),已经吸引了许多有兴趣的买主,从纸面上看,它的条件似乎并没有强多少。这是一套单间公寓,其价格在布鲁克林高地属于过高水平。根据柯克兰集团的数据,在这片地区,包括布鲁克林高地、科布尔山、邓波(Dumbo)和布鲁克林下城(Downtown Brooklyn),单间公寓去年第四季度的价格中值为 38.5万美元(约合人民币249万元)。

Then again, the 500-square-foot unit has an appealing layout, and the kitchen is not a wall of appliances. It’s a separate, windowed room, which has, moreover, been renovated. The ceiling is beamed, and there is quite a bit of storage space. A better yardstick might be the one-bedroom median for the area, which was $549,000.


And the yellow brick co-op building has a pedigree. Designed by Emery Roth and completed about 1929, it was once part of the massive Hotel St. George complex.

此外,这栋黄色砖砌合作公寓楼大有来头。它由埃默里·罗斯(Emery Roth)设计,大约完工于1929年,曾经是规模庞大的圣乔治酒店(Hotel St. George)的一部分。

The 30-story tower is not hemmed in by like-size structures, but looms over a low-slung neighborhood that is protected from development by a historic district. From Apt. 15A, views sweep south and east.


What kept this $425,000 unit under the $500,000 mark was its relatively high maintenance fee of $1,005.95 a month, said Zelda Josephs of Zelda Josephs Real Estate, who is listing the unit, and who is a longtime resident of the co-op. The full-service building has an operating budget of about $5 million a year, according to the co-op’s website.

据该房源的挂牌经纪商塞尔达·约瑟夫房地产公司(Zelda Josephs Real Estate)的塞尔达·约瑟夫是楼内的长期住户,她表示,这个标价42.5万美元的单元之所以没有突破50万美元的房价,是因为其维护费相对高昂,达到了每月1005.95美元(约合人民币6504元)。根据楼盘网站的信息,这座服务设施齐全的合作公寓楼每年约有500万美元(约合人民币3233万元)的运营预算。

That maintenance bill may be about a couple hundred dollars higher than a typical studio in Brooklyn, but “you won’t find this in Manhattan,” Ms. Josephs said. “And if you found it in Manhattan, it would be way, way more.”


In the borough of Brooklyn in its entirety, the median sale price for a studio in the fourth quarter of 2015 was $426,000, according to Corcoran.


But beyond the popular brownstone-lined neighborhoods close to Manhattan, brokers say, prices drop off, which means buyers who search slightly farther afield may be rewarded.


For instance, Sunset Park, which is near Park Slope and has similar rowhouse architecture, though some of it is in rough shape, seems to offer deals. Late last month, 605 41st Street, Apt. Q, a two-bedroom, one-bath co-op, was for sale for $364,000.

例如,日落公园似乎提供了划算的交易机会。它靠近公园坡(Park Slope),有着类似的联排建筑,只不过部分建筑有些破败。上个月末,第41街605号Q室以36.4万美元(约合人民币235万元)的价格挂牌出售。这是一套合作公寓,带有两间卧室,一间浴室。

Buyers who like historic details may incline toward the unit, one of 20 in a walk-up brick building completed in about 1921 by Finnish developers who constructed several co-ops in the area. Geometric inlays enliven the floors in the 725-square-foot space. Wallpaper also adds vintage charm, though few would preserve the dated kitchen, which still has an ice box, cooled solely by the outside air, tucked into a wall.


Buyers hoping to finance the purchase should look elsewhere. The co-op prohibits bank loans, an obstacle that partly explains the low price. “Otherwise, this apartment could sell for about $550,000,” said Paul Hyun, an associate broker with Douglas Elliman, who added that, “Finns didn’t believe in debt, and the building prefers to keep it this way.”

想要融资买房的人应该另觅他处。合作公寓一方禁止购房者找银行贷款,这一门槛是房价较低的部分原因。“要不然,这套公寓完全可以卖到55万美元(约合人民币356万元)左右,” 道格拉斯·艾丽曼房地产公司的助理经纪人保罗·玄(Paul Hyun)表示,他随即补充道,“芬兰人不相信举债,楼盘管理方倾向于保持这种方式。”

If cash deals offer opportunities for discounts, so does a lack of elevators, Mr. Hyun said. Had there been one in the building, which offers views of the Statue of Liberty, the price for this fourth-floor apartment might be a heftier $650,000, he said.


Still, even if a buyer had to break the bank to land the unit, he or she would have a relatively easy time keeping current on the maintenance. It’s just $311 a month.


When thoughts turn to ownership, Manhattan residents might focus on apartments, but a house might offer smoother sailing in the other boroughs.


The buyer of a house will encounter no persnickety co-op board to scrutinize his or her finances. Nor will house-buyers be subject to fees for condo-style amenities, like pet spas and tween rooms, that they would never use.


In Grymes Hill, on the north shore of Staten Island near Wagner College, a three-bedroom Cape at 32 Cunard Place offers an amenity that might be more popular: an in-ground swimming pool in a small, neatly landscaped yard. There’s also an elevated, shaded patio from which to admire it.

在史坦顿岛北岸,瓦格纳学院(Wagner College) 附近的格里姆斯山,有一套三居室位于丘纳德广场(Cunard Place)32号,它所附带的设施或许更受欢迎:一片带绿化的清爽小院里设有一座地面泳池。另有一座带遮蔽的架高露台,可供欣赏泳池景观。

With a finished basement and driveway, the 1,300-square-foot house was listed last month for $479,000, though its rooms, some of which sport pink or mirrored walls, might be in line for a makeover. On the other hand, 32 Cunard received a new furnace and hot-water heater last year, so the buyer won’t have to worry about that for a while.


Buyers likely won’t mistake quiet Grymes Hill for a trendsetting ’hood. “People always say, ‘Why can’t we become like a Hoboken or Williamsburg, because we have a waterfront, too?’ ” said Christopher J. Long, an associate broker with Gateway Arms Realty Corporation, referring to the north shore in general. “But you’ve got to have the restaurants, the shopping, the bars,” added Mr. Long, who has the listing for 32 Cunard, and who grew up in nearby West New Brighton and lives there today.

购房者不太可能将僻静的格里姆斯山错认为一个引领潮流的社区。 “人们总是说,‘同样是滨水地带,为什么格里姆斯山就不能变得像霍博肯(Hoboken)或者威廉斯堡(Williamsburg)一样呢?’”Gateway Arms Realty Corporation地产公司助理经纪人克里斯托弗J·朗(Christopher J. Long)在提到北岸地区时表示,“但是你得有餐馆、购物店、酒吧,”朗补充道。他是丘纳德广场32号的挂牌经纪人,从小在附近的西纽布里顿(West New Brighton)长大,如今在那里居住。

Several neighborhoods on Staten Island are the site of major investments in new retail. Meanwhile, buyers are hopping on board the ferry. The median sale price of houses on Staten Island in January hit $438,000, surpassing the prerecession peak in May 2005 of $435,000, according to the Staten Island Board of Realtors, which also noted that inventory is the lowest it has been in a decade.

史坦顿岛有好几个社区都是新零售设施的重大投资场地。同时,购房者正纷至沓来。史坦顿岛房地产经纪人委员会(Staten Island Board of Realtors)表示,今年1月,史坦顿岛的别墅售价中值达到43.8万美元(约合人民币283万元),超过了2005年5月的43.5万美元(约合人民币281万元)——那是衰退前的峰值。委员会还指出,房源存量已达到十年来的最低点。

“What I’m seeing now,” said Mr. Long, who has been selling homes since 2000, “is something I’ve never seen before.”


To make your money go far, there may be no borough like the Bronx. Three hundred and ninety apartments and houses there were for sale for $500,000 or less on Feb. 26, according to StreetEasy, at a median list price of $215,500. And of that group, 18 listings could be picked up for less than $100,000.

从省钱的角度讲,布朗克斯是个得天独厚的行政区。根据StreetEasy的数据,今年2月26日,那里有390套公寓和别墅以低于50万美元的价格出售,挂牌价中值为 21.55万美元(约合人民币139万元)。在那些房源当中,有18套可以以低于10万美元(约合人民币65万元)的价格入手。

But StreetEasy and nytimes.com/findahome are heaviest in listings clustered in the northwestern Bronx, in the more expensive neighborhoods like Spuyten Duyvil and Riverdale. Instead, brokers say, consider the multiple listing service offered by the Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors, which casts a wider net. On Feb. 26, it generated 717 sub-$500,000 results.

不过,StreetEasy和nytimes.com/findahome上的挂牌房源在布朗克斯区西北部的比重最大,集中在斯派腾戴维尔(Spuyten Duyvil)、里弗代尔(Riverdale)这类房价相对较高的社区。相反,据经纪商表示,可以考虑Hudson Gateway房地产经纪人协会(Hudson Gateway Association of Realtors)提供的多重挂牌服务,它涵盖的范围更广。今年2月26日,在该系统上搜索50万美元以下的房源,产生了717个结果。

Spencer Estates, 12 miles from Midtown in the northeastern Bronx, where Mr. Bludeau has the listing for that two-bedroom $489,500 condo, may not register on the radar of many buyers. The condo itself is more than a mile from the nearest subway, so the unit’s two dedicated parking spots may come in handy. On the bright side, the enclave faces Eastchester Bay and offers views of City Island and Long Island.

斯宾塞庄园或许不在很多购房者的考虑范围内。它位于布朗克斯东北部,距离中城(Midtown)12英里(约合19公里)。那里有一套两居室489500美元的共管公寓由布鲁道挂牌销售。共管公寓本身距离最近的地铁站超过一英里(约合1.6公里),所以该单元的两个专用停车位可能会派上用场。从好的方面讲,该地段面朝伊斯特切斯特湾(Eastchester Bay),坐拥锡蒂岛(City Island)和长岛的景观。

Thick with modest stand-alone houses in brick, clapboard and vinyl from the mid-20th century, Spencer Estates is not postcard New York City. Mr. Bludeau’s condo, at 1424 Outlook Avenue, Apt. 1, is part of the Outlook Point Condominiums, a gated 36-unit complex that opened in 2002 and could be at home in the suburbs.

斯宾塞庄园并不是纽约市的明信片,这里充斥着不起眼的独栋别墅,这些别墅采用砖石、隔板和乙烯基建材,建于20世纪中期。 布鲁道挂牌销售的公寓位于展望大道(Outlook Avenue) 1424号1室,是Outlook Point Condominiums建筑群的一部分。Outlook Point Condominiums建筑群带门卫,包含36个单元,开盘于2002年,或许是郊区的宜居之所。

Besides a pair of bedrooms, the 1,022-square-foot apartment has one bath, five closets and views of a marina from the master bedroom. Waves lap on the rocky shore a few steps away from the ground-floor unit. For a monthly common charge of $379, an owner has use of laundry facilities and an on-site fitness center.


Trend-spotters have not planted a flag here just yet. First, wide-scale development needs to happen in the Bronx, to correct decades of disinvestment, according to Mr. Bludeau. Only then will the existing housing stock get the attention it deserves, he said, hazarding a guess that moment is five years hence. “That will be the time frame when it will really blow up,” he said.


Queens may be known for its stand-alone houses, but they’re hardly the only style of housing available. And the others tend to be lighter on the wallet.


In late February, the borough had 239 co-op apartments for sale for $500,000 or less, according to a search of nytimes.com/findahome listings. Single-family houses? Just 93 in that price segment.

根据nytimes.com/findahome listings 上的搜索结果,2月末,这个行政区有239套售价低于50万美元的合作公寓。要问单户住宅有多少?该价位以内的只有93套。

And those co-ops, which started at $53,000, weren’t just found in urbanized Long Island City, but also in more suburban neighborhoods like Whitestone, Forest Hills and Bay Terrace. Jackson Heights, in central Queens, also packed them in, with 26.

而合作公寓起价5.3万美元(约合人民币34万元),不仅可见于城市化的长岛市,而且可见于更偏郊区的社区,比如白石(Whitestone)、森林山(Forest Hill)和海湾露台(Bay Terrace)。皇后区中部的杰克逊高地(Jackson Heights)也有充裕的房源,共26套。

One of the Jackson Heights entries, 34-35 82nd Street, Apt. 21, a two-bedroom, one-bath apartment in a brick Beaux-Arts walk-up, could silence anybody who thinks Queens does not have pizazz.


Listed at $488,000 with Teresa Reid, a saleswoman with Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty, and now under contract, the second-floor apartment has nine-foot ceilings, hardwood floors and a nicely flowing 1,150-square-foot layout, plus numerous eye-catching details.

此房源由丹尼尔·盖尔苏富比国际物业(Daniel Gale Sotheby’s International Realty)的女销售员特雷莎·里德(Teresa Reid)挂牌上市,标价48.8万美元(约会人民币316万元),目前已签约。该公寓位于二楼,设有9英尺(约合2.7米)高的天花板,铺设硬木地板,面积1150平方英尺(约合107平方米),采用巧妙流畅的布局,搭配众多抢眼的细节。

Built-in bookshelves line the living room. Both granite and wood were deployed for kitchen counters. And the bath, redone in 2015, gleams in white tile.


The five-story building, which opened in 1915 and went co-op four years later, lacks the leafy central garden of many larger prewar buildings in the area. But it does have a small courtyard.


The sellers, William Bryant, an architect, and his wife, Joanne Liou, who manages construction projects, moved to Jackson Heights from the Upper West Side in 2006 in search of more space. The unit cost $337,000, near the peak of that market, and it required a major renovation.

卖方是建筑师威廉·布莱恩特(William Bryant),和他的妻子、建筑项目管理者乔安妮·利奥(Joanne Liou)。2006年,他们为了住更大的房子,从上西城(Upper West Side) 搬到了杰克逊高地。此房源当时要价33.7万美元(约合人民币218万元),接近当地市场的峰值,而且需要大规模整修。

Though property values have clearly appreciated, Mr. Bryant, who is moving to Long Island, said it is curious how Jackson Heights, which regularly tops lists of best-value neighborhoods, still seems to be waiting for its moment. “I guess there’s still a perception that Queens is Queens,” he said.


But based on the enthusiastic turnout for a recent open house for the apartment, he believes progress is being made. “The secret is out more than it was then,” he said. “But your money still goes a long way here.”


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