
MLC PSC检查缺陷例举(续)

 王老轨的资料 2016-05-03

标题四A4.1 船上医疗

  • Medical report forms are not kept secret by captain or designated person bycaptain.

  • 该轮医疗报告表格未由船长或船长授权人员进行保密.

  • No inspection record to show the expiry dates, quantity and names of allmedicines on board. Not comply with the requirements of item 12 of DMLC PARTII.

  • 公司程序文件 DRMC-CR05 规定二副负责医护工作,但是二副无船上医护培训合格证

  • 2nd Officer in charge of medical care on board prescribed by the Company ProcedureDRMC-CRO5, but he has not a certificate of medical care on board.

  • 现场巡逻,发现船上的急救担架型式不是符合世界卫生组织(WHO)编著的《国际船舶医学指南》规范性蓝本中建议的适应船舶特点的罗勃逊担架

  • During on board patrol inspection, it was found that the stretcher in thehospital was not the type of “Neil Roberson Stretcher” according to therequirement of theInternational Medic

  • 现场检查发现提供给海员诊断和治疗设施不能迅速使用,不满足 MLC2006 公约 A4.1.1 款的要求

  • Inspected to the scene and found that the necessary medical equipment andfacilities for diagnosis and treatment was not ready to use. Does not satisfy theMLC2006 Convention A4.1.1 clause.

  • 现场检查发现,船上医务室内存储的部分药品已过期,如:Raceani sodamine tablet, Cefixime dispersible tablet, Gentamycin sulfateinjection, Dexamethasone sodium phosphate injection 等,不满足公司 MLC2006 履约手册第4.1.4(1)条的要求

  • Upon onboard inspection, some medicine stored in the hospital were found

  • During MLC2006 inspection for M.V.'MINGHAI', and found that the 'Standardmedical report form “was not provided on board, It was not complied with theerequirements of MLC2006 A.4.1.2

  • 香港海事处要求的船上海员医疗报告表格没有填妥(香港海事处要求参照《国际船舶医疗指南》第 25 章),不满足 MLC 2006 公约A4.1.2 款要求

  • The medical report form of seafarers on board the ship that required byHong Kong Marine department didn't fill in (refer to chapter 25 of the InternationalMedical Guide for

  • 船上没有给供船长或相关人员使用的标准医疗报告表,不满足 MLC2006 公约 A4.1.2 的相关要求

  • There isn’t a standard medical report form for use by the master andrelevant medical personnel on board and ashore which is used to help facilitatetreatment of seafarers, does not satisfy the MLC2006

  • 船上没有为海员建立标准的医疗报告表格,不符合海事劳工公约 2006 标准 A4.1.2 的要求

  • A standard medical report form for seafarers haven’t been provided onboard, it's not comply with the requirements of Standard A4.1.2 of MLC2006.

  • 船上没有为海员建立标准的医疗报告表格,不符合海事劳工公约 2006 标准 A4.1.2 的要求

  • A standard medical report form for seafarers haven’t been provided on board,it's not comply with the requirements of Standard A4.1.2 of MLC2006.

  • 船上没有为海员建立标准的医疗报告表格,不符合海事劳工公约 2006 标准 A4.1.2 的要求

  • A standard medical report form for seafarers haven’t been provided on board,it's not comply with the requirements of Standard A4.1.2 of MLC2006.

  • 船上没有医疗报告表格

  • No medical report forms were on board.

  • 船员医疗报告表格没有填写

  • The medical report form for seafarers were not completed.

  • 船员医疗报告表格没有填写

  • The medical report form for seafarers were not completed.

  • 查船上药品及医疗器械未按照香港主管机关颁布的 PART I 中所指向的 CAP.478X《商船(海员)(医疗物品)规例》中的要求配备

  • The medicine and medical equipment stored onboard do not comply with therequirements of Cap.478X, which is indicated in PART, I issued by Hong Kongcompetent authority.

  • 查船上药品及医疗器械未按照香港主管机关颁布的 PART I 中所指向的 CAP.478X《商船(海员)(医疗物品)规例》中的要求配备

  • The medicine and medical equipment stored onboard do not comply with therequirements of Cap.478X, which is indicated in PART, I issued by Hong Kongcompetent authority.

  • 现场检查发现医药箱、医疗设备配备不足(如、急救无急救设备、无氧气呼吸器),病房缺乏必要的维护,不能处于随时可用状态,不满足 MLC2006 公约 A4.1.3 款的要求

  • Inspected to the scene and found that the necessary medicine, medicalequipment and facilities for diagnosis and treatment were not enough, such asfist aid, oxygen cylinder

  • During inspection, and find that no evidence shows that the person incharge of medical care on board have satisfactorily completed training (medicalfirst aid). It was not complied with the requirements of MLC2006 A.4.1.4(c) 


标题四A4.3 健康与安全事故防止

  • 无证据表明船上对船员进行有关噪音和振动危害性的培训,不符合 MLC2006 4.3.1 条要求

  • 经查船舶安委会工作,船上仅设立了安委会,但没有对组成人员的职责做出规定, 不满足公约 A4.3.1 款的相关要求.

  • Through inspection, it is found that, a safety committee has been foundedon the ship, but there is no rule set regarding the duty of its members, whichdoes not conform to the requirements stipule

  • 2013 4 30 日,船长即安全委员会主任召开了开航前船长重要指令,无证据表明安全主任对上述指令内容进行了相关培训

  • The captain carried out the muster's pre-sailing important orders on Apr. 302013. No evidence shows the relation training carried out by the chief of theship's safety committee.

  • 船上已成立以船长为领导的安全委员会,但无证据表明履行安委会的职责,不满足 MLC2006 公约 A4.3.2 款的要求

  • The safety committee leaded by captain on board ship has already been established,but no evidence to show that the duties of the safety committee has been implemented,does not satisfy the MLC2006

  • 没有证据显示安委会成员参加了船舶安全委员会会议(没有安全委员会会议记录)

  • No evidence shows that the safety representatives attended the meetings ofthe ship’s safety committee (no minutes of the meeting found).

  • 船上安委会职责未明确规定,不满足 MLC2006 公约 A4.3.2d 款的相关要求

  • The duties of the safety committee on board hasn’t been specified yetdoesnot satisfy the MLC2006 Convention A4.3.2d clause.

  • 船上尚未建立安全委员会并规定其职责,不满足 MLC2006 公约 A4.3.2d 款的要求

  • The ship’s safety committee has not been established on board and the dutiesof the safety committee have also not been specified, does not satisfy theMLC2006 Convention A4.3.2d clause.

  • 记录显示船舶在 2013.3.19/20 以及 2013.4.25 进行修理时对动火操作未采取相应的安全措施(Accroding3.4

  • 大厨对进入冰库的安全要求不熟悉,无警示牌

  • A4.3.7 The Cooker was not familiar with the safety requirements to go into the icehouse, also no warning brand in field. 


标题四A4.2 船东的责任  

  • 船上现有的管理协议未包含 MLC2006 劳工公约的授权

  • The Management Agreement on board didn't include the authorization ofMLC2006. 


标题四A4.5 社会保障  

  • 无证据表明船东为吴过郁沈和提供了社会保险

  • There is no evidence to social security protection was provided to Mr. WUGUO and YU SHENHE by the owner.


标题五A5.1.5 船上投诉程序  

  • 没有向所有海员提供一份船上投诉程序的副本,不满足 2006MLC 公约 A5.1.5“船上投诉程序的相关要求

  • Seafarer is not provided with a copy of the complaint procedures of theship. It was found that they do not comprehend the procedure during interviewin private with some seafarers.

  • 海员未持有投诉程序,且经与海员面谈得知部分海员对投诉程序不了解.

  • Seafarers are not provided with copies of the complaint procedures of theship.

  • 船员未持有投诉程序副本.

  • Seafarers were not provided with a copy of the complaint procedures in theworking language of the ship.

  • 船员不熟悉投诉程序

  • The crewmembers were not familiar with the on-board complaint procedures.

  • During inspection, the on-board complaint procedures on the ship in EngineRoom was been reviewed and found that It was not include contact informationfor the competent authority in the flag state and, where different, in theseafarers, country of residence.

  • During inspection, and find that the crew holding the on board complaint procedureapplicable on the ship without the contact information for the complementauthority in the flag state. It was not complied with the requirements ofMLC2006 A

  • Talking with ship's crew, it's found that some of the crew was notfamiliar with the 'On-board complaint handling procedure' and thecopy of On-board complaint handling procedures was not available by the crew.

  • During inspection, the complaint procedures holding by chief engineer isbeen reviewed and find that no person on board the ship who canon aconfidential basis, provide seafarers with impartial advice on their complaintand otherwise assist them in fowling

  • 船上投诉程序无主管机关联络信息,不满足 MLC2006 公约 A5.1.5.4 款的相关要求

  • The relevant contact information of the flag’s authority has not beenincluded in the complaint procedures on board, does not satisfy the MLC2006Convention A5.1.5.4 clause.

  • 经询问部分船员关于船上投诉的规定,均不熟悉且他们手上也没有保存船上投诉程序文件的副本,不符合规则 A5.1.5.4 的有关规定. By asking some seafarer about the onboardcomplaint procedures, it is found that no seafarer was familiar with theonboard complaint procedures, and none of them was provided with a copy of

  • A copy of the on-board complaint procedures not provided to all seafarers servingonboard this vessel, it does not meet the requirement of regulations StandardA.5.1.5 of MLC 2006. 

所有缺陷的纠正与预防措施必须在签发/签署 MLC 证书或符合证明前由船东或船方代表船东制定,并得到检查员认可;对于严重缺陷,必须根据船旗国和/或总部指令在开航前予以纠正或降级;船东或船方代表船东制订的纠正及预防措施时一般应考虑:

  • 分析缺陷产生的根本原因;

  • 视缺陷的性质决定是否应在开航前纠正,或允许开航后一定时间内纠正;

  • 对允许开航后纠正的一般缺陷,船东制订的纠正措施计划完成期限不得超过三个月;

  • 应针对缺陷制订预防措施;

  • 明确缺陷纠正的责任人;

  • 满足船旗国的特殊要求(如有时)



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