
高一高二贪玩成绩烂,高三如何赶超? (附高考英语重点单词短语)

 随便摘摘吧 2016-05-04

逆袭 考生自述








































  时不时还听听周杰伦“瓜牛”,i believe i can fly这类励志小歌曲。











blank n. empty space in a document, etc for writing answers, a signature, etc 空白(处), 空格 adj. without writing or printing 空白的,without expression, understanding or interest; empty 茫然的

词组 fill in the blank 填空

look blank 脸上毫无表情

a blank check 一张空白支票

例句 My memory is blank. 记忆空白

blind adj. unable to see 失明的

vt. make (sb) temporarily or permanently blind 使失明

词组 be blind in the right eye 右眼瞎了

blind oneself 把自己弄瞎了

turn a blind eye to 视而不见

turn a deaf ear to 充耳不闻

展开 blindness n. 失明

block n. group of buildings bounded by streets on four sides


large solid piece of wood, stone, metal, etc with flat surface 大块(木料,冰等);

thing that makes movement or progress difficult or impossible; obstruction 障碍物;

vt. make movement or flow difficult or impossible on or in sth; obstruct sth


词组 a block of ice/ stone 冰块,石块

a stumbling stock 绊脚石

an office block 办公大楼

block the progress of study 阻碍学习进步

walk three blocks 走三个街区

block off 封锁,封闭

block up 堵塞,挡住

bloom n./ vi. produce flowers 花,开花

词组 pass out of bloom 过了花期

come into bloom 盛开(花)

in full bloom 盛开(花)

blow (blew, blown)

v. (of the wind or a current of air ) be moving 吹,吹动;(of an instrument, etc) sound in this way 吹响,吹奏;break (sth) with explosives (使)爆炸;send out (a current of air, etc) from the mouth 吹气,充气、

n. sudden shock 一击,打击

词组 blow a horn 吹号角

blow bubbles 吹泡泡

blow up 爆炸;冲气,给打气;大怒

come to blows 开始互殴

blue adj. blue color 兰色的 feeling sad or depressed 沮丧的;

n. 兰色

词组 look blue 面带忧郁

a blue movie/ film 色情电影

pale blue 淡兰色

board n. long thin flat piece of cut wood used for building walls, floors, boats, etc 板,木板;船舷;group of people controlling a company or some other organization; committee; council 董事会

v. get on or into ( a ship, a train, an aircraft, a bus etc)(上船,,飞机等)

词组 a notice board 布告牌

on board 在船上

boarding school 寄宿学校

boast vi./vt./n talk( about one’s own achievements, abilities, etc) with too much pride and satisfaction自吹自擂,吹嘘

词组 boast of/ about = brag about 自夸,夸耀

辨析 boast brag

boast 夸口,吹嘘(意味较brag弱)

brag 是“大言不惭地自夸”,带有使人讨厌的含义

boil vi./vt. (of a liquid ) bubble up and change to vapour by being heated 煮,煮沸;沸腾词组 boiling water 沸水

boiled water 开水(指烧过的水)

boil over 沸溢;激动,发怒

book n. number of printed or written sheets of paper bound together in a cover书;本子

vt. reserve( a place, accommodation, etc) ; buy ( a ticket, etc) in advance 预定(票,座位,房间等)

词组 booking office 售票处

book in 预定;为办理登记手续

bore vt. make (sb) feel tired and uninterested by being dull or tedious 令人厌烦

词组 be bored with = 厌倦了

be tired of =.

be fed up with

展开 boring adj. 令人厌烦的,乏味的,无聊的

borrow v. receive or obtain (sth) temporarily (from sb/ sth) with the promise or intention of returning it

辨析 borrow lend

borrow意为“借入,借进”,用于借钱借物等。不接双宾语。用做:borrow sth. from sb.

lend 意为“借,”表示把某物借给他人。它可接双宾语,也可与介词to 连用

用做:lend sb. sth = lend sth to sb.


bother vt. cause trouble or annoyance to sb 打扰,麻烦;使不安,使紧张

vi. 尽力,烦心;担心,烦恼

n. trouble; inconvenience 烦恼,焦急;令人烦恼的人(或事物)

例句 I’m sorry to have bothered you. 抱歉打扰你了。

He has no time to bother with trifles. 他没时间为小事操心。

She never bothered about clothes. 穿衣上她从不费心。

We found the address without any bother. 我们不费劲就找到了这一地址。

His lazy son is really a bother to him. 他那个懒儿子真令他伤脑筋。

bottom n. lowest part or point of sth 底部

词组 at the bottom of 底部

from the bottom of one’s heart 衷心地

from top to bottom 彻头彻尾

stand on one’s bottom 自立

bottoms up! 干杯!

brain n. organ of the body that controls thought, memory and feeling, consisting of a mass of soft grey matter inside the head 脑;(复数)智力

词组 have a clever brain 头脑好使

beat one’s brains 绞尽脑汁

coin one’s brains 动脑筋挣钱

brain trust 智囊团

break vt. (of a whole object )separate into two or more parts as a result of force or strain 打破;使破裂;损坏

vi. 破裂

n. a rest during the working day or at school 休息时间,暂停

词组 break the egg 打鸡蛋

break the law 触犯法律

break the record 打破记录

break our journey 终止旅行

break away from 挣脱,逃离;与(团体,组织,某种思想等)脱离,摆脱

break down (因机械,电力等故障)失灵;(计划,谈判等)失败;(健康,精神)垮掉;break in 闯入;插嘴(in 为副词);break into 强行闯入,破门而入;突然开(大笑,唱歌,欢呼等);break off 停止(中断)(讲话);使突然结束;中断(解除)(关系,约定等);break out 突然发生,爆发(无被动,为不及物词组);break through 突破,有重要创建;冲破,(强行)穿过;break up 打碎,拆散;分成部分;使终止(结束)

breath n. single act of taking air into the lungs 呼吸

词组 catch one’s breath=

hold one’s breath 屏息

out of breath 喘不过气来

take one’s breath away 使惊羡不已

展开 breathe v. 呼吸

brief adj. lasting only a short time 简短的,短暂的

词组 a brief introduction 简要的介绍

in brief 简言之,简单地说

展开 briefly adv. 简单地

bright adj. giving out or reflecting much light; shining 明亮的;clever; intelligent 聪明的

词组 bright future 前途光明

bright sunshine 灿烂的阳光

a bright boy 聪明的男孩

bring vt. come carrying sth or accompanied by sb. 带来

词组 bring about =result in =give rise to 导致,引起

=lead to = cause

bring down 打倒,使倒下;使降低

bring forward 提出,提议;提前

bring out 推出(新产品等);出版;使显出,使明显

bring through 使脱离险境,使渡过难关

bright up 抚养;教育,培养

辨析 bring carry take fetch




fetch表示“取来,带走”,指到别处去把某物取来,或把某人接来。它表示往返,指双程,相当于 go and bring

Don’t forget to bring your homework with you tomorrow.

Why do you carry an umbrella on such a fine day?

He rushed home to fetch his laptop.

I don’t know what I should take to the sea when I leave.

broad adj. large in size from one side to the other; wide 宽的;广泛的

词组 a broad-minded man 心胸宽广的人

as broad as it is long 横竖都一样(表两者无分别)

bump vi. knock or strike sth with a dull-sounding blow; collide with sth 碰,撞

词组 bump against / into 碰撞

bump into 偶然遇见,碰见

bunch n. number of things (usu of the same kind) growing, fastened or grouped together


词组 a bunch of flowers 一束花

a bunch of keys 一串钥匙

a bunch of grapes 一串葡萄

burden n. thing or person that is carried; heavy load 重负

v. put a burden on sb/ oneself; load sb/ oneself 是负重

词组 be burdened with worries 忧心忡忡

be burdened with 肩负

burn vi./vt destroy, damage, injure or mark (sb/sth) by fire, heat or acid 燃烧,发热燃烧

词组 burn down 烧毁;火势渐弱

burn out (指火)因燃料用尽而熄灭;烧光,烧毁(常用于被动态)

burn up 烧光,烧毁;烧起来,旺起来;使发怒

be burnt to ashes 烧为灰烬

burst vt./vi. break violently open or apart 使爆裂;explode 爆炸,爆裂;挤满,充满;突然打开;突然发生,突然发作

n. sudden outbreak of sth 爆炸,爆裂;爆发,突发

词组 burst into 闯入,冲进

burst into tears 哭了起来

burst into laughter 大笑起来

burst into flames 烧了起来

burst out crying 大哭起来

burst out laughing 突然大笑

burst open 突然打开

a burst of gunfire 一阵枪声

例句 If you fill too many in your bag, it will burst.如果你塞太多东西,书包会破的。

bush n. low thickly-growing plant with several woody stems coming up from the root


结构 beat about the bush 转弯抹角,旁敲侧击

A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. 一鸟在手,胜于二鸟在林。

business n. buying and selling(esp. as a profession); commerce; trade 商业,生意

词组 business hours 营业时间

get down to business 认真着手办事

mind your own business 管好你自己的事,少管闲事

on business 因公,公事

It’s none of your business. 不管你的事,少管闲事

mean business 是认真的

have no business 无权,没有理由

go out of business 歇业

Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. 三个和尚没水喝。

Business is business. 公事公办

busy adj. having much to do; occupied 忙的,繁忙的

词组 be busy with sth. 忙于

be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事

by prep. through the means of 用,通过

词组 by and by 不久,不一会儿

by and large 总的来说,一般来说

by the way 顺便提一句

call vt. shout, cry大声说出;喊,叫;order or ask sb to come by telephoning打电话给;叫做; make a short visit 拜访

n. (一次)电话

词组 call at 拜访某地

call for 要求;把召来;需要,要求

call in 收回,回收;请来(某人)

call off 取消

call on 拜访某人;号召,要求;恳请(某人)做某事)

call out 大声地说

call up 打电话;召集,征召(入役);使人想起

calm adj. (of the sea) without large waves; still(指海洋)无浪的,平静的; not excited, nervous or agitated; quiet 镇静的

辨析 calm quiet silent still

calm 表示“平静的,镇定的”,可以表示人内心的平静状态也可指外界的平静状态

He remained calm in face of danger.

After the storm, the sea was rather calm.


He was a quiet man who didn’t let small things upset himself.

She enjoys a quiet life in the small village.


He promised to keep silent on the matter.

All was silent again after the accident.


Please stand still while I take your photo.

campus n. grounds and buildings of a university or college (大学的)校园,学校校园

词组 campus life 大学生活

live on campus 住在校内

candidate n. person who applies for a job is nominated for election 候选人;求职者

词组 candidate for president 总统候选人

candidate for manager 经理应聘者

capture vt. take (sb/sth) as a prisoner俘虏,捕获;take or win (sth) by force or skill 夺得,占领

n. 虏获,捕获

辨析 arrest capture catch seize

arrest 逮捕,拘留

The police arrested the thief.


We captured him alive.


The boy caught a bird.

seize (突然地)抓住

They seized him by he collar.

care vi. be worried; concerned 关心;considering how much 介意;

look after sb照顾,护理

n. 照管;关心;关怀;小心

词组 care about 关心;(因关心)而担忧;介意,在乎

care for 照顾,照料;(常用于否定句和疑问句)喜欢

take care 当心,注意

take care of 照料,照顾;处理

carry vt. support the weight of (sb/sth) and take (him/it) from place to place 运载;传送;携带;担负

词组 carry away 使失去自制力,使着迷,使忘情

carry on (it) 继续,坚持;从事,经营

carry ( it )out 执行,贯彻;实现

carry through (不顾困难等)完成;使度过困难(危险)

(newspaper) carry news (报刊)刊登新闻

case n. instance or example of the occurrence of sth 事例;案例;情况

词组 in any case 无论如何,不管怎样

in case 假使,以防万一

in case of 假如,如果发生

in no case 无论如何也不,决不

in most cases 在大多数情况下

civil case 民事案件

a case in point 恰当的例子

例句 Take the umbrella, just in case. 带上伞,以防下雨。

Put down my address in case you forget. 写下我的地址万一你忘记。

In case of fire, ring the alarm bell. 如遇火警,请按警铃。

In no case will I go with you. 我决不会跟你走。

He may be late, in which case we’d better wait.


cast v. throw (sth) esp. deliberately or with force 扔;投;抛

词组 cast away 丢掉

cast sb. into prison(=throwinto prison) 投进监狱

cast a shadow on 投下阴影

catch vt. capture sb/sth after a chase 赶上;抓住; understand 理解;感染;(cause sth to) become fixed, stuck (使)钩住

词组 catch a bus/ train 赶上车

catch sb. smoking/ cheating 无意中抓住某人吸烟(作弊)

catch the last word 理解最后一句

catch a cold 感冒

be caught in the rain 被雨淋

be caught on a stone 被石头绊住

catch fire 着火

catch sb. by the arm 抓住某人的胳膊

catch up with 赶上

be caught in the door 被门夹住

cause n. that which produces an effect; thing, event, person, etc that makes sth happen 原因,起因;vt. aim, principle or movement that is strongly defended or suported n. 事业;使产生,引起

词组 revolutionary cause 革命事业

the cause of the fire 火灾的起因

cause trouble 引起麻烦

cause and effect 因果关系

辨析 cause reason



Give me your reasons for refusing to go there.告诉你拒绝去的理由。

Heat is the cause of the expansion of matter. 热是物体膨胀的原因。

cease v. / n. stop 停止

辨析 pause cease stop


cease正式用语,指某种状态逐渐或突然终止,含不复存在之意。其后可接to dodoing形式,但其意义相同。


The old man paused to look around himself.老人停下来环顾了一下四周。

He ceased breathing.. 他停止了呼吸。

He stopped to see the traffic light. 他停下来看看红绿灯。

ceremony n. formal act or series of formal acts performed on a religious or public occasion 典礼;礼节,礼仪

结构 the opening ceremony 开幕式

the graduation ceremony 毕业典礼

Don’t stand on ceremony. 不必拘礼

certain adj. specific but not named or stated 某;sure beyond doubt 确实的,肯定的

词组 be certain to do sth. = be sure to do sth. 肯定

be certain of = be sure of/ about 确信,有把握

a certain = some 某个(后接单数名词)

It’s certain that … 肯定会

for certain = for sure 确信地,确定地

with certainty 确信地

展开 certainly adv. 当然

certainty n. 当然

certificate n. official written or printed statement that may be used as proof or evidence of certain facts 证书;执照

辨析 certificate diploma license



license 指执照,许可证。

a birth certificate 出生证

a marriage certificate 结婚证

a health certificate 健康证

a college diploma 大学文凭

a high school diploma 中学文凭

a diploma in computer 电脑文凭

a driving license 驾驶执照

chain n. (length of) connected metal links or rings, used for hauling or supporting weights or for fastening or restraining things 链条series of connected things 一连串,一系列;group of shops or hotels owned by the same company联号,连锁店

词组 a chain of happenings 一连串事件

a fast-food chain 快餐连锁店

challenge n. invitation or call( to sb) to take part in a game, contest, fight etc to prove who is better, stronger, more able, etc )挑战,艰巨的任务

vt. invite sb. To do sth. ; question the truth; 向……挑战;对质疑

vi. 提出挑战

词组 meet the challenge 迎接挑战

challenge the justice 质疑公正性

chance n. way in which things happen without any cause that can be seen or understood; luck; fortune 机会;可能性

词组 by chance 偶然,碰巧

by any chance 万一,也许

take a chance 冒险,投机

Chances are that… 很有可能

one has a chance or opportunity to do sth. / of doing sth某人有机会(有可能)做某事

There is a chance/ some possibility that… 很有可能

辨析 chance possibility chance指偶然的,意料之外的机会,侧重无法推测的因素。它的后面可接不定式,介词短语及从句。


chance 也可做“可能性”解,而opportunity不可。

I never miss a chance of playing basketball.

I had several opportunities to go abroad; but I gave up all.

There is a chance that the sick child will get recovered.

character n. mental or moral qualities that make a person, group, nation, etc different from others 品格;性格;person in a novel, play 角色

辨析 character characteristic nature personality feature

character 表示“性格,品质”,指人格,品质,操守等,指道德方面的品质,如坚强,软弱等。它是不可数名词。

characteristic 表示“特色,特征”,指区别其他人或事物的独特的特征,可用于人,也可指物及抽象东西。它是可数名词。

nature 表示“本性,天性”,强调人或物的本质,有不可改变之意。它可做可数或不可数名词。personality 表示“个性,为人”,是指某个特定人物的特性,侧重指社交方面及人与人的关系。它既是可数又是不可数名词。

feature 表示“相貌,特征”,还可做动词用,“为之特色”。

He is a man of strong character. 性格坚强的人

character training 性格培养

Windy days are characteristic of March. 多风天气是三月的特点。

Cheerfulness is one of his characteristics. 快活是他的特性之一。

What they had done revealed their real nature. 他们做的揭示他们的真实本性。

The decoration of a room reflects the owner’s personality.房间的装饰能反映主人的个性。

a man with handsome features 一个相貌英俊的人

a film that features a new French actress.一部以一位法国新人女演员为特色的电影

展开 characteristic n. 特色,特征; adj. 特有的

charge n. price asked for goods or service 费用;act of putting amount of electricity put into a battery 充电;claim that a person has done wrong, esp. a formal claim that he has

committed a crime控告

vt. as an amount as a price索价;put a charge into sth.充电;accuse sb. of sth.控告

词组 in charge of 负责,主管

in / under sb.’s charge = in /under the charge of sb.处于(某人)的管理(照看)之下

take charge of 开始管理,接管

free of charge 免费

charge sb. some money for sth. 向某人为某事收费多少

charge sb. with = accuse sb. of 指控某人犯有(的罪行或过失)


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