

 uczc68 2016-05-08

What are the best leadership lessons to learn from Game of Thrones?


Mira Zaslove

'The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.' - Eddard Stark.

宣判死刑的人,应该亲自挥刀。——奈德 · 史塔克

Don't shy away from making tough calls. And just as importantly, do the unpleasant work to follow through. As Ned (Eddard Stark) reminds us, 'He who hides behind executioners soon forgets what death is.' Leaders who spend time in the trenches, doing the tough work, will take making tough decisions more seriously.

不要逃避两难的抉择,同样重要的是勇于承担沉重的后果。就像奈德说的那样:“那些躲在刽子手后面的人很快会忘记死亡意味着什么。” 而那些站在第一线、体验严酷工作的领导者会对每一项艰难的决定都非常慎重。

'A Lannister always pays his debts.' - Tyrion Lannister

 兰尼斯特家族一诺千金。——提利昂 · 兰尼斯特

In the workplace, the quickest way to lose respect, and power, is to promise things you can't deliver. The surest way to get people to do things for you today, is for them to trust, that you will do what you say you will, in the future. Leaders follow through on their word. When they say they are going to do something, they do it.


'Any man who must say, I am the king, is no true king.' – Tywin Lannister

任何把 '我是国王' 挂在嘴边的人,都不是真正的国王。——泰温 · 兰尼斯特

True power comes from where people believe it comes from. Not from where you say it comes from. The best leaders are followed based on the collective will, not because they say, “I am the boss.” Power and influence, often come from unexpected places.

真正的国王,是人民选的,而不是自己封的。人们跟随一位好的领导者,是出于自愿,而不是因为他说自己是 “老大”。权利和影响力,经常来自意想不到的地方。

'Chaos isn’t a pit. Chaos is a ladder.' - Little finger


Chaotic times reveal a leader’s strength. When times are good, it’s easy to be the leader. Only when chaos reigns, do many leaders rise. Effective leaders aren’t thwarted by challenges. They use challenges to foist them higher. As Little finger, highlights: 'Many who try to climb fail and never get to try again. The fall breaks them.” Leaders are not broken. They continue to climb.

混乱的情况下才见一个人的领导力。和平无事的时候,谁都能做好领导。当出现混乱的局面,真正的领导者才会脱颖而出。一个雷厉风行的领导者不会被困难拖住,他们反而会利用这些机会,爬得更高。就像小指头说的:“很多人失败一次就会永远爬不起来。” 而真正的领导者不会被打败,还在继续爬。

'Winter is coming.' – House Stark


Leaders remain vigilant. The world is uncertain. The best leaders always innovate, stay strong, and plan for the future. Being prepared for the unexpected is essential. Embrace winter, especially when everyone else is distracted and basking in the sun.



翻译: 解敬坤、校对:丁仔

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