

 cedt 2016-05-10

3000 年巴渝,人文鼎盛。重庆开埠,领内陆开放之先。在两江交汇的土地上,文脉承续,于斯为甚。文脉巴渝在生长、在延续,正以伟大的改革精神,抒写人文两江、内陆开放的新篇章!

Chongqing, also called Bayu , has a rich history and culture of over 3,000 years. It was one of the ea rliest ports open to the outside world. In Liangjiang New Area this culture is inherited, growing and f lourishing. A new chapter of Liang jiang culture and inland opening-up is being written in the great spirit of reform.

巴渝文化· 润泽两江

Bayu Culture Nourishes Liangjiang 


Longxing Ancient Town


Located at the sout heastern Yubei District, Longxing Ancient Town has long lost its prosperity as the dry wharf in history. Nowaday sit becomes a quiet and simple place among the busy city. The perfect combination of modern and ancient streets, old residency, ancestral halls, temples and villages makes the town one of Chongqing's famous historical and cultural spots. It is also one of top 100 towns in Chongqing in terms of economic development.


Yuelai Ancient Town


Yuelai Ancient Town, located in Yubei District and by Jialing River, is only 1 kilometer away from Yuelai International Expo Center. Thanks to the construction of Yuelai Convent ion & Exhibition New Town, Yuelai Ancient Town is becoming a new attraction. During the Chinese People’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Yu Guangzhong, a famous poet from Taiwan, once lived and studied in the town for seven years. This is why Yuelai became the place Yu cherished for his whole life, which is vividly shown in his poem titled Nostalgia: In my childhood, nostalgia is represented by a smal l stamp. I was on one side of it, Mom on the other…'


The Historical Site of Jiangbei City

老重庆人记忆中的千年古城,今天已是高楼林立、现代气息浓郁的江北嘴中央商务区。唯有一段20 0多米条石筑成的古城墙,一个斑驳沧桑的卷顶双拱城门和一座青砖灰瓦的民国测候亭,静静述说着城市的发展变迁。

The one-thousand-year-old Jiangbei City is now Jiangbeizui CBD, a hustle and bustle place w ith sk yscrapers and modern architectures. The only reminder of its history is a 200-meter ancient city wall with a mottled double-arch gate and an astronomical and meteorological obser vation pavilion built with graytiles during the Republic of China(1912-1949), which witnesses the development of the ancient city


Ming Yuzhen Tomb of Daxia Kingdom (AD407-431)


As the only tomb of the leader from Chinese peasants uprising troops, the tomb of Ming Yuzhen, emperor of Daxia Kingdom during the early Ming Dynasty ( AD1368 -1644), was found about 600 years later in Chongqing Weaving Factory located in Jiangbei City on the north bank of Jialing River.


Bayu Folk Culture Village


Located at Lianglu Town, Yubei District, Bayu Folk Culture Village includes a Bayu Folklore Museum, four residential cou rtyards with different styles and structures, an ancient Goddess of Mercy Temple, a memorial archway of filial piety of the Qing Dynasty (1636 -1921), as well as ot her sighteeing spots and facilities, such as a rope bridge, a square, a lake, peasants’ houses, a tea garden in a zigzag veranda and a street of folk custom, which vividly displays the folk life of Bayu people.


Chongqing Sichuan Opera Arts Center


Chongqing Sichuan Opera Arts Center is a new landmark with traditional arch itecture with symbols of Sichuan and Chongqing culture. It restores cultural features of ancient theatres and combi nes modern functions for performance and watching. Here, people can watch per formance, drink tea and experience the culture of Sichuan Opera


Hong’en Temple


Hong’en Temple has a long history back to the Yongle period (A D1403-1424) of Ming Dynast y. Legend says that it was built by the followers of Emperor Zhu Yunwen and its original name was Hongning Temple. In Hong’en Temple Park, there is a Hong’en Pavilion, which is the highest viewing point in the city proper of Chongqing


Jiangbeizui Christian Gospel Hall

1894年由美国传教士修建,是目前重庆最宏伟的哥特式风格教堂。抗战时期,曾进行抗日宣传活动,图书阅览室扩充为“战时救亡图书室”。邓颖超、史良等在此做过演讲。2 0 05年,江北嘴进入大规模建设阶段,福音堂和部分老建筑被列为首批保留迁建目录,于20 0 6年开始搬迁重建。

Built by an American missionary in 1894 , Jiangbeizui Christi an Gospel Hallis the most grandiose Gothic church in Chon gqing. During the War of Resistance against the Japanese A ggression , it was in this gospel many anti-Japanese activities were held, and its reading room was expanded into a Warti me National Salvation Library. Madame Deng Yingchao and Madame ShiLiang, councilors of the Nationalist Government, made speeches here. In 2005 during Jiangbeizui’s large-scale construction, the gospelhall and part of the ancient arch itecture were listed as the first-batch of cultural relics for protective relocation which started in the following year


The Glorious Culture of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression


Liangjiang International Film City


Located at Longxing Culture & Tourism City, Liangjiang New Area, this film city recalls the scenes of the old Chongqing w ith its unique culture elements, typical architecture and famousscenic spots. Its major subjects are the culture of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression and Chongqing-Sichuan local features. It is an ideal place for film shooting, watching and sightseeing.


New Urban Tourism & Culture of Liangjiang


Chongqing Grand Theatre


Like a huge ship sailing into the Yangtze River, Chongqing G rand Theatre’s emerald glass curtain wall reflects the featu res of the city of mountains and rivers. Located at Jiangbeiz ui, the theatre of fers a magic night view. It is a new symbol and landmark arch itecture of Chongqing


Chongqing Science and Technology Museum


Chongqing Science and Technology Museum is located at the junction of Yangtze and Jialing rivers in Jiangbeizui CBD. Its facade features the elements of mountains and rivers of the city by using multi-color stones and reflection glass curtainwall. T he theme of the museum is “life, society and innovation” and it shows the history and future of scientific development in Chongqing, China and the world. It is a public classroom, especially for the youth, to study scientific knowledge.


Chongqing International Expo Center


Located at Yuelai Convention and Exhibition City in the core of Liangjiang New Area , Chongqing International Expo Center occupies a tota l construction area of 600,000 square meters. With north and south wings, its roof is in the shape of a butter fly. It is the second largest convention and exhibition center in China and the largestin west China. It is a modern and smart venue with multiple functions such as ex ibition, convention, catering, accommodation, art performance and sports activities


Chongqing Garden Expo Park


Located at Longjing Lake Park in Northern New Area, Chongqing Garden Expo Park occupies an area of 51,000 square meters. As a super large urban ecological park, it combines naturl and cultural sceneries from over 30 cities in 21 countries and regions and 80 cities in China.


Chongqing Hot Pot

重庆火锅,又称为毛肚火锅或麻辣火锅,以其独特的风味和吃法,正宗川味的辣香味浓,烫菜的鲜香嫩脆、味美可口而闻名遐迩,香飘四方。重庆被誉为“火锅之都 ”,火锅店达2 .63万家


Chongqing Hot Pot , also called OxStomach Hot Pot or Spicy Hot Pot , is well-known not only for its special flavor and cooking style, but also for its spicy fragrance and fresh taste. Chongqing is named as the Hot Pot City, thanks to the over 26,300 hot pot restaurants and nearly 500,000 employees in the business


Guanyinqiao Business Area

江北区观音桥是传统的商贸繁华区域。观音桥商圈自2005年3月开街以来, 曾荣获“中国著名商业街”、“中国重点示范都市商圈”等, 是一个集时尚商贸、商务总部、文化创意、现代物流、咨询服务、会展旅游等功能于一体的城市综合服务区。2015年,获评全国首个“中国商旅文产业发展示范商圈”。

Guanyinqiao Business Area is a traditional market with flourishing business and trade. Since its opening in March 2005 , t he area has won many awards, such as China Well-known Business Street and China Important Demonstration Business Area. The business  rea is comprehensive service zone for fashion trade, business headquarters, cultural innovation , modern logistics, consultation service, convention , exhibition and tourism.In 2015, it also won the title of China Demonstration Business Area for Commerce, Tourism, Cultural Development, the first of this kind in China.

总编:张黎 | 副总编:杜术林

主编:张科 | 编辑:马荣



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