

 86tui 2016-05-21


1▼和一般观念相反,人大脑的使用量其实超过10%。另外大部分时间人的脑袋都在运作,甚至在你睡觉的时候 。Contrary to popular belif you don't on;ly use 10% of your brain ,Most of brain is active all the time , even when you sleep. 

 2▼古时候人认为胃和心脏比脑还重要,古埃及人甚至在做木乃伊前把部分脑袋从鼻子那边给拉出来。Ancient people thought the stomach and heart be more importtant than brain, Egyptians even pulled parts of the brain out through the nose before mummnifying bodies.

3▼ 专家估计21世纪人们的大脑一辈子可以保留1,000,000,000,000,000笔资料。Experts estimate that over the course of a lifetime human brain of the 21st century will retain up to 1 quadrillion pieces of information.

 4   ▼孕妇的脑袋瓜会缩水,然后得花6个月时间复原。A womens brain shrinks during pregnancy and taks up to 6 monts to regain  its size.

5▼人类的在2岁时拥有最多脑细胞。 Human have more braub cells at the age of two than at any otherpoint in their lives.

 6▼脑袋每秒钟有超过100,000种化学反应。There more than 100,000 chemical reactions happening in  your brain every secend.

7▼科学家Wilder Penfield制造出一个矮人模型,说明哪些器官在运作时占用最多脑容量。Wilder penfield   (1891-1976)created a drawing that became known as a homunculus,which shows what we would look like if our body parts where as big  as the  brain space they take up.

8▼脑部手术并不是什么新玩意,古代就有人尝试过环锯术,或在大脑上钻一个洞来减轻疼痛和治疗疾病。Brain Sugery is not something new, in the past  some cultures practic trepanationed ,or act of drilling holes in the brain a alleviate pain and cure sickness.

9▼目前世界上最高IQ纪录保持人是一名是美国神童-威廉.詹姆斯,席德思(William James Sidis),智商高达230-260。The highest IQ every recorded is William James Sidis  of American at 230-260.

10 ▼人就算是只有一边脑袋也能活.  You could survive with only 1 side of your brain.

11▼大脑有时候也会和你玩错觉游戏,方块A和方块B其实是同一个颜色。It can also play tricks on you, Square A and B are actually the same color.

12▼大脑只占身体的2%,却用掉身体里超过四分之一的氧气和能量。     Your brain accounts for about 2% of your mass,but uses up to  a quarter of your oxygen and energy.

13▼大脑在人们睡觉时其实运作更活跃。Your brain actually more active while you are sleeping.


14▼婴儿一出生大脑就和成人一样大,所以头才看起来这么大。Your brain was just about ad big at it is now when you where born,That's one that bobies have disproportionaltely large heads.reasion.

15▼资讯环绕在大脑中时,速度可达260英里(116公里)。Information can fly around your brain at 260   mph.

16▼每个人每天大概有70,000个想法.  You haveroughly 70,000 thoughts every day.                                          


17▼大脑组成其实和豆腐有点像. It has the same  comnsistency as tofu.

 18▼人的大脑其实一直在成长直到快50岁. Your continue to develop    until your late 40s.

19▼人的大脑有超过10万公里的血管。You have over 100,000Km of bllod vessles in your brain. that;s enougt to wraos around the world 4 times.

 20▼一位病理学家在他的自传中写着,他偷走了爱因斯坦的脑袋,并私藏20年。Speaking of Einstein,the phologist who did his autopsy stole his brain kept it in 20 years.

21▼虽然一直有个传说脑袋越大越聪明,但其实「现代物理学之父.爱因斯坦头脑很小。Despite the common myth that large brains equal more smarts. people like Einsteinactually had a smiller brain.

22▼只要给点时间,人脑可以产生25瓦特电力,足够点亮电灯泡。   At any given time your brain can generat up to 25 watts of power,that's enough to power a lightbuld.

23▼这也是为什么医生可以在病人清醒时进行脑部手术。This  is why doctors are able perform open brain surgery on patients that are still awake.

 24▼为了方便说明,23和24两张图调换。人脑没有疼痛感受器官,它不会感到痛。It has no pain receptors so it dosn't feel thing.

25▼人的大脑其实是身体最「肥胖」的器官,它有60%是脂肪.Your brain is fattest organ in      your body at around 60%.


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