

 淡色01 2016-05-26

One simple happiness, a worldly will grow old. Keep a young heart, do a simple people, enjoy sunshine and warmth. Life should be so.   人一简单就快乐,一世故就变老。保持一颗年轻的心,做个简单的人,享受阳光和温暖。生活就应当如此。

 The truth is you don’t know what is going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed.   事实是你不知道明天会发生什么。生命是场疯狂的旅程,没什么是有保障的。

 The sweetest thing a boyfriend can say to his girl: “The next girl I will ever love on this Earth will be our DAUGHTER.”   男孩对女孩说的最甜蜜的话就是:“在这个地球上,我下一个永远爱着的女孩将会是我们的女儿。”

Life is too short, to wake up in the morning with regrets. So, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who do not.生命太短,没留时间给我们每日带着遗憾醒来。所以去爱那些对你好的人,忘掉那些不知珍惜你的人。。。。。

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet.忍耐是痛苦的,但它的果实是甜蜜的。。。。。

Sometimes we want things to be different,we think maybe if we pretend that they are,fool people,that’s enough,but it never is. 有时候我们希望事情有所改变,觉得如果我们假装那是我们想要的,欺骗别人 ,那样就行了,但事实上不是。。。。。

Once I pass by your heart, not I don't want to stay, but you refuse to accept.我曾路过你的心,不是我不想停留,而是你不肯收留。。。。。

I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. 据我所知,人们会忘记你所说的,人们会忘记你所做的,但人们永远不会忘记你带给他们的感觉

very morning, open my eyes and all I see you and sunshine all in, this is what I want in the future.每天早上睁开眼睛,看到你和阳光都在,这就是我想要的未来

Care will Luanxiang, don't care just won't think.在乎才会乱想,不在乎连想都不会想

来源微信公众号:【英语语录】 ID:【yingyuyulu】

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