

 halphia 2016-05-30



Ace: very good
He's an ace reporter.

All-nighter: after studying all night
I almost fell asleep during the test after an all-nighter.. 

Bad: intense
Wow, that was really a bad movie. 

Barf: vomitted
He barfed all over the seat of the airplane. 

Can: bathroom
Do you know where the can is? 

Cheesy: cheap
That is really a cheesy looking outfit. 

Dead: quiet
This disco is really dead tonight. 

Ditch: leave
I'll ditch my younger brother with my grandmother.

Earful: a lot of gossip
My grandmother gave me an earful about the neighborhood. 

Eat: bothering
The problem is really eating away at me.

Face-off :confrontation
The two sides were headed for a nasty face-off. 

Far-out: great
This music is really far-out.

Get it: understand
I listened to the joke twice, but I still don't get it.

Get with it: hurry up
If you don't get with it, we will never finish this work.

Hairy: dangerous
That was a hairy plane trip. I am glad the storm is over.

Hang it up: quit
I have decided to hang up my teaching job.

Hang loose: relax
Just hang loose for another few days.

In the bag: settled
Everything is in the bag. There is nothing to worry about.

Intense: serious
This is a very intense situation we are discussing.

Jam: trouble
I am glad you got yourself out of that jam.

Jock: an athlete
My roommate is a jock for the basketball team.

Klutz: stupid and clumsy person
He is a real klutz.

Knock: criticize
Don't knock it if you can't do it any better.

Lame: an inadequate
That is really a lame excuse.

Line: story
I have heard that line a million times.

Loser: annoying and useless
John is a loser.

Make waves: cause trouble
Try not to make waves around the office.

Maxed out: exhausted
I am maxed out at my work and need to rest.

Nick: arrested
The police nicked the shoplifter as he was leaving the store.

Nip: a quick drink
He took a nip out of the bottle.

Pain in the neck: annoying
My wife's best friend is a pain in the neck.

Party animal: love parties
You're too old to be a party animal.

Peanuts: practically no money
I am not going to work for peanuts.

Piece of cake: easy to do
Working on a computer for me is a piece of cake.

Pig out: eat a lot or overeat
Let's go to the restaurant and pig out.

Quick buck: some easy money
I need to make a quick buck.

Run off at the mouth: talking too much
He is always running off at the mouth.

Sack: go to bed    
When did you hit the sack last night?

Scam: swindle
Don't lose your money in some kind of scam.

Shot: try
I'll give the puzzle another shot.

Taken: cheated out of
He was taken for all his money at the casino.

Taking care of business: doing what I have to do
I have been taking care of business.

Veg out: relax and do nothing
I want to veg out in front of the television this evening.

Vibes: feelings
He really gives off good vibes.

Wad: bundle of money
You don't want to carry a wad like that with you in the big city.

Wheels: car
If you let me borrow your wheels, I'll go out and buy a pizza.

Whiz: talented person
He is a whiz at the computer.

Yukky: bad
This food tastes yukky

Zapped :exhausted
I am too zapped to help you right now.

Zip: Nothing
He knew zip about running the company.



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