
「会员专享」新闻| 歪果仁看“papi酱”(下) | E0519

 meiling3605 2016-06-01




【主】Papi Jiang is smart enough to work clean


Who is Papi Jiang? She is an online ______ now ______ over 11 million followers on Sina Weibo, a Chinese microblogging website _______ to a ______ of Twitter and Facebook. She made her online ______ in 2015, but has rocketed to fame in recent months, with her series of homemade comedic videos ______ everyday situations.


Papi Jiang's celebrity is self-mocking: the ______ always concludes her ______ with 'I'm Papi Jiang, a woman who combines beauty and talent.' In a speeded-up voice she launched ______ about rich housewives ______ their husbands' wealth, crazy fans and ______ relatives. Her videos can be ______, and occasionally ______.


But recently, China's media watchdog, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, ordered some of her videos that contain 'foul language and ______' content offline, demanding the Internet celebrity to remove them before the videos could go back online. (Global Times)

【扩】Mega sporting events such as the Olympics and World Cup attract thousands of foreign visitors.(VOA standard)


【扩】... and that something that happens was often very mysterious, very ______, I think, sometimes to inspiration. (人性课程节选: 普林斯顿公开课)


【扩】Profane behaviour shows disrespect for a religion or religious things.


【扩】Something that is profane is concerned with everyday life rather than religion and spiritual things.




【BGM】life is so good 

( by John Denver )





(Global Times 对于papi酱才华的肯定)


papi酱是谁?她是当今在新浪微博这个整合了 Twitter 和 Facebook 功能的平台上,拥有超过1100万粉丝的在线明星。papi酱在2015年首次在网上亮相,伴随着她在家制作的调侃日常生活的搞笑视频,最近几个月声名鹊起。











【主】megastar / boasting / akin / hybrid / debut / mocking / vlogger / monologues / diatribes / flaunting / nagging / irreverent / profane / vulgar








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