

 赤松子1 2016-06-07
英语演讲概括类1毕竟after all2整体上;作为一个整体as a whole3就我而言;就我所知as far as I am concerned; as far as I know4完全赞同,怎么都行by all means5简略为,简称/简言之for short /in short6必须,当然,毫无疑问for sure7观点from my point of view8我不知道。I have no idea.9简言之in a word10总计in all11简而言之in brief/briefly12总体上,一般来说in general/generally speaking13在大多数情况下in most cases14以鄙人之愚见in my humble opinion15在某人看来in one's opinion16原则上in principle17对某人做某事来说是必需的It is a must for sb to do18此事至关重要/不要紧It matters a lot……. /It doesn't matter……19真可惜……It’s a pity to do20很高兴……It’s a pleasure to do21据估计It’s estimated that……22对某人来说做某事是一种荣幸It’s honourable/an honour for sb to do sth23很自然 (应该)It’s natural to do/that24显而易见的……It’s obvious that……25难怪It's no wonder that…26某人幸运的是luckily for sb;fortunately27迄今为止、至今so far28不可否认的是、毋庸置疑There is no denying that29毫无疑问There is no doubt that……30没有必要做……There is no need to do31做某事没有意义There is no point in doing32有可能……There’s possibility of/that……33坦率地说to be frank=frankly34说实话,老实说to be honest/honestly35令……高兴的是to one's joy36在某种程度上to some degree/extent37总起来说To sum up,38说实话to tell the truth39在……影响下under the impact of40直到现在、至今until/up to/by/till now41做某事有什么意义?what's the point/英语演讲因果类42(如何)处理、应对、应付(how to)deal with/(what to)do with43根据according to44结果as a consequence; in consequence45作为惯例;按照惯例as a matter of routine/course46以…为基础/根据……be based on47通过……手段by means of48由于due to49由于缺乏资金for lack of funds50为了自己的利益;看在……的份上for one’s own sake;for the sake of…51为了……的目的for the purposes of52为了帮助in aid of53以免,万一,以防,唯恐in case (of);in fear of54为了向……致敬;纪念in honor of;in memory of;in celebration of55作为回报in return (for)56就……方面来说in terms of57在……不足的情况下in the absence of sth58以……的名义in the name of59在……面前in the presence of……60既然(连词)now that=since61由于on account of62有意、有目的的、刻意地on purpose63由于……owing to/due to/thanks to64多亏/因为thanks to/owing to/due to65时间允许的话time permitting66解释;说明to account for67同……作斗争To fight against68弄清楚;算出;搞明白To figure/make/work/find out69使某人大为高兴的是to one’s great joy70使某人感到毛骨悚然的是to one’s horror71使某人宽慰的是to one’s relief72令某人伤心的是to one’s sorrow73在某人许可下with one’s permission74带着目的; 有意地with purpose;on purpose英语演讲排列类75也…………as well76最主要的、最重要的是above all77又一想;再三思考after a second thought78依然,还是、始终all the same79除了apart from80最多/至少at most/at least81在……的初期/开始的时候at the beginning of82在此刻、此地、这一点上at this point83由……开始begin with84以……为开始begin/start with85顺便说一下by the way86在某个方面/在这方面in a way//in this(that) way87此外(还)in addition (to)88除了……之外(还有)in addition to…89具体地,详细地in detail90在许多方面in many ways91本质上in nature92就……方面而言in terms of93首先in the first place94平均地on average95前者……后者……the former……the latter……96首先to start with,97此外what's more98无论……与否/还是……whether…or not/or…英语演讲对比类99事实上as a matter of fact100按照计划as planned101根本at all102把A和B相比compare A with B103和……相比compared with……104与……相反contrary to105虽然、尽管……这一事实despite the fact that……106远远不是;根本不far from107比较起来in comparison108换言之in other words109现实中……理论上;in practice……in theory110现实中in reality111形成对比的是in/by contrast112与……形成对比的是in/by contrast to…113根本不not at all114一方面;另一方面on one hand……on the other hand115相反on the contrary116一个……另一个……one……another……117为了实现……put sth into practice118尽管有……;不顾……regardless of……119区分A和Btell A from B120辨别是非tell right from wrong121使某人失望的是to one’s disappointment/…122反之亦然vice versa123使某人失望的是……What makes sb disappointed is that…英语演讲举例类124以……的方式(状语从句连词)(in) the way125举例来说、例如for example126举例来说、例如for instance127举例说明illustrate sth with examples(pictures…)128以……的形式in the form of129以……为例to take…for example130尤其地、特别是in particular

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