

 mf0521 2016-06-14

梅梅老师 —— 李倩梅老师

学姐(豆豆学姐)—— 郭婧然

小编(井井)—— 马郡遥

小编参加这次“外研社杯”全国大学生英语辩论赛全国总决赛其实出于偶然。原本跟学姐搭档从华南赛区break进全国总决赛的学长由于私人原因去不了,让我捡走了胜利的果实(害羞脸)。一开始知道自己有机会参加全国总决赛的时候,除了激动,更多的是忐忑。在英辩上我修为尚浅,只得过几个小赛事的奖项,而“外研社杯全国大学生英语辩论赛可以算是国内最顶级的辩论赛事了。想到面对一群英辩大神唇枪舌战,我不禁深深担忧自己的逻辑思维能力和口语表达能力不如其他辩手。去北京前的一周,梅梅老师每天晚上都拿出高大上的辩题来给我们训练,但我的训练结果总不能让她满意。临行前倒数第二天晚上,梅梅严厉地对我说,再不动脑就不让你去啦!那天晚上我感受到了前所未有的压力,但一股劲儿似乎也被激发了出来。我翻出了我能找到的各种英辩资料,什么motion analysis啦, 什么WUDC逐字稿啦,什么比赛视频啦,……,看了很久,记了很久。

第一次踏进北外的校门,突然就明白了为什么大家都把北外称作“语言学习的圣殿”。路上的学生用各种语言聊着天,图书馆外墙刻着各国的文字,小碧池旁回荡着富有节奏感的非洲鼓声,以及 …… 满校园的美女擦肩而过 ~ { 还有帅汉子(花痴脸)}


艰苦的循环赛过后,八分之一决赛32强名单即将公布。Breaking morning公布晋级名单的时候,在挤满选手和老师的阶梯教室里,当听到世辩赛小哥念出“Guilin University of Electronic Technology”的时候,准确地说,是刚刚念出“Guilin”一词时,我听到了梅梅老师和豆豆学姐响彻全场的叫声。首次出省参加辩论赛的我起初还不知道这个结果的分量之重:在124支队伍中位列第25,是广西区英辩队伍首次跻身全国前32强,挺进八分之一决赛。但当看到老师和学姐相拥而泣的时候,小编才明白这个排名的来之不易。梅梅老师激动地诉说着“十年,带辩论十年了,终于break了” ;在英辩里勤学苦练最终打下一片天地的豆豆学姐也难掩兴奋的心情。那一刻的我,被他们感动,被他们对英辩的执着感动。同时,也为自己身为桂电英辩的一员而骄傲!

FLTRP CUP,来年再见哦!


任务结束,开始享受吧 ~~~
桂林电子科技大学李倩梅老师(梅梅老师)荣获外研社功勋培训师称号~全国仅二十位老师获此殊荣!(欢呼 \^o^/)
豆豆学姐的前任搭档,现北京交通大学硕士研究生黄越学长前来祝贺喽 ~
颁奖典礼的那天晚上,北京下起了雨,而在北外的校园里,正好遇见了双彩虹,是不是另一种奖励呢 ~
花花花花絮 ~(哈哈哈)


2016年世辩赛全程最佳辩手Michael Dunn Goekjian宣布桂林电子科技大学晋级

(又绅士又可爱的英国小哥 ^_^)


FLTRP CUP,我们来年再见~

第十九届“外研社杯” 辩论赛总决赛辩题
Mock Round
Info Slide:

Affirmative action is a government or private program designed to redress ongoing or historic injustices against specific groups by favoring members of 

these groups with increased access to educational, political and economic 


This house believes that affirmative actions are counter-productive forachieving equality.
Round 1

This house would remove copyright restrictions for academic 


Academic publishing: paper/e-print acedemic books, manuscripts, and 

journals etc.

Round 2
Info Slide:

Institutional investors are entities which pool money to purchase securities 

and other investment assets. They include banks, insurance companies, 

pensions, hedge funds, investment advisors, endowments, and mutual funds.


This house would prohibit individual investors from directly trading 

high-risk financial products (stocks, futures, and options etc.) and 

only allow institutional investors to do so.

Round 3
Info Slide:

The right to be forgotten is the right to silence on past events in life that are no longer occurring. Recognition of the right to be forgotten would also require

'data controllers' (i.e. media, government, internet search companies etc.) to,upon request, remove data of one's specific actions performed in the past, if one could prove that such actions would result in one being perpetually or 

periodically stigmatized.

This house would recognize the right to be forgotten .

Round 4

Assuming that time travelling is possible, this house, as a Jew, would go back in time and kill baby Hitler .

Round 5

This house believes that unsuccessful attempts of crimes should be 

punished the same as successful crimes.

(e.g. attempted murder would receive the same punishment as murder)
Round 6

Info Slide:

Big-game hunting is the hunting of large game, almost always large terrestrial

mammals, for meat, other animals by-products ( such as horn or bone), trophy or sport. The term is historically associated with the hunting of Africa's 'big

five' game (lion, Afican elephant, Cape buffalo, leopard and rhinoceros).

This house would legalize big-game hunting in Africa.

Round 7

This house would abolish marriage and allow individuals to create 

their own customized relationship contracts enforced by the state.

(These contracts could allow more than two parties, set a time limit or 

condition for ending the relationship etc.)

Round 8

You and your spouse are migrant workers who have left your young 

children in your hometown,this house, as the couple, would choose tostay in the cities alone, rather than returning home to raise your 



This house believes that it is legitimate for states to target culturally 

important sites in times of war.

Master Semi-Final

This house believes in the principle of 親親相隱.

2. 控告应相隐的亲属,應被处刑
3. 親屬互相侵害,不適用


This house regrets the decline of global oil prices.

Master Final 
This house believes that



This house would allow women to sign legally binding employment 

contracts in which they promise not to have children.

Grand Final 

This house believes that the state should establish awards to honor 

failures in business start-ups.

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