

 闪闪妞妞 2016-06-22

一提到礼物,你会想到什么?小编脑子里顿时涌现了各种各样自己想要得到的东西,心情顿时也跟着跳跃起来!可是,如果收到了一份疾病通知单,你会怎样呢?今天,小编为大家推荐一份来自丝德茜·克莱默(Stacey Kramer)的演讲:我得过得最好礼物(The Best Gift I Ever Survived),相信大家看过之后定会有所感悟!


Imagine, if you will, a gift. I’d like for you to picture in your mind. It’s not too big --- about the size of a golf ball. So envision what it looks like all wrapped up. But before I show you what’s inside, I will tell you, it’s going to do incredible things for you. It will bring all of your family together. You will feel loved and appreciated like never before and reconnect to friends and acquaintances you haven’t heard from in years. Adoration and admiration will overwhelm you. It will recalibrate what’s most important in your life. It will redefine your sense of spirituality and faith. You will have a new understanding and trust in your body. You’ll have unsurpassed vitality and energy. You’ll expand your vocabulary, meet new people; and you’ll have a healthier lifestyle. And get this, you’ll have an eight-week vacation of doing absolutely nothing. You’ll eat countless gourmet meals. Flowers will arrive by the truckload. People will say to you, “You look great! Have you had any work done?” And you’ll have a life time supply of good drugs. You’ll be challenged, inspired, motivated and humbled. Your life will have new meaning: peace, health, serenity, happiness, nirvana. The price?  Fifty-five thousand dollars. And that’s an incredible deal.

By now, I know you’re dying to know what it is and where you can get one. Does Amazon carry it? Does it have Apple logo on it? Is there a waiting list? Not likely. This gift came to me about five months ago. It looked more like this when it was all wrapped up--- not quite so pretty. And this. And then this. It was a rare jam, a brain tumor—hemangioblastoma, the gift that keeps on giving.

And while I’m okay now. I wouldn’t wish this gift for you. I’m not sure you’d want it. But I wouldn’t change my experience. It profoundly altered my life in ways I didn’t expect, in all the ways I just shared with you.

So the next time you are faced with something that’s unexpected, unwanted and uncertain, consider that it just may be a gift.






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