

 quasiceo 2016-07-14

a free lua editor/debuger (vs2012/2013/2015 extension)

Advance features:


code highlight and auto completion;
syntax error check;
lightweight project management;
preview file outline and jump;
list token references quickly;
object-oriented model support;
Formatting code;


deeply integrate into visual studio. run debugger/set breakpoint/watch variable/call stack and so on, just like use native debugger.


Visual Studio 2012 Standard Edition or higher.

preview images:












V3.2.2.0 - 2015.09.29
New feature:
Lua exe path & Working path support relative path;

Stability improvement:
Optimize the speed of synchronize files & folders;
V3.2.1.0 - 2015.09.22
New feature:
Goto symbol shortcut key: "Ctrl+P" or "Alt+O";

Stability improvement:
fix a bug: synchronize files & folders;
V3.2.0.0 - 2015.09.16
New feature:
support VS2015;
add Logcat;
add synchronize files & folders function;
watch variable support Hexadecimal Display;
recover shortcut key "Ctrl+P";
V3.0.1.0 - 2015.04.03
New feature:
support create "Lua Project" to manage lua files, replace "Folder Explorer";
improve auto completion, support multiple auto completion list, optimize auto completion for cocos2d;
V2.1.4.0 - 2015.01.16
New feature:

Stability improvement:
fix a bug that analyze auto completion list;
fix a bug can't hit breakpoint when using lua coroutine;
V2.1.3.0 - 2014.12.29
New feature:
code segment;
parenthesis matching;
can set: Output more debugging information in "output window";

Stability improvement:
Optimize the speed of watch variable;
V2.1.2.0 - 2014.12.15
New feature:

Stability improvement:
recover shortcut key "Ctrl+P";
Improve "self" complement;
V2.1.1.0 - 2014.12.09
New feature:
delete 'All word' completion;

Performance improvement:
reducing memory footprint;
V2.0.6.0 - 2014.11.13
New feature:

Stability improvement:
use double click to goto the location of item in "Outline Explorer" window;
delete files/directory moved to the recycle bin in "Folder Explorer";
V2.0.5.0 - 2014.11.12
New feature:

Stability improvement:
support VS2013 (the version is higher than update 2) auto completion;
some other bug fix;
V2.0.4.0 - 2014.11.07
New feature:
Recover Shotcut keys : Ctrl+2,Ctrl+3,Ctrl+4;

Stability improvement:
Optimize the speed of analysis Lua file;
V2.0.3.0 - 2014.11.06
New feature:
Add BabeLua toolbar;
Delete Shortcut keys : Ctrl+2,Ctrl+3,Ctrl+4;
Highlight Lua5.1 library;
V2.0.2.0 - 2014.11.03
New feature:
Provide loading and unloading "Current setting";
Folder Explorer provides the refresh function;

Stability improvement:
Improve the speed of editing;
Improve the speed of loading and parsing Lua files;
some other bug fix;
V2.0.1.0 - 2014.10.27
New feature:
Auto completion support multi-level;
Auto completion support Intelligent matching and All word matching;
Add navigation to window ( ctrl+3 or Ctrl+P ),including search files, quickly search function and variable;

Stability improvement:
some other bug fix;
V1.6.8.0 - 2014.9.5
New feature:
watch string variable values during debugging, support multiple languages: English, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese;

Stability improvement:
optimize the speed of debugging;
V1.6.7.0 - 2014.8.21
New feature:
add a file search window ( ctrl+1 or Alt+L ), like The file search in VC Assistant;

Stability improvement:
performance improvement when BabeLua load/unload;
performance improvement when debugger load lua files;
V1.6.5.1 - 2014.8.7
New feature:
Formatting code;

Stability improvement:
fix a bug that pop up error "System.Net.WebResponse EndGetResponse";
V1.6.4.0 - 2014.7.21
New feature:
"print" content display to the "output" window;

Stability improvement:
fix a bug that the breakpoint will not currently be hit, because the lua file path is special ( just like c:\proj\.\script\config.lua );
V1.6.3.0 - 2014.7.15
Important changes:
use "package.path" as lua search path when debugging;
V1.6.2.0 - 2014.7.3
Important changes:
"outline explorer" display functions & variables list in current open file;

Other changes:
adjust the settings interface layout,adapt to low resolution display;
output information does not set focus;

Stability improvement:
fix a bug that functions & variables list is not correct when use split window;
some other bug fix;
V1.6.1.0 - 2014.6.26
New feature:
display lua file name in auto completion;

Stability improvement:
changed 'tostirng' to 'tostring' in lua5.1.lua;
fix a bug that may cause an exception when you search the word;
fix a bug that may cause VS crash on cocos2d-x3.0;
V1.6.0.0 - 2014.6.18
New feature:
add a simple code autocompletion feature;
add more search features in "search result 1/2";

Stability improvement:
fix memory leaks;
V1.5.7.0 - 2014.6.6
Stability improvement:
use "lua scripts folder" as lua search path when debugging;
V1.5.6.0 - 2014.5.30
New feature:
support debug quick-cocos2d-x project now;
support text search in scripts folder now, you can use this function in Search Result Window;
V1.5.5 - 2014.5.23
New feature:
support lua5.1 keywords auto completion;
debug message would write to output window now;
editor outline combobox’s members now will sorting by the first letter;

Stability improvement:
fix a bug that when search in a file which not exists in current setting folder , result of switch relative path function would not correct;
Some other bug fix;
V1.5.4 - 2014.5.14
Performance improvement:
decrease the sensitive of syntax analysis when document content changes,

New feature:
Auto Completion database extend is supported now. Look up our documents for more details;
watch local variables when switch between debug stacks is supported now;
relative or absolute path view is supported at Search Result Window, you can switch them freely;

Stability improvement:
fix a bug that when file contains mac’s line end(‘\r’) ,its line number would calculate wrong;
fix a bug that comment would not highlight sometimes;
Some other bug fix;
V1.5.3 - 2014.5.6
Stability improvement:
support relative path when debugging lua files;
improve variable view function in debugger;
fix a bug that when a file is loaded at runtime , its breakpoints would not take effect;
some other bug fix;

New feature:
improve tool windows color scheme to look better with different vs themes;
comment/uncomment code block easily;
some other improve;
V1.5.2 - 2014.4.24
Stability improvement:
fix a bug that may cause vs unresponsive when disable a breakpoint;
fix a bug that can not watch table members like table[‘number’] structure when debugging;
fix a bug that the item may disappear at Folder Explorer when modify file out of vs;
fix a bug that may cause an exception when use ‘find reference’ function within a file which contain syntax errors;
other bugs fix;

New feature:
watch variable directly with cursor move over it when debugging;
show line number can be use now;
other improvements;
V1.5.1 - 2014.4.15
Stability improvement:
fix a bug that may cause vs crash when user choose an invalid folder as lua script folder;
fix a bug that may cause a problem when switch files quickly at Folder Explorer Window;
fix a bug that may cause vs unresponsive when debugging and step over a breakpoint ;
change the editor default lua table and function view colors form (0,0,0) to (200,100,0).you can change them at ‘Setting.xml’later;
V1.5.0 - 2014.4.11
New feature:
integrate debug tools into babelua , now you can debug lua code in vs just like c++ or c#;
V1.0.7 - 2014.4.10
Stability improvement:
fix a bug that may cause an exception when edit words in editor;
V1.0.6 - 2014.4.8
Performance improvement:
optimize auto completion mechanism ;
add a setting item so that you can change lua executable file working path;
update some tool windows so that they can show better at vs 2013;

Stability improvement:
fix a bug when typein some words in editor the cursor may not been controled up/down by keyboard;
fix a bug that may throw an exception when a file is opened by other application;
fix a bug when typein chinese character behind comment may cause an exception;
V1.0.5 - 2014.3.21
Stability improvement:
fix a bug that may cause vs crash when click an item at search result view;
fix a bug that may cause vs crash when trigger quick search at editor window;
fix a calculate error in editor outline;
V1.0.4 - 2014.3.17
New feature:
support user define object definition and constructor keyword;
V1.0.3 - 2014.3.14
New feature:
support user define table and function color ;
add user keywords groups to at most 15;
V1.0.2 - 2014.3.13
Performance improvement:
V1.0.1 - 2014.3.11
Stability improvement:
fix a bug that may cause vs crash when mark a line at editor window;
fix a bug when delete a file outside vs ,folder window may not update sync;

Getting Started :

1,Open Settings Window from menu - LUA - Settings;
2,Change Tab to [Lua Folder];
3,Choose your working path and other info from [New folder setting],then click [save];
4,Choose the setting you added at step 3, click Select;
5,Now you can see the files from [Folder Explorer] window.
6,A temp_ project would be created for debug when first lua file be opened, you should set this project as StartUp Project.


Lua5.1 for windows ; Cocos2d-x ; Babe2D(Boyaa);
Lua5.2, LuaJIT, Love2d, Moai, Gideros, Marmalade Quick, Corona, GSL-shell;

Not implement:

attach to running process;
remote debugging, such as connect to a mobile device




Author : RugbbyLi , LilongLg, CarefreeLi
CodePlex: https://babelua.

Special thanks :

Python Project;

Last edited Sep 29, 2015 at 6:17 PM by babestudio, version 64

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