
中方就污损中国护照向越方提交涉: 无耻懦夫行为China lodged representation...

 wzawxt 2016-07-27
 China lodged representation with Vietnam over its border staff’s offensive scribble on Chinese passport
7月23日, 中国公民钟某在入境越南胡志明市时发现护照被污损。我馆高度重视,立即了解情况,收集证据。27日上午,我馆就此向胡志明市外办提出交涉,指出污损中国护照有损中国公民国格、人格,是无耻的懦夫行为,中方表示愤慨、蔑视和谴责。中方要求越方调查事件,严肃处理相关责任人,确保此类事件不再发生。越方表示将对此进行调查。
On July 23, a woman surnamed Zhong from southern China's Guangzhou province visitedVietnam. At the border, the Vietnamese border staff asked Zhong to hand over herpassport and proceeded to write offensive language in it.

Zhong's passport was handed to Vietnamese border staff when she was entering the border at Tan Son Nhat International Airport.

'The border staff kept my passport for around three minutes and after I got it back, I saw 'F*ck you' was scribbled on two pages where nine-dash line is printed', said Zhong, who also expressed her disappointment at Vietnamese civil servants' appalling conducts.

All new Chinese passports issued from 2012 feature Chinese map printed with nine-dash line on page 8, 24 and 46. The offensive scribblings were written on page 8 and 24 of Zhong's passport.

The Chinese Consulate-General in Ho Chi Minh City condemned this behavior as‘shameless and cowardly.' China has requested that a formal investigation be carried out,and that the guilty party be seriously dealt with to discourage others from repeating thebehavior. The Vietnamese side said that an investigation will be launched at a later date.
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