

 achun843 2016-08-25

Every human being is, in one way or another, unique.


你准备好了吗?let’s go!1. me first

Your attitude to life is simple, direct and aboveboard (率直的;正大光明的)—— every decision you make is based on the answer to one question: what can I get from it or what’s in it for me?


—— An egoist


2. the height of conceit (自负;狂妄)

You have only one string (线;一行;一串) to your conversation, namely, yourself. Of course, there are some variations: what you have done, how do you think, how good you are, etc. For example, let me tell you —— I’m an expert at everything!


—— An egotist


3. let me help you

You have discovered the secret of true happiness —— connect yourself with the welfare of others. Never mind your own interests, how’s the next fellow getting along?


—— An altruist


4. leave me alone

You may be unsocial. You may be shy and quiet. Your greatest desire is to be liked and accepted. You may be asking yourself lots of questions such as “ how do they think of me?”, “maybe I shouldn’t say that word”, etc. You prefer being alone to a crowd.


—— An introvert


5. let’s do it together

You are always the life of a group or a party. You never worry about the effects of your actions —— because you are seldom affected by others. You are always energetic, full of high spirits and happy. You also love to be with people.


—— An extrovert


6. neither extreme

You can be both introverted and extroverted, at different times, on different occasions or with different people. Your interests, your thoughts, and your personalities are turned both inward and outward. Actually, you are quite normal, like most people.


—— An ambivert



egoist: ['i?ɡ???st] 利己主义者

egotist: ['eg?t?st] 自我主义者

altruist: ['?ltr?,?st] 利他主义者

extrovert: 性格外向的人

introvert: 性格内向的人

ambibert: 双重性格的人


How to understand and remember these words?


这些词的来源一秒就能让你 get 住精髓!


Ego ['i?g??; 'e-],来源拉丁语,即 “I”。(“我”、“自我”)

“I” is the greatest concern in egoist’s mind.(利己主义者)

As for egotist, you can keep these two words differentiated by thinking of the “t” in the “talk”, that means you are always talking about yourself.(自我主义者)

Also, there are other derivations based on ”ego”:

If you are egocentric(以自我为中心的), you consider yourself the center of the universe.

If you are an egomaniac(极端自我主义者), you bring your ego to such an extreme that your desires, needs and interests have become a maniac.(疯子)

Alter,源于拉丁语,即 “other” 的意思。

If you are an altruist, you pursue the benefit of others.(利他主义者)

If you alternate, you skip one and take the other.(轮流;交替)

If you have an alternative, you have other choice.(替代品;可供选择的)

If there are someone with whom you are close, you two have the same thought, behavior alike, you can say he or she is your alter ego, other I or other self.(另一个自己)


Vert, 源于拉丁语 “vetro”, 即 “turn”。

Extrovert, introvert and ambivert are built on the Latin word “vetro”.

If your thoughts are turned outward, you are an extrovert.(性格外向的人)

If your thoughts are turned inward, you are an introvert.(性格内向的人)

If you are both of them, your thoughts are in both directions, outward and inward, that is “ambivert”(双重性格的人). The prefix “ambi” means “both”, such as ambidextrous. If you are ambidextrous, you are able to use the left hand and the right hand equally well.(左右手都灵巧的; dextrous灵巧的)


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