

 一笑忘念 2016-08-27






In the l8th century many foreign visitors came to the Great Pyramid. They were scholars, scientists, historians, explorers, etc. One of the most famous visitors to the Great Pyramid was Napoleon Bonaparte. He went to Egypt in 1798. Besides his army, he took with him engineers, surveyors(测量员) , artists and archeologists(考古学家). They surveyed, explored, and made drawings of the Great Pyramid. Their work was published in many books from 1809 to 1822 by order of Napoleon.

There is an interesting note to this story about Napoleon on his visit to the Great Pyramid. He asked to be left alone in the King's Chamber(国王墓室). When he came out, it was reported that he looked scared. When one of his assistants asked him if he had seen anything strange, he said that he didn't want to talk about it, and that he never wanted it to be mentioned again. Years later, when he was dying in bed, a close friend asked him what really happened in the King's Chamber. He was about to tell him but stopped .Then he shook his head and said, 'No , what's the use? You'd never believe me.' As far as we know, he never told anyone and took the secret to his tomb. It is interesting to note that there is an unproved story that Napoleon had once mentioned that he was given some idea of his destiny(宿命) during his stay in the King's Chamber.


Which of the following did Napoleon NOT take to Egypt?

Which of the following is true according to the passage?

We can infer from the passage that _____.

What does the underlined word 'unproved' in the second paragraph mean?

Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?







落实到这篇文章则是,第一段:In the l8th century many foreign visitors came to the Great Pyramid. Their work was published in many books from 1809 to 1822 by order of Napoleon.看到这些其实文章的脉络已经基本清楚了,18世纪很多人去了Great Pyramid,他们出版了一些书。结合我们的第一步,预览题目,我们知道是Napoleon带了一票人去埃及,然后他们把在埃及的工作集结出书了嘛。 

注意,有的同学会说这些句子有单词我不认识,比如Great Pyramid,publish。同学,你听我说,阅读理解考的其中一项技能就是:通过已有词汇量和语法知识推测出生词的意思。更何况你看过题目了嘛,没有考这两个词什么意思啊,Great Pyramid你就当成未知数X,publish就当成一个动词看嘛,原句还提到了books,总能猜个八九不离十吧。

然后看第二段的首句:There is an interesting note to this story about Napoleon on his visit to the Great Pyramid. 第二段讲的事情就很明显了嘛:讲了Napoleon去Great Pyramid(未知数X)的时候发生了一件有趣的事儿。 


1.Which of the following did Napoleon NOT take to Egypt?

A. Soldiers.

B. Actors.

C. Engineers.

D. Artists.

第1题的定位肯定是在第一段,Napoleon没带谁去埃及?我们要定位到第一段最早出现Napoleon的地方——第一段第三句开始,One of the most famous visitors to the Great Pyramid was Napoleon Bonaparte. (没有答案快速略过)He went to Egypt in1798. Besides his army, he took with himengineers, surveyors(测量员) , artists and archeologists(考古学家).一下子就有答案了嘛,他带了军队、工程师、测量员、艺术家、考古学家,没有带演员。所以第一题选B。



5 .Which of the following can be the best title of this passage?

A. The Great Pyramid in Egypt

B. Napoleon's discovery about the Pyramid

C. Napoleon and the Great Pyramid

D. What we don't know about the Pyramid

通过第二步概括文章大意,我们能得知这篇文章主要就是讲Napoleon和 Great Pyramid(未知数x)的事情,题目应该有这两个的内容,排除A、D项,那B、C项我们再看,B说Napoleon的发现(有关未知数X的),可是你知道第一段说他带了一票人去,第二段说他在Great Pyramid时一件有趣的事儿,没讲发现嘛。那这题就是C了。当然,保险起见,这种主旨题,我们做完全部题目再来确认一下比较稳妥。


4. What does the underlined word'unproved' in the second paragraph mean?

A. Widely believed.

B. Famous.

C. Not accepted by anybody.

D. Not for sure.


As far as we know, he never told anyone and took the secret to his tomb. It is interesting to note that there is an unproved story that Napoleon had once mentioned that he was given some idea of his destiny(宿命) during his stay in the King's Chamber.



同学,到现在为止做这三道题,需要粗扫一遍的卷子有三句,仔细阅读的句子只有四句,后面的两道题虽然是细节题,但你会发现在这七句话中也有相应的答案。我们go on。




2 . Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. Napoleon was the only person who visited the Pyramid in the 18th century.

B. Napoleon and his people only studied the outside of the Pyramid carefully.

C. Only Napoleon went into the Great Pyramid.

D. No one knows for sure what Napoleon saw in the King's Chamber. 


A项,文章第一句我读了啊,很多人去的。更何况从第二步概括文章大意中,我们知道他带了一票人去,肯定不对。B、C、D项,通过前两步和第一题我们知道并没有提到相关内容,那么要看第二段,第二段我们从第二句话顺着看,He asked to be left alone in the King's Chamber,说明Napoleon进到了Pyramid,并且还要求留他一个人在里面的。所以没人知道他在the King's Chamber里面看到了什么。所以选D。


3 . We can infer from the passage that_____.

A. Napoleon went to Egypt only for scientific reasons.

B. Napoleon asked to be left alone in the King's Chamber because he had found something strange.

C. Napoleon and his men made some discoveries in the Great Pyramid.

D. Napoleon did see what would happen to him in the future.


B项,Napoleon asked to be left alone in the King's Chamber原文的原话,而且做上一道题用到过,返回原文看后面有没有说为什么要求自己在the King's Chamber,顺着这句话往后看两三句就知道并没有。

C项,看着眼熟,是第一段概括全文大意时候看到的句子,返回找原文,由第一段最后两句 “They surveyed, explored, and made drawings of the Great Pyramid. Their work was published in many books from 1809 to 1822 by order of Napoleon.”可知,Napoleon 及随从在金字塔中做研究、拍照,在1809到1822年间他们的成果在很多书上发表,由此推断 Napoleon 在金字塔中做出了很多发现。答案就出来了。


A项,提到的为什么去埃及,定位用的句子都没有介绍,第二段中间部分我们并没有精读,但是可以判断出的是,Napoleon在the King’s Chamber中以及后来发生的事儿,并没有说去埃及的原因,所以原文未提到。

D项,Napoleon did see what would happen to him in the future.记得做第四题我们定位用的一句话As far as we know, he never told any one and took the secret to his tomb. 据我们所知,他(Napoleon)没有和别人说过他的秘密。所以他是不是看到了他的未来我们并不知道。






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