

 ALICEd6y0w6x01 2016-09-03


It’s easy to forget that we have access to a virtually limitless resource of information, i.e. the Internet. For a lot of us, this is even true at our fingertips, thanks to the ubiquity of smartphones and an ever-increasing push for online greatness by tech engineers all over the world.


As a result, there are countless websites out there that are geared to make you smarter and more brilliant for either a low or no cost. Here are just 13 such sites that may just make you more clever than ever before.


1. TED 演讲

For years, people have been benefitting from TED talks that provide free insights from the world’s smartest people. TED provides the value and learning growth of a seminar, but without the exorbitant costs and travel expenses, by providing visitors with tons of free video lectures. The app is also great for catching up on the latest talks, and you can even download some on iTunes.

多年来,人们一直在受益于TED演讲,这里提供世界上最聪明的人的免费观点。通过提供大量免费视频讲座, TED为我们提供了一个讨论会等同的价值和学习成长,却没有高昂的费用和差旅费。这个应用程序也非常适合在最新的谈判赶上,你甚至可以下载一些在iTunes上。

2. MIT Open Courseware 麻省理工公开课

As much as I would love an education at MIT, that isn’t really in the cards. Thankfully, the educators at the Massachusetts Institue of Technology decided to give out information for tons of courses online through Open Courseware. Hundreds of millions of people have benefitted from the information that they can learn from these courses, starting a trend for other sites to offer free courses as well.


3. Quora 酷娃

Have you ever wanted to ask someone famous a question, but you suffer from never having the chance? Thanks to Quora, you can read the opinions and answers of fascinating (and varied) questions from the leading experts in pretty much everything. You can answer questions too and get feedback from numerous others who share your love for a given topic.


4. Justin Guitar 贾斯丁吉他

Guitar is one of the few instruments out there that’s actually pretty easy to learn if you’re a little older, making it one of the most accessible instruments. Still, learning how to play still takes some direction, at least for most people, so a guy named Justin decided he was going to help out. His website provides hundreds of free guitar lessons that range in different styles, depending on how you want to play. His schedule for learning is pretty easy to follow, and the site is a great stepping stone for people wanting to pick the instrument up.

如果你是一个稍年长一点,吉他是为数不多实际上非常容易上手的乐器之一,这个吉他网站让它成为你最好使用的乐器之一。尽管如此,学习如何弹奏仍然需要指点,至少对于大多数人来说是这样。所以一个叫贾斯汀的家伙决定要帮帮吉他初学者的忙。他的网站提供了数百个免费的吉他课,涵盖各种不同的风格,学什么这就要看你想要怎么谈奏了。他的学习进度是很容易执行,对于想学一门乐器的人来说,Justin Guitar是一个很好的跳板。

5. Lumosity 绿魔游戏

Using games to learn is something I’ve treasured since Kindergarten, making Lumosity a trusted resource for me and countless others. Using a daily schedule of games, Lumosity is literally designed to make you more clever. As you progress, the software figures out what your strengths and weaknesses (such as memory or math skills) and assigns you games accordingly. The best part is that the games are actually addicting and fun to look forward to!


6. Duolingo 多邻国

This isn’t the first time I’ve recommended this language-teaching website (and app), and it certainly won’t be the last. Duolingo is a free version of Rosetta-Stone that delivers the same results: teaching you another language. Regular use of the site can have you speaking and writing Spanish, English, German, French, Portuguese and Italian in a matter of months depending on the diligence you put into it. Hopefully, even more languages will become available soon.

这不是我第一次推荐使用这种语言教学网站(和应用程序),也肯定不会是最后一次。 Duolingo是一个免费的版本罗塞塔石的,提供相同的结果:教你另一种语言。经常使用这个网站可以让你说和写西班牙语,英语,德语,法语,葡萄牙语和意大利语,具体取决于你把它的勤奋几个月的事。希望更多的语言将很快变得可用。

7. Khan Academy 可汗学院

Have you ever wanted to pick up a subject you’re not well-versed in, but you didn’t have the money to invest in a college course? Khan Academy aims to provide education at the collegiate level for anyone who wants it. They provide resources for learning pretty much every subject out there, including math, science, history and more. As you learn, the platform will even assess your progress and help you gauge what you’ve learned.


8. Mindtools 思维利器

There are countless blogs that you can enjoy for being interesting and mildly useful, but how many of them actually help you with your career? Mindtools is a blog that teaches you what they call “practical career skills” that you can apply at your job. This is a great daily read for entry-level workers who want to make a great impression, and the variety of topics and advice provided make it a fantastic bookmark for anyone wanting to excel.

网上有无数让你觉得有趣的稍微有用的网站,但其中有多少实际帮助你和你的职业生涯? Mindtools是一个教可以在你的工作中运用的“实用职业技能”的博客。这是一个为那些想要留下美好印象的初级员工很不错的每日必读博客。里面各种不同的话题和建议让它成为那些想变得卓越的人最爱。

9. Project Gutenberg 古腾堡计划

Imagine a library with tons of free books that you can keep for the rest of your life. Actually, you don’t have to imagine that because Project Gutenberg gives you the ability to download thousands of free e-books, and it’s completely legal.


10. Codeacademy 编程学院

If you haven’t noticed by now, the Internet has pretty much taken over everything, which means the skill of coding and developing websites is in higher demand than ever, and that’s not likely to change. With Codeacademy, you can use free tutorials that teach you the basics of coding with interactive and handy tools for helping you become an expert.


11. Anki 安奇

It’s no secret that the key to memorizing information is mastering recall. With flashcards, you can recall things faster, making Anki an ideal resource for using flashcards online. Unlike other sites that use flashcards, Anki allows you embed more than just text. You can use video, audio and images to help you start studying faster and smarter.


12. Cooking for Engineers 烹饪工程师

Founded by Michael Chu, Cooking for Engineers goes further than just providing recipes. The site is a blog that is geared toward making your food taste good. Additionally, his analytical take on ingredients and cooking recipes is interesting and will likely change the way you approach cuisine.


13. Nerd Fitness 书呆子健身

When we think of exercising and gym techniques, we typically think of bodybuilders and jocks from high school. Nerd Fitness aims to provide resources for getting in shape from a nerd’s point of view. All of the guides, blogs and fitness tips on this site have a geek flavor that is intended to make anyone who feels uncomfortable at the gym feel right at home here.




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