

 佛之说 2016-09-12
日本的土地资源稀缺,人们几乎没有空间去种植鲜花、水果和蔬菜。基于这样的考虑,东日本铁路公司开始将火车站上的屋顶改建成为社区花园,供人们种植农作物,截至目前已经至少有包括东京在内的五个城市予以实施。 虽然铁路公司实施这一项目的根本目的是向使用者收取租金,但还是有许多家庭都利用这个机会来种植作物,在这里享受公园般的乐趣。

东日本铁路公司的第一次尝试是四年前在东京开始的,改建而成的屋顶农场被称为Machinaka 蔬菜园。现在全国已经有13个车站屋顶改建的农场已经或者即将租出去了, 东日本铁路公司还计划将其所属的所有车站都进行改建,尽可能多的打造屋顶农场以满足大众的需求。


译者: 饭团小组

Space comes at a premium in Japan, and hardly anyone has room to grow flowers, fruits, and vegetables - which is why rooftops on train stations are being converted into community gardens. These Soradofarms were started by the East Japan Railway Company, and so far there are at least five with more in the works in Tokyo and other Japanese cities. Although it's pricey to rent a plot, many families are taking advantage of the opportunity to grow their own produce and even use the community garden as a park for picnics and recreation.

The first Soradofarm, also known as a Machinaka Vegetable Garden, was built on top of the Ebisu station in Tokyo over four years ago. Now there are thirteen stations around the country with operating gardens or gardens in the works that are soon to be rented out. The East Japan Railway Company has plans to build community gardens on top of or near each one of its stations in Japan soon. The railway is also working in conjunction with entertainment company, Ekipara to create these rooftop gardens.

Related: Boston’s Higher Ground Farm is the 2nd Biggest Rooftop Farm in the World,Each plot is three meters in size and cost about $980 (JPY 100,440) a year, which includes the use of tools and equipment. Renters need not know how to garden at all and newbies can seek advice from other gardeners. They can also pay extra to have someone weed their plot, check for bugs or even harvest their produce if they are too busy.

Plots are in high demand and when not gardening, families often visit the farms to enjoy the open space, have a picnic and let their kids run around. “We’re promoting the greening of the city,” says Makoto Kawada to FastCoExist. A spokesperson for East Japan Railway Company, which runs train lines throughout Japan, Kawada adds, “We started this vegetable garden business out of a desire to contribute to the environmental maintenance and the revitalization of the area along the train line.”

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