
Computational BIM Workshops | PROVING GROUND

 何美儀 2016-09-13

Computation can help you take BIM ‘out-of-the-box’ for an enhanced workflow…

New scripting tools and computational interfaces allow us to build more sophisticated workflows with Building Information Modeling. We can automate the creation of BIM elements, manage parameters, and develop amazing geometry in ways that are impossible using out-of-the-box features. Our workshops expose participants to real-world approaches to using computation as part of the BIM process with programs including Revit, Dynamo, and Grasshopper.

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You will learn how to…

Automate BIM elements and models…

Control Revit elements such as families and adaptive components using Dynamo
Control Revit elements such as families and adaptive components using Dynamo

Manage geometry and data with computation…

Basic data and geometry manipulation with Dynamo.
Basic data and geometry manipulation with tools like Dynamo.

Develop and analyze conceptual parametric systems…

Using Grasshopper to define parametric building systems for iteration
Using Grasshopper to define parametric building systems for iteration

Build advanced parametric models with BIM…

Parametric Tower Model in Revit
Create sophisticated parametric building models in Revit

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