
Arrow and Pine Doily Pattern #7402 | Knitting Patterns-白色杯垫-棒针英文教程

 我的diy书屋 2016-09-22

Arrow and Pine Doily Pattern #7402

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This free pattern originally published in: 
Spool Cotton #163, Doilies
Arrow and Pine Doily Pattern #7402

Small Ball:
Clark's O.N.T. or J. & P. Coats—2 balls of White or Ecru.
A set of 4 double-pointed steel needles No. 12 (2? mm. size).

   Starting at the center, cast on 11 sts on one needle. Divide the sts on 3 needles and join, being careful not to twist sts. 1st and 2nd rnds: Knit around. 3rd rnd: Increase 1 st in each st around. To increase 1 st, knit in the front, and then in the back of the same stitch. (22 sts) 4th and 5th rnds: Knit around. 6th rnd: * Thread over twice (each of these 2 O's is used to make 1 st), k 2 tog. Repeat from * around. 7th rnd: K 1, * p 1, k 2. Repeat from * around, ending with p 1, k 1. Now slip the 1st st from each needle onto the end of the previous needle (33 sts).
   8th rnd: * Thread over twice, slip 1 st, k 2 tog., p.s.s.o. Repeat from * around. 9th to 14th rnds incl: Repeat the 7th and 8th rnds alternately (66 sts). 15th rnd: Same as 7th rnd, but do not slip sts. 16th rnd: Knit, dividing sts evenly on 3 needles (22 sts on each needle). 17th rnd: Same as 3rd rnd (44 sts on each needle). 18th to 23rd rnds incl: Knit around. 24th rnd: * Thread over twice, k 2. Repeat from * around. 25th rnd: K 1, * p 1, k 3. Repeat from * around, ending with p 1, k 2. Slip 1 st from beginning of each needle onto end of previous needle (88 sts on each needle). 26th rnd: K 2 tog., * thread over twice, (k 2 tog.) twice. Repeat from * around, ending with thread over twice, k 2 tog.
   27th rnd: K 2, * p 1, k 3. Repeat from * around, ending with p 1, k 1. 28th rnd: * Thread over twice, (k 2 tog.) twice. Repeat from * around. 29th to 32nd rnds incl: Repeat 25th to 28th rnds incl. 33rd rnd: Same as 25th rnd. 34th rnd: Knit around. 35th to 49th rnds incl: Repeat (26th, 27th, 34th, 28th, 25th, and 34th rnds) twice; then repeat the 26th, 27th, and 34th rnds once more. 50th rnd: * (K 2, inc. 1 st in the next st) 3 times; k 1, inc. 1 st in next st. Repeat from * around (60 sts on each needle). 51st, 52nd and 53rd rnds: Knit around. 54th rnd: * Thread over twice, slip 1 st, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 11, k 2 tog. Repeat from * around. 55th rnd: K 1, * p 1, k 14. Repeat from * around, ending with p 1, k 13. 56th rnd: * O—thread over once; k 2 tog., O, slip 1 st, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 9, k 2 tog. Repeat from * around (56 sts on each needle).
   57th and all odd rnds: Knit around. 58th rnd: * O, k 3, O, slip 1 st, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 7, k 2 tog. Repeat from * around. 60th rnd: * O, k 2 tog., O, k 1, O, k 2 tog., O, slip 1 st, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 5, k 2 tog. Repeat from * around. 62nd rnd: * O, k 2 tog., O, k 3, O, k 2 tog., O, slip 1 st, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 3, k 2 tog. Repeat from * around. 64th rnd: * (O, k 2 tog.) twice, O, k 1, (O, k 2 tog.) twice; O, slip 1 st, k 1, p.s.s.o., k 1, k 2 tog. Repeat from * around. 66th rnd: * (O, k 2 tog.) twice; O, k 3, (O, k 2 tog.) twice; O, slip 1 st, k 2 tog., pass the slipped st over the k 2 tog. Repeat from * around. 68th rnd: * (O, k 2 tog.) 3 times; O, k 1. Repeat from * around, (64 sts on each needle). 70th rnd: * (O, k 2 tog.) 3 times; O, k 3, (O, k 2 tog.) 3 times; O, k 1. Repeat from * around (72 sts on each needle).
   Knit 1 round.
   With a crochet hook work as follows: Slip 3 sts from end of last needle onto the beginning of the 1st needle. * Insert hook through 5 sts as if to knit 5 together, thread over and draw through the 5 sts, then allow all 5 sts to slip off needle, (ch 6, insert hook into next 2 sts and work off as before) twice; ch 6. Repeat from * around, joining last ch-6 with sl st to beginning of rnd.

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