
MyPicot | Free crochet patterns

 lovevivian78 2016-09-27

Techniques used in this stitch (British term / American term):

Chain stitch – ch

Slip stitch – sl.st

Double crochet / Single crochet – dc / sc

Treble / Double crochet – tr / dc

Round 1: 5 ch, work 7 times: 1 tr/dc 1 ch in last ch; sl.st in 4th of 5 ch.

Round 2: 1 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 1 ch, work 4 times: 7 tr/dc in next space of 1 ch, 1 dc/sc in next space of 1 ch; sl.st in dc/sc.

Round 3: 4 ch, work in the same dc/sc below: 1 tr/dc 3 ch 1 tr/dc 1 ch 1 tr/dc;

after work 3 times: 5 ch, 1 tr/dc 1ch 1 tr/dc 3 ch 1 tr/dc 1 ch 1 tr/dc in the same dc/sc below;

at the end of the round work: 2 ch, 1 tr/dc in 2nd of ch.

Round 4: 1 ch, 1 dc/sc in middle (fourth) tr/dc of 7 tr/dc group below. The chain of 2 stitches and tr/dc should be inside the dc/sc.

Then work 7 tr/dc in space of 4 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 3 ch, 7 tr/dc in space of 1 ch.

Work 3 times: 1 dc/sc in middle tr/dc, 7 tr/dc in space of 1 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 3 ch, 7 tr/dc in next space of 1 ch; at the end make sl.st. in ch.

Round 5:

Work next steps:

'Beginning of middle stitches 1': 4 ch, 1 tr/dc in dc/sc below.

Make 5 ch.

'Point 1': 1 tr/dc 1ch 1 tr/dc 3 ch 1 tr/dc 1 ch 1 tr/dc in the same dc/sc below.

'Middle stitches 1': *5 ch, 1 tr/dc 1 ch 1 tr/dc in dc/sc below; rep from *, 5 ch.

Work 2 times: 'Point 1' 'Middle stitches 1' (see above), after that work 'Point 1' again, 2 ch and 1 tr/dc in 2nd of ch.

Round 6:

Work next steps:

'Beginning of middle stitches 2': 1 ch, 1 dc/sc in middle (fourth) tr/dc, 7 tr/dc in space of 1 ch.

Make 1 dc/sc in middle (fourth) tr/dc.

'Point 2': 7 tr/dc in space of 1 ch, 1 dc/sc in space of 3 ch, 7 tr/dc in next space of 1 ch.

'Middle stitches 2': *1 dc/sc in middle tr/dc, 7 tr/dc in space of 1 ch; rep from *, 1 dc/sc in middle tr/dc.

Work 2 times: 'Point 2' 'Middle stitches 2' (see above) , after that work 'Point 2' again, sl.st in ch.

Round 7:

Work next steps:

'Beginning of middle stitches 1' (see Round 5).

'Middle stitches 1' (see Round 5).

'Middle stitches 1' (see Round 5).

'Middle stitches 1' (see above).

Work 2 times: 'Point 1' 'Middle stitches 1' (see above) , after that work 'Point 1' again, 2 ch and 1 tr/dc in 2nd of ch.

Round 8:

Work next steps:

'Beginning of middle stitches 2' (see Round 6).

'Middle stitches 2' (see Round 6).

'Point 2' (see Round 6).

'Middle stitches 2' (see above).

Work 2 times: 'Point 2' 'Middle stitches 2' (see above) , after that work 'Point 2' again, sl.st in ch.

Repeat rows 7 -8 until you have reached your desired size of square.

Colors & rows:

1 - 2 Rounds: beige yarn.

3 - 4 Rounds: blue yarn.

5 - 8 Rounds: beige yarn.

9 Round: yellow yarn.

10 Round: blue yarn.

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