
赛斯说| 你创造你自己的实相

 昵称30501711 2016-10-03


Your beliefs form reality. Your individual beliefs and your joint beliefs. Now the intensity of a belief is extremely important.

And, if you believe, in very simple terms, that people mean you well, and will treat you kindly, they will. And, if you believe that the world is against you, then so it will be in your experience. And, if you believe...If you believe that you will begin to deteriorate at 22, then so you shall.
而且, 以非常简单的说法, 如果你相信人们是善意的,并且会善待你, 那么他们就会如此。如果你相信这个世界在跟你作对,那么在你的体验里,它就会如此。如果你相信……如果你相信你会在 22 岁时开始衰退, 那么你就会如此。

And, if you believe that you are poor, and always will be, then so your experience will so prove to you. Your beliefs meet you in the face when you look in the mirror. They form your image. You cannot escape your beliefs. They are, however, the method by which you create your experience.
还有, 如果你相信你是贫穷的, 并且会一直贫穷下去, 那么你的经验就会如实地证明给你看。当你照镜子时, 你的信念与你碰面。它们形成你的形象。你无法逃避你的信念。无论如何, 它们是你创造自己经验的方法。

It is important that you here realize that you are not at the mercy of the unexplainable, that you are not at the mercy of events over which you have no control whether those events are psychological events or physical ones, in your terms.

As I have told you, there is little difference if you believe that your present life is caused by incidents in your early infancy or caused by past lives over which equally you feel you have no control. Your events, your lives, your experiences, are caused by your present beliefs. Change the beliefs and your life changes.

正如我告诉过你的, 如果你相信现在的人生是由婴儿时发生的事情造成的, 或是由前世造成的, 这都没什么差别, 你同样会感到自己没有控制权。你的人生事件, 你的各种经历都是你当下的信念造成的。改变你的信念, 你的人生就会改变。

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