

 昵称华明房产 2016-10-06



所有时间/日期使用的是太平洋夏令时间(PDT)(Pacific Daylight Time Zone) 。PDT是英格兰格林威治时间之前的8小时(只要英国也是夏令时)。例如,如果PDT是中午12点,英国是晚上20点,中国是次日清晨4点。博客右边的“世界时钟”(World Clock)为你提供了一些线索http://www.astralreflections.com/,你也可以google “时区转换”(time zone converter)。


【周日】12:43 之前; 【周二】18:04 ~ 【周三】01:26; 【周四】23:26 ~ 【周五】13:40;


☆☆☆ 序文 ——译者: 元中







本周重点依然在浪漫关系上。你可能进入一段恋爱,如果是,本次恋爱一定是你人生最重要恋爱之一。保持理智,冷静,最重要的是,想想20年之后 -- 他或者她是否依然爱你 -- 而你呢,是否依然爱她或者他?爱的真正秘诀是那些得到了爱给予了爱又在心里坚持了爱,保留住了爱。知易行难。你现在被吸引的人如此让人欢喜,这是一种常态还是暂时的?尽管你近期很冷静,表现良好,下周开始到11月8日,欲火熊熊燃烧。这份渴望对朋友来说倒是好事,但它会妨碍或者在这份刚萌芽的爱情上制造混乱。这会告诉你关于这份爱的一些信息,它的前景和它的底线。但你现在乐观满满,你可能会忽略那些警告信号。这就是爱的样子,电光火石的开始之后,是快乐或者后悔。周日中午到周二午夜,带来工作和健康的思虑,看上去都很善意,所以勇往直前。周三到周五中午,带来令人兴奋的关系 -- 无论是盟友还是敌人,合作伙伴还是挑战方。现在你可能看到浪漫关系和床上和谐的第一次冲突,尤其是在周三下午。周四上午,事情变得强烈, 只有是或否,要么一起要么分开。周四愉悦而平静,一个朋友可能变成情人。周五下午到周六,强调直觉,强烈的肉体欲望,金融机会,秘密,打听,精神诊断,生活方式的选择等。再说一次,你又要面临爱和性之间的抉择 -- 等待直到那个可以满足两种特质的人或者状况出现。如果冲突没有存在,这意味着你已经找到了那个人。鉴于你有12个月的时间,等等也无妨啊是不是~


继续把注意力集中在你的家庭方面,巨蟹们!这会在接下来的12个月给你带来回报,但家庭事宜会在本周以及接下来的两周里变得极其重要且富有成效。这个星期末,打破你平静的家园的威胁可能会从外部世界滚滚而来 -- 这可能是任何人或任何事,很可能是来自过于热切的追求者的强烈关注或是老板的加倍要求。周日中午早些时候至周二午夜将会为你带来意外的甜蜜浪漫情怀 -- 随之而来的可能是一段男女关系。这是一个教育孩子或发现好学校的最佳时段,并且/或者也是一个为了孩子们的教育开始储蓄计划的好时段。这段时间也适合重新装修(住宅)。周三到周五正午时分适合处理家务以及保护你自己的日常健康。周四将会变得非常高效:工作中你能够有非常良好的关系体验,甚至会交到一位聪明的新朋友。但是周三和周五将会过得艰难。那位过于热切的追求者或严苛的老板可能会在周三变得尤其过分;周五可能会推动你在快乐的家庭生活和一场重要的冒险之间做出选择。等到周五、周六晚上,你将会比之前任何时候表现得更睿智。适当的时机和机会将会出现在周六 -- 积极参与吧!


重点仍在差事、细节、书面工作、短途旅行、沟通、朋友和好奇心。总的来说,以上方面在本月和未来一年会顺利。接下来的12个月,大猫们会建立很多联系,走访许多地方: 这能在未来的十年给到你多方支持。未来5周你会格外忙,此外,你也许要操作或购买机器。在这期间保护你的健康,当心皮疹、头痛、温度骤变。周日中午到周二午夜,在家庭或邻里中,装修、园艺、定制新食谱、拥抱孩子、爱你的伴侣、处理邻里间的杂事 -- 会事事顺利。周一是个布置景观或装饰的好日子。周三至周五午时,浪漫煽动着火热的双翼,但要谨慎和圆滑行事。周三也许会困惑或引起误解,特别在工作领域。周五可能会因工作妨碍爱情或友谊。但周四是为了爱或创新、冒险、寻找美丽和愉悦而设。喵们如果单着,说不定在与一个靠谱的伴儿来往。周五下午到周六,处理杂事且保持健康。








亲爱的射手,继续心怀希望吧!你的愿望,至少有些会成真,一些是在本月,但另一些是在未来的12个月。你会飘飘然,因为大受欢迎、乐观、丝丝浪漫和调情、冒险、娱乐和社交乐趣。你可能刚结束一段强烈的浪漫情感。现在它已转向你的私生活、情感和性欲。接下来的五星期,如果单身,你会发现这段浪漫插曲变得现实。你甚至可能讨论同居问题。如果你结婚了,别让你的目光四处游离。周日中午到周二午夜安静度过 -- 睡觉、做梦、思考、计划将来的行动。仁慈,灵性; 与政府机构和大型企业打交道。周三到周五中午,你的能量和魅力飙升,往前冲吧。周三和周五处理问题并解决它们。周三, 你的财务或金钱突发状况与社交和个人情感需求冲突。周五, 你面对一个老问题 -- 与钱、收入有关, 这些又会与你的友谊或希望发生冲突。简而言之,应验了一句老话:不要把钱和朋友混为一谈。然而, 周四是成功和出彩的 -- 你可能遇到和你共欢乐和爱恋的人 -- 为什么你们不经常相聚?周五下午和周六追逐金钱、支付账单、寻求新客户、要求加薪或出售旧物品。收获不致于蔚为壮观,但还行。






双鱼们,你们正处在一团迷雾中间。这种未知的感觉,更深处未经探索的灵魂、性的领域、精神世界以及财富,都会在未来的12个月里引诱你,并带给你一些好处。十月呈现出打开以上领域的可能性 -- 所以深入挖掘吧,你会因深入挖掘调查而获得荣誉,走进金色的大门吧,当你看到它们的时候。记住一件事情,在这所有的境况里,只要有任何一个人卷入,分享你的发现、机遇、以及最深沉的内心,他们都会增加你的收获。未来一年,也是适合寻找治疗或者建议的好时机。如果你已经结婚或者有结婚对象,你的父母会变为一个智慧的聆听者。周日中午到周二午夜,你会拥有聪明、成熟的心智。你的运气那几天会很好,适合接触一些国际事物、或者远足、法律事物、高等教育,任何智力的提升,再或者,某种程度上最重要的,去爱。周三到周五中午,你的事业与人际关系会有提升,你的权威增强。周四和周五这两天都会展露出一个冲突,与你的社交生活相关,或者梦想、愿望、财务状况、互联网愿望相关。这两天,周四包含成功、尤其是在管理和金钱上 -- 比如,这是和你的银行经理聊未来需要和当下投资的好时机。你的社交生活会充斥着周五下午和周六 -- 你会感到开心,周六之后,世界会带给你一个充满光明的新起点。

2015.07.26 – 08.01

我的内在向导认为杰布·布什为下一任美国总统 -- 但我需要先做星盘图表。8月下旬到2016年9月,希拉里的单纯受尊重的状况略有变化,她越来越受欢迎。特朗普的特立独行的活动似乎是有计划的为她赢得王冠 (通过分裂的共和党选举)。然而,2016年9月中,她将开始进入情感上的撤退。10月,她的运气和精力将每天消失多一点。问题是,在选举日,她早期的势头将带领她通过或者她的“淡出”过于强大?我猜“淡出” 强大到足以让她离开白宫 – 我有可能是错的。

1986年当我的内在向导低语说 “bush” 将是下一届总统,我还从未听说过乔治·布什(George Bush)。所以我写到下一届美国总统可能有 “浓密的眉毛” (bushy eyebrows)。但是她(Nima, 我的内在向导)还说bush是 “父亲” 。我觉得她指的是国家的父亲,像乔治·华盛顿,或者其他的父亲般的图像。不过也可能她表示的是历届总统的父亲?不管怎样,还有几个月,让我做星盘图表吧。

2015.04.19 – 04.25

2015年4月12号天蝎希拉里发出她参选的官方通告,其时月亮位于水瓶座,她的家庭宫,代表着 “叠好帐篷回家” 。恰当地,她最初选举的停滞是由于私人的目的。这是一个疲倦或是 “冬眠” 的区域。现在,我猜想希拉里是水瓶上升 -– 因此她与狮子比尔·克林顿联姻,有酒窝的脸颊,是水瓶的特征。一定程度上,月亮在她的上升星座时开始参选可以给她一些支援。即便如此,如果她真心想赢得选举,她应该在月亮在狮子座时开始参选,那是天蝎的雄心宫位,水瓶的机会以及处理公共事务的宫位。看上去她害怕走向那个大舞台。我猜想,内心深处,对于希拉里来说这次的选举是一次献祭的活动,为她的期望她四处奔波。我同情她。

2014.10.19 – 10.25


曾经我简单地概括了250年的新时代,它开始于1984年,确切地说,始于1983年11月。这个概括如下: “相对的和平,政府机能的停滞,性角色的模糊,大规模的科技进步,半贫困的扩大,大量的死亡(但不是因战争引起的:例如切尔诺贝利,卢旺达大屠杀,艾滋, 埃博拉)和警察规则。”



天蝎象征肥沃的土壤,所以农业将到达生产能力的新高度。种子科学和应用将极大地推进 - 可能的话,会出现变异和新品种。我们将会开发出以前在地球上从未出现的水果和食物。我们从一个压抑的时代(部分是由于世界战争引起)走向一个可以深刻表达感情的相对自由的时代。



关于蒂姆·斯蒂芬斯 -- 自述


我从1977年开始写占星专栏。起初是在一个小报纸的小专栏。然后成长为包括许多报纸和一个名为 http://www.astralreflections.com 的网站(就像这个博客)。

不是吹牛,我是个相当不错的占星师,或者 - 更准确地说我怀疑 -- 只不过是个普通的占星师,但有通灵的能力。我发现这一点是在大学里,当时我告诉一位女同学(其它方面没有联系)关于她和她父亲的关系的一些事情,后者我从来没见过。我被她的震惊吓到了 -- “你怎么知道的?” 对于我来说,事情看起来是那么明显,那么合理。我从来没有开发我的通灵能力,但我知道它的存在。比如,某人在叙述一件小事时,忘了事件发生时她所在的街名,我准确地说“Alder 街”。某天我有幸遇到一位前同事,我说,“你去伦敦了?”她说,“我刚从那里回来。你怎么知道的?”事实是,我不懂怎样知道的,信息自动进入我的脑子里。


我预言挑战者号航天飞机灾难(大约两周前它爆炸了),第一次海湾战争和它的持续时间,日本的经济垮台(80年代早期,美国的象征 -- 全部的高尔夫球场被它收购)。男/女性别的模糊,现在叫都市性主义者,妇女性犯罪的上升。但是,我写到,北美会出现犯罪率全面下降。噢,许多事情。艾滋, 切尔诺贝利,中东动荡。全部写出来了,公布在我的专栏里。最近,我预测2012年晚期和2013年美国经济上升和中国的放缓 -- 谁会转换?



有一件我害怕预测的事是大选的胜者。我的记录是50%或碰运气,所以我不预测它。我不预测选举是因为我在乎谁赢。残酷的现实就是,当一名占星师关心客户或他的处境,占星师就失去了预测的能力。当我的预言 “挑战者号着火并掉入大洋里” 成真时,不止一个读者写信批评我没有通知NASA。首先NASA会忽略我,然而更重要的是,如果我关心这场灾难,我可能永远预测不了它。任何通灵师在乎的,就不能通灵。我可以感觉到许多读者反对这个观点,但这就是事实,我试着解决的事实。




Aries: March 21– April 19

You remain in a relationship phase, Aries. Many opportunities face you this month, but this Wednesday to Friday Will see you tackling problems–probably too problems connected to your career or worldly status. Sunday noon (PDT) to Tuesday midnight brings secrets, Mysteries, sexual urges, and financial openings. Trust your luck, it’s good and productive. If a partner is involved, or even a casual associate, the long term results Will be even better. Your mind expands to take in new vistas, ideas, and understanding. However, you need to be aware of possible career difficulties Wednesday afternoon and Thursday mid day. These problems can interfere with a good relationship that might be building. But love, far travel, Legal affairs, higher learning, are all blessed Thursday, All day and night. Be a ambitious Friday and Saturday–repair any bad impressions you may have left earlier in the week. From now until early November your bosses will tend to be impatient and temperamental–Best approach, be long-suffering, smile, and correct anything that a boss points out. You’ll be fine.

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

Continue to tackle chores and to protect your daily health. This is a good, productive week, but beware any legal or relationship difficulties connected to you’re work or an employment, especially Wednesday to Friday. Relationships will be a source of joy Sunday noon (PDT) to Tuesday midnight. Love might to be slated Monday. However, remember that your major luck in the months ahead Will come from work, so these three days can also be profitably spent by seeking and encouraging partnerships in work. Sex, big finances, lifestyle choices, research and detective work, commitments and consequences–all these fill Wednesday to Friday noon. Diving into these areas can cause a problem or create an obstacle in love, travel, learning, and legal affairs. However you can make great progress, Especially Thursday, with civil servants and other bureaucrats, and with therapy or agents. Friday p.m. And Saturday Bring a gentle mellow mood and a wide View, Which can help you understand the events of the past two days. The short interval can also bring sweet understanding in love.

Gemini: May 21 –June 20

The accent continues on romantic love Gemini. You might be entering an affair; if so, this might be one of the biggest affairs of your life. Be realistic, Calm, and most importantly, look down the road 20 years–Will he or she still Love you–and that becomes the question: Will you still love him or her? The real secret to love is that those who give it get it, and those who can maintain it in our heart, keep it. Easier said than done. Whoever you are attracted to now seems to be very cheerful–is that usual or are they just being this way temporarily? Although you have recently been cool and well behaved, the weeks ahead– To November 8–Will bring a decidedly sexual urge. This urge is good for Friends with benefits, but can actually interfere with or upset a budding Love. That may tell you something about this love and its prospects and restrictions. But you are optimistic now that you may ignore all warning signs. This was the way love was meant to be anyway–a big plunge, and then the joy or regrets that follow. Sunday noon (PDT) to Tuesday midnight brings work and health concerns–the entire interval is benevolent so charge ahead. Wednesday through midday Friday brings exciting relationships–both allies and enemies, cooperation and challenge. Now you might see the first conflict between Romance and sexual intimacy, especially Wednesday p.m. And Thursday morning, Noon. Things are intense: it’s all or nothing, Embrace or split. Thursday is cheerful and smooth; a friend might become a lover. Friday p.m. Through Saturday features heightened intuition, intensified sexual desire, Financial opportunities, secrets and spying, medical diagnoses, and lifestyle choices. Again you might have to decide between Love and intimacy–or wait until a person or situation arrives which does not contain this conflict. If the conflict does not exist, it could mean you have already found The One. Since you have 12 more months of loves Lucky favour, it will not harm you to wait.

Cancer: June 21 – July 23

Continue to focus on your domestic scene, cancer. This area will reward you for 12 months to come, but is especially important and productive this week and the next two. Hey threat to your peaceful Home might come Rolling in from the outside late this week–this could be anyone or anything, but is likely to be intense attention from an overly eager suitor or a twofold demand from your boss. Earlier Sunday noon to Tuesday midnight brings sudden sweet romantic feelings–and perhaps A relationship to accompany them. This is also a superb interval to teach your children or to find the best schools, and/Or to begin a savings plan for their education. It is also I find time to redecorate. Tackled chores and protect your daily health Wednesday to midday Friday. Thursday will proceed very productively; you can experience very friendly relations at work, could even make a bright new friend. But Wednesday and Friday are difficult. Wednesday might feature that over eager suitor or demanding boss; Friday might push you to choose between a happy home and a major adventure. Wait until Friday night’s and Saturday’s wisdom before you act on any of this. Opportunities and open doors Saturday–plunge in!

Leo: July 23 – August 22

The accent remains on errands, details, Paperwork, Short trips, communications, casual friends, and curiosity. These will in general go well this month, And for the year ahead. You will make many contacts and visit many places for the next 12 months: this can aid you in many ways in the decade ahead. You will be especially busy during the five weeks ahead; in addition, you might be operating or purchasing machinery. Protect your health from rashes, head blows, and sudden changes of temperature during these five weeks. Spend Sunday noon to Tuesday midnight in your home or neighbourhood. Decorate, garden, create new meal plans, Embrace the kids, Love your mate, and runs small errands around the neighbourhood–all lights are green, all systems go. Monday is especially good for landscaping or decorating. Romance arrives with fiery wings Wednesday through midday Friday–but proceed with caution and diplomacy. Wednesday might confuse you or cause a miscommunication, especially if you’re working at the time. Friday might also cause work to interfere with love or friendship. But Thursday seems made for love–or for being creative, taking risk, and finding beauty and pleasure. You might even be talking, if you’re single, to a fine potential life-mate. Tackle chores and protect your daily health Friday p.m. and Saturday.

Virgo: August 23– September 22

Money flows to you this weekend the next two, Virgo. However, this Wednesday to Friday erect obstacles to your money efforts–there are two obstacles or they occur twice and both of them involve Romance, children’s talents, pleasure, or a gamble you want to take. My advice: favor the practical, the monetary, over Romance and such things– Not only now but for the 12 months ahead. The attraction you feel most intensely and sexually Will only last a few weeks; the deeper attraction, a milder but strong affection–or the prospect thereof –Will still be here, waiting for you for another eight years. Sunday noon (PDT) to Tuesday midnight brings errands, travel, communications, paperwork and details, casual acquaintances, and curiosity–read, ask questions. You could learn something very valuable. All three days are filled with smooth, good progress. Your domestic environment rises to the fore Wednesday through Friday noon. Embrace your kids and spouse, Garden, make nutritious meal plans, seek security, plan for retirement, etc. — and rest, for this is a short “hibernation” interval. Thursday is splendid for investments, Especially in property–for the less ambitious, this is a good Night to snuggle together. But Wednesday p.m. And Friday a.m. bring difficulties or conflicts between your home, family and security set-up, and any romantic or creative notions you might have. Friday evening and Saturday do Bring a bit of “good” romance, or at least romantic notions. You will find pleasure, See beauty, and know life is good.

Libra: September 23 – October 22

Your personal charisma remains high; your energy and effectiveness reach a peak this week and the next two. Things you never thought you were capable of or could achieve, now seem to be under your complex command. For example, you might find yourself receiving admiration or romantic attention from someone you have long thought was out of your league. The question becomes: to take advantage, or not? I favor taking advantage, but watch for two obstacles that could derail your love train. The first centers on Wednesday, and could involve domestic strife, or even a break up because you act to arrogantly, or because you simply want your freedom. Be second obstacle affect you all week, and in fact has affected you since 2008, But it tends to arise to the surface Friday. This second obstacle has a direct connection to your Family or domicile. For example, you live alone and your residence is such a mess that any member of the opposite sex whom you bring home Will want to leave. You can be almost certain, if single, that any real true love now two 2024 well require you to change homes. Chase money, buy/sell, cultivate clients, and “believe what you see” (without digging deeper) Sunday noon (PDT) to Tuesday midnight. You luck is superb, and you can find good, valuable purchases. You might start a sexual affair these few days; if so it will be very Physical but might lack a deep, lasting emotional bond. Errands, communications, paperwork, short trips and casual acquaintances fill Wednesday .to Friday mid day. Wednesday is not easy; it could cause an argument with a loved one. And Friday brings that deeper domestic problem mentioned above. But Thursday is grand–you will feel friendly towards everyone, and a new Love could represent future marriage, or you and an ongoing lover could decide to elevate your bond. Friday p.m. and Saturday should find you at home or in the neighbourhood, doing at-home or neighbourly things. All’s well.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

Continue to pamper your physical health, Scorpio. Now, rest, contemplate. Examine your past moves and circumstances for clues as to how you got to this place; with this in mind, Plan your future. Connect with counselors, therapists, researchers, civil servants, institutional workers, and the head offices of large corporations. Be charitable, spiritual. Your energy and charisma Will rise Sunday noon (PDT) to Tuesday midnight. Prepare a large list before these three days, because your luck is high and you will accomplish a lot. Chase money, buy sell, cultivate clients, and pay bills Wednesday to midday Friday. This interval is not easy–your own lack of energy can interfere with the money luck Wednesday p.m., and you might temporarily be robbed of communication skills Friday. Still, Wednesday is superb, and promises to reward your work efforts with cash. Errands, Short trips, communications, paperwork and details, and casual acquaintances fill Friday p.m. and Saturday. Friday is not easy but Saturday shows you a smooth road–be curious, ask questions. Overall, this is a fairly benevolent week, So get lots of rest, and pursue your goals. You might, Thursday p.m., spy a house or neighborhood that you might live in a few years down the road. Or, you might learn a valuable Secret or process that can benefit your domestic scene.

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

Remain hopeful, Sage. Your wishes–at least some of them–Will come true, some this month but some in the 12 months ahead. You’ll remain buoyed by a flow of popularity optimism light romance and flirtation, Adventurousness, entertainment and social delights. You might have just finished an intense romantic interval. Now that intensity transfers to your private life, inner feelings and sexual desires. For the next five weeks you might find yourself, If single, mingling practical and financial themes with your romantic interludes. You might even be discussing co-habitation with a lover. If you are married, don’t let your eyes wander. Spend the Sunday noon to Tuesday midnight in a restful stance–sleep, dream, contemplate, and plan future actions. Be charitable, spiritual; Deal with Government, Institutions and large corporations. Your energy and charisma soar Wednesday to midday Friday. Charge forth, tackle problems and solve them Wednesday and Friday. Wednesday, your monetary situation or urges conflict with your need for social and personal affection. On Friday, you face an old old obstacle–it involves your money, your income, and again, they conflict with your friends or y.our hopes. Simply, it is the old saying, don’t mix money and friends. Thursday, however, is successful and splendid–you could meet someone with whom you laugh and love–why aren’t you together more often? Chase money, pay bills, seek new clients, ask for a pay raise or sell old items Friday p.m. And Saturday. Results will not be spectacular, but fine nevertheless.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 19

Your ambitions, your career, your neighborhoods status, Prestige relations I’m dealings with the authorities fill October but also stand out luckily for the next 12 months. In some regards, October is a pivotal month, Or more correctly a Time in which to launch projects which you would like to see succeed over the months ahead. Midday Sunday (PDT) to midnight Tuesday will find you happy, optimistic, popular, and generous towards friends. A minor wish might come true. These are a beautiful few days, so tackle what ever appeals to you–including romance. Retreat Wednesday to mid day Friday–rest, Contemplate, plan. Deal with charities, Spiritual groups, Government agencies, and the head offices of large corporations. Wednesday and Friday hold problems–or not. You are on fire now, And deeply determined– This can earn the ire of bosses or judges, or they could love your new fiery energy. Be self-aware; realize the result is up to you. In between, Thursday is marked for success: you can find the right money angle, and you will somehow benefit from working from home or from involvement with your employer’s premises, Territories, Or leasing projects. Midday Friday your energy returns, your charisma kicks in, and you can accomplish almost anything within reason. Prepare, and March forth.

Aquarius: January 20 – February 18

The accent remains–very luckily so–on far travel, international affairs, legal affairs, higher learning, intellectual pursuits, media and publishing, cultural venues, and love. These might encounter a problem or two Wednesday to Friday, but a little effort and understanding can overcome obstacles. Be ambitious Sunday noon to Tuesday midnight– good luck accompanies you, so go all out in pursuit of a career, status, or prestige goal. You’re wise, Mellow outlook can help you advance. Social daylight, popularity, optimism, entertainment, and flirtations fill Wednesday to mid day Friday. Thursday is superb, bringing new friends and a rush of chatter. Wednesday holds a moral, Legal, or ethical dilemma, which might be connected to a secret you do not want revealed, or a feeling of I anger which you do not want to face. Friday holds a similar conflict–but this one has been around many years and Will last eight more. It involves a moral or ethical dilemma that might be attached to your job or career. However, Wednesday through Friday lifts your spirits so nicely that you remain unfazed–and happy! Retreat from the bustling crowd Friday p.m. and Saturday. Be charitable, spiritual, deal with Government agencies or head office, and complete neglected chores. Be restful and contemplative: plan your future moves.

Pisces: February 19 – March 20

You are in the midst of many mysteries, Pisces. This sense of the unknown, of the deeper depths and unexplored spiritual, sexual, psychological, and financial realms, Will lure you and benefit you for 12 more months. October represents a potential launching pad for these matters– So dig deep, glory in you’re investigations, and walk through Golden doorways when you see them. Remember one thing: that in all this at least one other person is involved, and sharing your discoveries, opportunities, and deepest self with someone else Will increase your reward. This is also a great year ahead to seek therapy or advice. If you are married or otherwise attached, your partner will tend to be a source of wisdom–listen. A wise, mellow mood flows through you midday Sunday (PDT) to midnight Tuesday. Your luck is good here, so step into International affairs, far travel, legal affairs, higher education, any intellectual pursuit, or, In some ways the biggest one, love. Your career and relations with higher-ups and authorities are highlighted Wednesday to midday Friday. Wednesday and Friday both reveal a conflict between your social life or your wishes and hopes, and you’re financial or Internet desires. In between, Thursday holds success, especially in dealing with management and money–E. G., a good time to talk to your bank manager about future needs and or present investments. Your social life expands mildly Friday p.m. and Saturday–you’ll be happy, and the world will offer you a bright new horizon.

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