

 欧森0吴 2016-10-10

When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water.


                         -- Anonymous  佚名

    Morning! Have you ever had anyone do something that makes you mad, and you thought to yourself, 'You're not gonna get away with that! I shall have my revenge!!!'


    In English, we call that 'fighting fire with fire'. Like when Donald Trump rants on Twitter at 3am about Miss Universe 1996. Hilarious? Yes. Ridiculous? Definitely. 

    在英语里吗,我们会把它叫做“fighting fire with fire”(以火攻火)。就像唐纳德·川普一样,半夜三点发推特辱骂96年的环球小姐。好笑吗?太好笑了。可笑吗?可笑极了!

    Another approach, which today's quote suggests, is to remember how the Fire Department fights fires...not with fire, but with water. The Fire Department's goal is to put the fire out ASAP, not to spread it further! 

    还有一种方法呢,也就是今天引语里提到的:想想消防队员是怎么对付火灾的... 并不是用火,而是用水。消防队员的任务,就是尽快把火扑灭,而不是让它燃得更焰!

    So next time you're in an argument with someone, or you feel you've been wronged, instead of picking up a knife and planning your sweet, sweet revenge, buy a water gun and shoot them in the face!


    Have an awesome day! Peace out~


Revenge (n.) 报复

Rant (v.) 辱骂,大声责骂

Spread (v.) 撒播,扩张

Grammar point

Instead of... do...   不要做... 而是做…

After his girlfriend broke up with him, instead of finding a new girlfriend, Ross decided to turn gay.



周一 Motivational 动力源泉

周二 Inspiring 激励自我

周三 Silly 轻松一笑

周四 Motivational 动力源泉

周五 Celebrity 名人妙语

周六 Pickup Lines 社交搭讪

周日 Thought-provoking 发人深省

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