

 Laura2333 2016-10-17
8/19/2016 芒果丸子
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This article focuses on 'Received Pronunciation' (RP), the stereotypical British accent mainly spoken in the south of England, and exaggerated by the upper classes, giving it the nickname 'the Queen's English'.

There are greatly differing accents across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, and for a more regional, it's best to choose one particular area, and try to learn that accent instead. Adopting British mannerisms while speaking will also help for authenticity. 

This study of RP is concerned largely with pronunciation, while study of the standard language is also concerned with matters such as correct grammar, more formal vocabulary.


Start with the Rs. Understand that in most British accents speakers don't roll their Rs (except for those from Scotland, Northumbria, Northern Ireland, and parts of Lancashire), but not all British accents are the same.

For example, a Scottish accent varies greatly from an English accent. After a vowel, don't pronounce the R, but draw out the vowel and maybe add an 'uh' (Here is 'heeuh'). In words like 'hurry', don't blend the R with the vowel. Say 'huh-ree'.

Some awkward pauses in sentences are also removed by the addition of 'r' before a vowel. For example, 'I saw it' becomes 'I saw-rit', to avoid the pause between the words 'saw' and 'it'. Another example is 'Bacteria are small', pronounced 'Bacteria-rar-small'.
在一些句子中,R音经常被加在元音前面,这样能避免句子里两个单词之间尴尬的停顿。例如,“I saw it”变成了“I saw-rit”。这句话中,R音被加在“it”之前,避免了“saw”和“it”之间有停顿。再比如,“Bacteria are small”,应该说成“Bacteria-rar-small”。


Pronounce U in stupid and in duty with the ew or 'you' sound. Duty would be pronounced 'dewty' or more often 'jooty'. In the standard English accent, the A (for example, in 'father') is pronounced at the back of the mouth with an open throat—it sounds like 'arh'.

This is the case in pretty much all British accents, but it's exaggerated in RP. In southern England and in RP, words such as 'bath', 'path', 'glass', 'grass' also use this vowel (barth, parth, glarss, grarss, etc.). However, in other parts of Britain 'bath', 'path', etc. sound like 'ah'.
在大部分英语口音中,A音发成“arh”音这个情况都存在着,标准英语尤其明显。在英国西部的口音以及标准英语的口音中,像'bath', 'path', 'glass', 'grass'一些词也有这个情况,即应该读成”barth”, “parth”, “glarss”, “grarss”。但也有发“ah”音的,读起来是“bath”,“path”,“glass”,“grass”。

3.Heavy consonants

Enunciate on heavy consonant words. Pronounce that T in 'duty' as T: not as the American D as doody so that duty is pronounced dewty or a softer jooty.

The words 'human being' are pronounced 'hewman being' or 'yooman been' in certain areas, though it could be pronounced 'hewman bee-in'.
虽然“Human being”应该读成“hewman bee-in”,在有些地区也被读成“hweman being”或“yooman been”。


Sometimes drop the Ts. With some accents, including cockney accents, Ts aren't pronounced in words where Americans use D to replace it. However, there is usually a short pause or 'hiccup' in its place.


(1)Observe that some words are pronounced as written.

(2)Observe that H is not always pronounced.

(3)Say 'bean', not 'bin' for the word been.In an American accent, this is often pronounced 'bin'. In an English accent, 'bean' is a common pronunciation, but 'bin' is more often heard in casual speech where the word isn't particularly stressed.

(4)Notice that two or more vowels together may prompt an extra syllable. For example, the word 'road' would usually be pronounced rohd, but in Wales and with some people in Northern Ireland it might be pronounced ro.ord.

6.Listening and copying

(1)Listen to the 'music' of the language. All accents and dialects have their own musicality. Pay attention to the tones and emphasis of British speakers.

(2)Get a British person to say well known sentences: 'How now brown cow' and 'The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain' and pay close attention. 
让英国人说一些地道的绕口令。像'How now brown cow' 以及 'The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain' 。并关注他的语音语调。

①'How now brown cow' 和'The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain' ,这两句都是很出名的绕口令。其中,'The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain'出自奥黛丽赫本演的《窈窕淑女》,这句话是赫本在片中练习的一句绕口令,意思是“西班牙的降雨大多降落在平原”。

(3)Immerse yourself in the British culture; this means surround yourself with individuals that speak, live, walk and talk British English.Anything with a British speaker will work—try listening to the BBC (which provides free radio and television newscasts on the web) songs with British singers, or movies with British characters.

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