
"That, it ,this和one "的用法区别

 家有学子 2016-10-18
  在英语句子中,为了避免重复,可以用that, it, one代替上文出现的普通名词。但是在代替名词时,他们的用法又不一样,必须弄清这些不同,才能正确的使用他们。
  1. it 的主要用法
  ----Do you still keep the picture?
  ----No, I have sold it
  You promised to write a novel. You must do it (it = to write a novel)
  2.one 的主要用法
  ① one不带任何前置定语,单独使用时,表示泛指,指同名称中的另一事物,常常代替有不定词a/an的名词。One既可代替人,也可以代替物,但只能代替可数名词,其复数形式为ones.
  -----Do you have a pen?
  ----Yes, I have one.
  I haven’t a pen, can you lend me one?
  ②当one前有形容词修饰时,one 前需加a/a。
  -----Do you have a watch?
  ----Yes, I have a very good one.
  3. that的主要用法
  that可以代替the 单数名词(可数或不可数均可,这时that = the one), 用于特指。主要用于两种东西的对比,其复数形式为those。That用于代替物,不能用于代替人,而that不能带前置定语,但可以有后置定语。
  The population of Shanghai is larger than that of Beijing
  look at the book.I mean that on the desk.
  The houses of the rich are generally larger than those of the poor.
  The atoms of o ne element are different from those of all other elements.(those= the atoms)
  The song by Schubert is more tuneful than that by Britain.
  ①The population of China is much larger than that(=the population) of Japan. 中国的人口比日本人口多得多。
  ②A bridge made of wood is not so strong as one(=a bridge) made of steel. 木桥没有钢桥牢固。
  比较一下以上两句的中文译文,我们可以看出:句①中that指代前文出现的the population, 是特指;句②中one指代前文出现的a bridge,是泛指,含有“所有木桥都没有钢桥牢固”的意思。也就是说,that 特指前文出现的单数名词或不可数名词,如要指代前文出现的复数名词,我们用those。而one则指代前文出现的单数可数名词,是泛指。
  This is a flower.这是一朵花。(近处)
  That is a tree.那是一颗树。(远处)
  This is a pen.That is a pencil.这是一支钢笔。那是一支铅笔。
  (4)向别人介绍某人时说This is...,不说That is...。如:
  This is Helen.Helen,this is Tom.这是海伦,海伦,这是汤姆。
  (5)This is不能缩写,而That is可以缩写。如:
  This is a bike.That's a car.这是一辆自行车。那是一辆轿车。
  —Hello!Is that Miss Green? 喂,是格林小姐吗?
  —Yes,this is.Who's that? 是的,我是,你是谁?
  I am...,Are you...?/Who are you?
  ①—Is this a notebook?这是笔记本吗?
  —Yes,it is.是的,它是。
  ②—What's that?那是什么?
  —It's a kite.是只风筝。
  ①It's a fine day today.今天是个好天。
  ②What's the time? It's six.几点了?六点。
  ③It's not far from here.离这儿不远。
  ④—Who is it?谁呀?

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