

 四望亭 2016-10-21

安德斯·伦纳德·佐恩(Anders Leonard Zorn,1860年2月18日-1920年8月22日),画家、雕塑家和蚀刻版画家,他是瑞典最重要的艺术家之一,获得了国际性的成功。

自画像  Sj?lvportr?tt av Anders Zorn 1896







他的一些重要作品被收藏在瑞典国立博物馆,其中包括《仲夏节》(Midsommar,1897年),描绘了仲夏节庆祝的场景。其他收藏佐恩作品的博物馆包括巴黎的奥赛博物馆、纽约的大都会艺术博物馆和波士顿美术馆。佐恩博物馆(Zornsamlingarna)位于他的故乡穆拉,由拉格纳·奥斯特贝里(Ragnar ?stberg)设计,于1939年对外开放,专门收藏佐恩的作品。

2010年6月3日,他的作品《夏季》(Sommarn?je,1886年)以2600万瑞典克朗售出,创下了瑞典最昂贵的绘画作品的记录。该作品为水粉画,描绘了佐恩的妻子艾玛·佐恩和飞行员卡尔·古斯塔夫·达尔斯特罗姆(Carl Gustav Dahlstr?m)。

Reveil (Awakening), the artist's wife

The King of Sweden, King Oscar II , 1898.

The Queen consort of Sweden and Norway, Queen Sophia 1909

The Painter Bruno Liljefors, 1906

William Howard Taft, 27th President of the United States 1911

Mr Henry Clay Pierce,[5] a noted financier and oil industry pioneer, 1899

Mrs. Frances Cleveland, the wife of President Grover Cleveland

President Grover Cleveland

Mme Ashley, 1920

Lady with fur cape

Mrs. Symons

Hugo Resinger holding a fashionable grey Homburg hat, 1907.

Mrs. Potter Palmer

Mrs. Eben Richards

Zorn was born and raised on his grandparents' farm in Yvraden, a hamlet near the village of Utmeland in the parish of Mora,Dalarna. He studied until the age of twelve in the school at Mora Strand before progressing in the autumn of 1872 to a secondary grammar school in Enk?ping.

From 1875 to 1880 Zorn studied at the Royal Swedish Academy of Artsin Stockholm, where he amazed his teachers with his talent.Members of Stockholm society approached him with commissions. This was how Zorn met his wife, Emma Lamm, early in 1881. Her background was different from Zorn's. Coming from a wealthy Jewish merchant family, she was interested in art and culture. Zorn traveled extensively to London, Paris, the Balkans, Spain, Italy and theUnited States, becoming an international success as one of the most acclaimed painters of his era.[1] It was primarily his skill as a portrait painter that gained Zorn international acclaim based principally upon his incisive ability to depict the individual character of his model.[1] His subjects included three American Presidents, one of whom was Grover Cleveland in 1899, as well as his wife, along with William H. Taft and Theodore Roosevelt. At 29, he was made a Chevalier de la Légion d'honneur at the Exposition Universelle 1889 Paris World Fair.

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