

 水斯宁 2016-10-24


  Alexa Chung holding a Shrimps fur bag:

  Alexa Chung手捧Shrimps皮草包包:

  The spring and summer series uses the artificial fur which is definitely a new idea of this London Fashion Week。


  The white flat shoes of J. JS Lee attracts tremendous attention:

  J. JS Lee 的白色平底鞋备受瞩目:

  High heels have become a past scenery . The white pointed Loafer shoes of the high street brand J. JS Lee go on the feet with the confident pace will lead the fashion trend of next spring and summer。

  高跟鞋已成往日风景。高街品牌J. JS Lee 的白色尖头乐福(Loafer)鞋穿在脚上,步伐顿时大气而自信,势必引领明年春夏潮流。

  Bora Aksu new series finds inspiration from the 'Paper Dolls' dress of Queen Elizabeth:

  Bora Aksu新系列从伊丽莎白女王的“纸娃娃”服装中汲取灵感:

  The new series of the brand Bora Aksu adds translucent frills on large-sized striped shirt and suit, matching with With floral print, which is very attractive。

  品牌Bora Aksu的新系列在大号条纹衬衫和西装上增添流畅半透明的褶边,配以碎花印花,十分迷人。

  The famous fashion blogger Amy Valentine attends the fashion week with pink hair:

  著名时尚博主Amy Valentine顶着粉红头发出席时装周:

  Pink hair is the charming statement of rebellious girls. As we all kown that Briton is famous for its street style and rebellious girls, it should come as no surprise that some people are crazy about the pink hair。


  Louis Vuitton bucket bag:


  Almost every front stars of this London Fashion Week gets a bucket bag. The editor of the magazine Vogue Sarah Harris also roamed the runways with a bucket bag。

  本届伦敦时装周的前排明星几乎人手一个水桶包。Vogue杂志编辑Sarah Harris 就带着一个路易-威登水桶包走场串秀。


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