

 茶香飘万里 2016-10-31

英国杂志《Country Life 乡村生活》有上百年历史,近期发布了一篇备受媒体关注的短文,列出了成为绅士的39步 —— The 39 steps to being a gentleman。《Country Life》在1897年创刊。该杂志编辑说,这39条标准融合了英国传统以及当今网络时代的特点。



“绅士从不无意伤害他人的情感” (A gentleman was one 'who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally') —— 奥斯卡·王尔德(Oscar Wilde 1854-1900)

“绅士对世界的付出大于索取。” (A gentleman is one who puts more into the world than he takes out)—— 萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw,1856-1950)




  1. Negotiates airports with ease


  2. Never lets a door slam in someone's face


  3. Can train a dog and a rose


  4. Is aware that facial hair is temporary, but a tattoo is permanent


  5. Knows when not to say anything


  6. Wears his learning lightly


  7. Possesses at least one well-made dark suit, one tweed suit, and a dinner jacket


  8. Avoids lilac socks and polishes his shoes


  9. Turns his mobile phone to silent at dinner


  10. Carries house guests' luggage to their rooms


  11. Tips staff in a private house and a gamekeeper


  12. Says his name when being introduced


  13. Breaks a relationship face to face


  14. Is unafraid to speak the truth


  15. Knows when to clap


  16. Arrives at a meeting five minutes before the agreed time


  17. Is good with waiters


  18. Has two tricks to entertain children


  19. Can undo a bra with one hand


  20. Sings lustily in church


  21. Is not vegetarian


  22. Can sail a boat and ride a horse


  23. Knows the difference between Glenfiddich and Glenda Jackson

    【知道格兰菲迪和格伦达·杰克逊之间的不同 (前者是威士忌,后者是女演员)】

  24. Never kisses and tells


  25. Cooks an omelette to die for


  26. Can prepare a one-match bonfire


  27. Seeks out his hostess at a party

    【派对上,找到女主人 (对被邀请表示感谢)】

  28. Knows when to use an emoji


  29. Would never own a Chihuahua


  30. Has read Pride and Prejudice


  31. Can tie his own bow tie


  32. Would not go to Puerto Rico


  33. Knows the difference between a rook and a crow

    【知道两种鸟 rook 和 crow之间的不同】

  34. Sandals? No. Never


  35. Wears a rose, not a carnation


  36. Swats flies and rescues spiders


  37. Demonstrates that making love is neither a race nor a competition

    【(以实际行动) 证明性爱既不是“赛跑”也不是“竞争”】

  38. Never blow dries his hair

    【从不让头发自然干 (意指:用吹风机)】

  39. Knows that there is always an exception to a rule


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