
three.js 源码注释(五十六)Material /PointCloudMaterial.js

 pengphie 2016-10-31

* @author mrdoob / http:///
* @author alteredq / http:///
* parameters = {
* color: ,
* opacity: ,
* map: new THREE.Texture( ),
* size: ,
* blending: THREE.NormalBlending,
* depthTest: ,
* depthWrite: ,
* vertexColors: ,
* fog:
* }
THREE.PointCloudMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
THREE.Material.call( this ); //调用Material对象的call方法,将原本属于Material的方法交给当前对象SpriteMaterial来使用
this.color = new THREE.Color( 0xffffff ); // 颜色,默认初始化为0xffffff,白色
this.map = null; //普通贴图贴图,默认为null
this.size = 1; //点云(粒子)点的大小,默认初始化为1.
this.sizeAttenuation = true; //粒子衰减,默认初始化为true.
this.vertexColors = THREE.NoColors; //顶点颜色,默认初始化为THREE.NoColors.当然还可以有 THREE.VertexColors / THREE.FaceColors等选项,这里显示出了javascript的灵活性了.
this.fog = true; //雾效,默认初始化为true.
//TODO: PointCloudMaterial为啥有雾效属性,而且为啥默认初始化为true?????????
this.setValues( parameters ); //调用Material类的setValues方法,将参数parameters赋值给当前PointCloudMaterial材质的属性.
THREE.PointCloudMaterial.prototype = Object.create( THREE.Material.prototype );
THREE.PointCloudMaterial.prototype.clone = function () {
var material = new THREE.PointCloudMaterial();
THREE.Material.prototype.clone.call( this, material );
material.color.copy( this.color );
material.map = this.map;
material.size = this.size;
material.sizeAttenuation = this.sizeAttenuation;
material.vertexColors = this.vertexColors;
material.fog = this.fog;
return material; //返回克隆的PointCloudMaterial对象
// backwards compatibility 向后兼容
THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.ParticleBasicMaterial has been renamed to THREE.PointCloudMaterial.' );
return new THREE.PointCloudMaterial( parameters );
THREE.ParticleSystemMaterial = function ( parameters ) {
console.warn( 'THREE.ParticleSystemMaterial has been renamed to THREE.PointCloudMaterial.' );
return new THREE.PointCloudMaterial( parameters );

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