

 仁者rz 2016-11-02


1. Knee Flexion

Muscles involved: Quadriceps


Standing up while leaning against a support for balance, flex a knee and hold on to the dorsum medial aspect of the foot that is raised using the ipsilateral hand, as shown in the illustration. Pressing the heel of the foot against the gluteus will stretch your quadriceps.

2. Tibial Flexion With Semi-flexed Knee

Muscles involved: Soleus


Standing and holding on to a support, push one leg backward and – with the knee semi flexed – plant the entire sole of the foot on the ground in such a way that the tension is felt in the area of the soleus (below the gastrocnemius). The forward leg remains in semi-flexion, supporting the weight of the body.

3. Tibial Flexion Seated With Knee Extended

Muscles involved: Ischiotibial muscles, gastrocnemius, soleus


Seating on the ground flex one leg over itself by bending the knee and resting the heel of the foot upon the adductor muscles of the opposite leg. The leg that is being stretched must remain with the knee extended. Now from this position, flex the hip slowly, lowering the trunk toward the outstretched leg.

4. Extension of the Hip While Seated on the Heels

Muscles involved: Quadriceps


Seating on top of your heels, preferably upon a padded surface, extend the hip allowing the trunk to fall backwards in a controlled fashion.

5. Stride

Muscles involved: Illiopsoas


From a standing position, bring the body forward with a great stride without lifting the back foot off the ground. From this position, flex the back knee transferring most of the bodyweight to the front leg. The front knee must remain in a position just above the foot, never going beyond it. You can gently lower the weight of the trunk vertically by bringing the pelvis toward the floor to increase the stretch.

6. Hip Flexion Lying Down

Muscles involved: Gluteus maximus


Lying on the ground, flex one leg at both the hip and the knee and “hug” it with both hands, pressing the leg against the chest. The other leg remains extended on the ground.

7. Hip Adduction While Standing

Muscles involved: Gluteal deltoids (superficial fibers of the gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata)


Standing up, holding on to a support on the side, release the weight of the body from the leg closest to the support and cross it in adduction behind the leg that remains firmly in place. Lower the body slowly at the same time that the free leg is moved into greater adduction.

8. Tibial Flexion of the Foot

Muscles involved: Flexor digitorum longus and flexor digitorum brevis


While seated, flex the foot toward the tibia with the help of the hand. The hand covers a great part of the sole of the foot in order to produce a general flexion. Now, if the flexion is performed with the knee extended, then the stretch will focus especially on the gastrocnemius and soleus, whereas if the knee is flexed, it will focus on the latter.

9. Toes Separation

Muscles involved: Plantar interosseus, adductor hallucis


This exercise consists of separating each pair of toes one by one, with the help of the hands. Useful when on occasion, the footwear will press upon, or at least immobilize the toes, and so it is important to regain the lost mobility with exercises such as this one.

10. Ankle Mobilization

Muscles involved: Peroneus


While seated, move the foot in such a way as to cause the stretching of its different areas. Change the position of flexion and extension of the ankle to reach different muscles. Each stretching position must be held for a few seconds, not just simply turning the foot in all different directions (circumduction), but rather adopt a position of tension and hold it for a time and then change to a different one.

11. Flexion of the Hip and Knees With Assistance, in Decubitus Supine Position

Muscles involved: Gluteus maximus


The person stretching lies on the floor in a decubitus supine position (on his back), preferably over a pad, brings the legs together and flexes the hip and the knees. The training partner presses the knees against his partner`s chest, applying pushing force over the tibial region.

12. Flexion of the Knees with Assistance in Decubitus Prone Position

Muscles involved: Quadriceps


The person performing the stretch lies down in a decubitus prone position, flexing at the knees. The assisting partner presses upon the metatarsals of his feet, bringing them closer to the gluteus.

13. Hip Flexion With Assistance

Muscles involved: Ischiotibial muscles


Lie down on the floor, preferably over a padded mat. Let your training partner take one of your legs and, with the knee always extended, raise it in flexion of the hip.

14. Abduction of One Leg With Assistance

Muscles involved: Adductors, gracilis


Lie on the ground with the training partner standing between the legs at the level of your knees. The assistance places one foot firmly on the ground immobilizing one of the legs of the person executing the stretch, and with the other foot opens the leg in abduction.

15. Extension of One Leg With Assistance

Muscles involved: Illiopsoas


Lying with the stomach over a bench or table in a decubitus prone position with the hip remaining at the edge, the training partner raises one of the legs in extension.

16. Frog Pose

Muscles involved: Adductors

Commentary: This is a deep groin stretch that can place pressure on your knees so it’s helpful to be on a soft surface.  Start by resting on your hands and knees and slowly bring your knees wider until you feel a good stretch in your groin muscles. You will feel slight variations in the stretch as you actively push your hips back and forward.

17. Wide Side Lunge Pose 

Muscles involved: Adductors

Commentary: Start with both feet forward in a wide stance with your legs as straight as possible.  Slowly walk your hands to your right foot while bending your right knee and rotating your left toes up to the ceiling, sitting into your right hip.  Keep your right foot flat on the ground.

18. Front Split

Muscles involved: Psoas and Hamstring

Commentary: This is an advanced stretch, proceed with caution if you have any hip problems. Start in a kneeling lunge position, it can also be helpful to have the support of a chair as your hip flexors and hamstrings release.

19. Seated Forward Fold

Muscles involved: Hamstrings and Calves

Commentary: Start by sitting into your sit bones and bend the knees if needed. As your flexibility improves your legs will naturally straighten. If you have back problems keep the spine as straight as possible. You can also perform this stretch lying on your back with your feet up a wall.

20. Single Leg Forward Bend and 21. Deep Squat

Muscles involved: Hamstrings

Commentary: Start this position with one foot in front of the other. Bring your hands to your hips and while keeping the back straight, begin to bend from the hips.

21. Deep Squat

Muscles involved: Glutes

Commentary: This movement has a global effect on all areas of your body. If you have bad knees, or cannot keep your heels on the ground, practice your squat before proceeding. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart then slowly lower yourself into the deep squat. Once in position bring your arms inside your legs and lightly apply pressure to the inside of your knees, sitting into the hips and heels. You can also practice this position lying on your back with your feet against a wall.

22. Seated Half King Pigeon Pose and

Muscles involved: Glutes

Commentary: Start in a seated position slowly pull your leg to your chest and externally rotate your hip while keeping your spine straight.  You should feel this stretch in your glute.

23.Standing Calf Stretch at the Wall

Muscles involved: Soleus and Gastrocnemius

Commentary: Start out in a lunge position with your back foot slightly turned out.  Slowly bring your back heel to the ground to stretch your calf muscles.

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