

 昵称36845779 2016-11-03

  Objectives:To determine whether coronary artery lesions (ectasia and aneurysm) are commonly observed on the initiale chocardiogram of patients with acute Kawasaki syndrome,whether coronary artery ectasia and/or aneurysms occur more frequently in patients with incomplete Kawasaki syndrome than in those patients with complete findings,and whether earlier diagnosis and treatment of Kawasaki syndrome are associated with less frequent occurrence of coronary artery ectasia and/or aneurysm. Design:A retrospective medical record review.Setting:A tertiary care pediatric hospital. Participants:One hundred patients treated for Kawasaki syndrome between July 1,1998,and June 30,2003,who were identified by a medical record search. Main Outcome Measure:Prevalence of coronary artery lesions (ectasia and aneurysm) on the initial and subsequent echocardiograms. Results:Forty-four percent of patients had a coronary artery lesion (31%with ectasia,13%with aneurysm) on the initial echocardiogram. Patients with incomplete Kawasaki syndrome were treated significantly later(median,10 days) and had a significantly higher occurrence of coronary artery aneurysms over the course of their illness(37%) than those with complete Kawasaki syndrome,who were treated at a median of 7 days (P< 0.001)="" and="" had="" a="" 12%aneurysm="" occurrence="" (p="0.009)." patients="" treated="" by="" day="" 7="" of="" illness="" had="" a="" less="" frequent="" occurrence="" of="" aneurysm(6%)="" compared="" with="" those="" patients="" treated="" between="" days="" 8="" and="" 10="" of="" illness="" (27%)="" (p="0.03).Conclusions:Coronary" artery="" lesions="" are="" frequently="" detected="" on="" the="" initial="" echocardiogram="" of="" children="" with="" kawasaki="" syndrome.if="" future="" studies="" show="" ectasia="" to="" have="" a="" relatively="" high="" degree="" of="" specificity="" for="" kawasaki="" syndrome,the="" initial="" echocardiography="" may="" be="" a="" useful="" adjunctive="" diagnostic="" test.……="">

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