
【新機能】AWS LambdaがPythonに対応しました #reinvent | Developers.IO

 CCI16 2016-11-11
def lambda_handler(event, context):
    return "ok"
         mmap                struct
_codecs_iso2022     curl                modulefinder        subprocess
_codecs_jp          curses              multifile           sunau
_codecs_kr          datetime            multiprocessing     sunaudio
_codecs_tw          dateutil            mutex               symbol
_collections        dbhash              netrc               symtable
_crypt              dbm                 new                 sys
_csv                decimal             nis                 sysconfig
_ctypes             difflib             nntplib             syslog
_curses             dircache            ntpath              tabnanny
_curses_panel       dis                 nturl2path          tarfile
_elementtree        distutils           numbers             telnetlib
_functools          dl                  opcode              tempfile
_hashlib            doctest             operator            termios
_heapq              docutils            optparse            test
_hotshot            dumbdbm             os                  textwrap
_io                 dummy_thread        os2emxpath          this
_json               dummy_threading     ossaudiodev         thread
_locale             email               parser              threading
_lsprof             encodings           pdb                 time
_multibytecodec     ensurepip           pickle              timeit
_multiprocessing    errno               pickletools         timing
_osx_support        exceptions          pipes               toaiff
_pyio               fcntl               pkgutil             token
_random             filecmp             platform            tokenize
_socket             fileinput           plistlib            trace
_sqlite3            fnmatch             popen2              traceback
_sqlitecache        formatter           poplib              tty
_sre                fpformat            posix               types
_ssl                fractions           posixfile           unicodedata
_strptime           ftplib              posixpath           unittest
_struct             functools           pprint              urlgrabber
_symtable           future_builtins     profile             urllib
_sysconfigdata      futures             pstats              urllib2
_threading_local    gc                  pty                 urlparse
_warnings           gdbm                pwd                 user
_weakref            genericpath         py_compile          uu
_weakrefset         getopt              pyclbr              uuid
abc                 getpass             pycurl              warnings
aifc                gettext             pydoc               wave
antigravity         glob                pydoc_data          weakref
anydbm              gpgme               pyexpat             webbrowser
argparse            grp                 quopri              whichdb
array               gzip                random              wsgi
ast                 hashlib             re                  wsgiref
asynchat            heapq               readline            xattr
asyncore            hmac                repr                xdrlib
atexit              hotshot             resource            xml
audiodev            htmlentitydefs      rexec               xmllib
audioop             htmllib             rfc822              xmlrpclib
啊我死了ambda           httplib             rlcompleter         xxsubtype
base64              ihooks              robotparser         yum
bdb                 imageop             rpm                 zipfile
binascii            imaplib             rpmUtils            zipimport
binhex              imghdr              runpy               zlib
Enter any module name to get more help.  Or, type "modules spam" to search
for modules whose descriptions contain the word "spam".
END RequestId: 3257ba11-6e2a-11e5-9beb-bd6914058220
REPORT RequestId: 3257ba11-6e2a-11e5-9beb-bd6914058220  Duration: 8358.14 ms    Billed Duration: 8400 ms    Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 33 MB

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