
狼毫之狼是豺狼还是黄鼠狼?NO NO,今天不谈书法,谈文化 | 读书者说

 昵称34801917 2016-11-19



Zhao Zhenjiang, famed Spanish translator and the consultant for the Spanish version of the book, knows why.

“When I was checking the first draft by a native Spanish sinologist, of course she did a wonderful job, but I still found she missed the meaning of a famous calligraphy brush called ‘Lang Hao’. The brush is made of weasel’s tail hair, and the first translation wronged it as wolf hair,” Zhao says.



Zhang Siying, who translated the edition into English, says some well-explained ideas in the book are valuable to Chinese readers: 'We may know the cultural anecdotes, but we're actually not certain of what they signify precisely.

'I was inspired by the authors' reinterpretation of the Taoism belief of shang shan ruo shui.'

Created by ancient philosopher Laozi, the anecdote compares the best people to water, nourishing the earth without being driven by benefits.

'You can't try to take up all the advantages. If you think about what benefits you can offer to others, they will pay you back in some way, and vice versa,' says Zhang.


叶朗教授和朱良志教授的《中国文化读本》Insights into Chinese Culture正是这样一本常看常新的书。因其精炼,不到400页的体量,被称为“大家小书”。







'Books for general readers should also have academic significance,' says Ye.



Authors Ye Lang and Zhu Liangzhi had a daunting task-boil down Chinese civilization that has spanned thousands of years into a book of about 300 pages.

Both influential professors of philosophy and of aesthetics and arts from Peking University, the two sifted through many options when they proposed a book on Chinese culture as a gift for the world when Beijing was hosting the 2008 Olympic Games.

The professors wanted to offer something refreshing and authoritative, and yet easy to follow with the appeal of a storybook.



So they discarded the notion of 'talking about every aspect' in their book, and picked four aspects: wisdom and beliefs, creativity and exchanges, art and aesthetics and folk customs.



While many titles on Chinese culture seem academic, such as condensed histories, their book approached the material by focusing on Chinese people: their personalities, core values and attitudes toward life.


The authors believe that Chinese people 'respect nature, expect a prosperous life, pray for peace, and love life', which form deep layers within Chinese culture.


佛造像 北朝 青州


The book contains a chapter titled 'Eternal Smile of Buddha'. It mentions sculptures at the Maijishan Grottoes, in Gansu province, created in the first half of the 6th century.

'The main statue has not only a smile on his face but a smile seeming to spread all over his body,' the authors write.

'In fact the smiling Buddha was created during one of the most traumatic periods in Chinese history, with endless wars and loss of life,' says Zhu.

He adds the smile gave ancient people faith in life and shows typical Chinese wisdom: Since one can't choose to avoid disasters, one can choose how to face them.




Along the same lines, Ye says when they tell about the 12th-century scroll painting Qingming Shanghe Tu (Along the River During the Qingming Festival), they didn't put it in the arts section, but under folk culture.

'We detail scenes from the lives of the Song Dynasty people that the scroll presents, including a mother holding a child at a clinic and trying to feed her baby herbal medicine,' says Ye.

'We believe the carefree and happy atmosphere of everyday life is what keeps attracting the scroll's viewers.'




The authors take the Great Wall as a symbol of Chinese aspiration for peace.

'Building walls was extremely hard labor,' they say in the book, but the walls prevented bloody wars.

'Thus the Great Wall was built with the basic goal of safeguarding peace. It represented Chinese people's longing for a peaceful life,' they write.





Meng Peiyuan, a scholar from the Philosophy Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, says the book is a rare link between Chinese spiritual traditions and contemporary life.









“Naturalness” is an important concept of Laozi’s philosophy. It refers to a natural state of being, an attitude of following the way of nature. Laozi emphasized that everything in the world has its own way of being and development: birds fly in the sky, fish swim in the water, clouds float in the sky, flowers bloom and flowers fall. All these phenomena occur independently and naturally without following any human will, and humans should not try to change anything natural. Laozi admonished people to give up on any desire to control the world. Following the way of nature is the way to resolving conflicts between humans and the world.


“Non-action” is another important concept of Laozi’s philosophy. It is the guarantee of “naturalness.” Laozi said, “(Dao or the Way) acts through non-action,” by which he did not mean that one should do nothing and passively wait for something to be achieved. Neither did he deny human creativity. What he meant is that human enterprises should be built on the basis of naturalness, not on any attempts to interrupt the rhythm of nature. Human creativity should be in compliance with the ways of nature.


Laozi said, “Great ingenuity appears to be stupidity.” This is the essence of “naturalness” and “non-action”.






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