
【有声绘本】廖彩杏书单《Here we go round the mulberry bush 》一起...

 淘淘淘282 2016-11-20




今天介绍的《Here we go round the mulberry bush 》 这是什么树啊?我们家小朋友一看就要唱了:阿门阿前一颗葡萄树。。。可是葡萄是长在藤上的啊,这可不是葡萄树,这是什么树呢?


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This is the way

We get out of bed,

Out of bed,

Out of bed.

This is the way

We get out of bed

On a cold and frosty morning.


Jim (黑头发男孩) lies on the floor.躺在地板上。

Tom (黄头发男孩) is yawning in the bed.在床上打哈欠。

Daniel (黄头发男孩) is yawning while walking.边走边打哈欠。

Lily (红长头发女孩) jumps out of her bed.跳下床。

Susan (黑色卷头发女孩) gets out of bed with a bunny doll.跟小兔子一起起床。


Mike (黑色卷头发男孩) slides from his bed.从滑梯滑下床。

Kelly (黄色长头发女孩) sits in the floor with her eyes closed.坐在地上还逼着眼睛。


Cathy is climbing down the ladder.从楼梯爬下来。


This is the way

We munch and crunch,

Munch and crunch,

Munch and crunch.

This is the way

We munch and crunch

On a cold and frosty morning.



munch  英 [m?n(t)?] 美 [m?nt?]  vt. 用力咀嚼;大声咀嚼|vi. 用力咀嚼;大声咀嚼|

n. 用力的咀嚼

crunch   英 [kr?n(t)?]   美 [kr?nt?] n. 咬碎,咬碎声;扎扎地踏|vt. 压碎;嘎扎嘎扎的咬嚼;扎扎地踏过 |vi. 嘎吱作响地咀嚼;嘎吱嘎吱地踏过


Jim (黑头发男孩) is eating omelet.吃煎蛋。

Susan (黑色卷头发女孩) is having cookies。吃饼干。

Tom (黄头发男孩) is eating a banana.吃香蕉。

Daniel (黄头发男孩) is drinking a bottom of juice.喝果汁。

Lily (红长头发女孩) is eating a croissant.吃牛角包。这个本人是很不喜欢吃。

Mike (黑色卷头发男孩) is eating a piece of bread with jam.吃抹了果酱的面包。

Kelly (黄色长头发女孩) is pouring milk to the cereal.往麦片里倒牛奶。这些西方早餐里面,牛奶麦片是我比较喜欢的早餐,牛奶热半分钟倒进honey蜂蜜味的cereal,非常方便。

黄头发婴儿 Manny ishaving his breakfast at the baby table.在婴儿桌吃早餐。看起来像米糊,连掉在桌子上的作者都画出来了。


图中还有很多食物,苹果apple, 草莓strawberry, 冰激凌ice cream, 菠萝pineapple, 梨pear, 葡萄grape, 橙子orange, 蛋糕cake 等.

This is the way

We brush our teeth,

brush our teeth,

brush our teeth.

This is the way

We brush our teeth

On a cold and frosty morning.




This is the way

We wash and scrub,

Wash and scrub,

wash and scrub.

This is the way

We wash and scrub

On a cold and frosty morning.


Jim (黑头发男孩) uses a rabbit rubbing towel.兔子搓澡巾。

Tom (黄头发男孩) use a alligator washcloth.鳄鱼搓澡巾。

Daniel (黄头发男孩) is washing his face.洗脸。

Lily (红长头发女孩) is looking at the mirror in a tub.在浴缸里照镜子。

Susan (黑色卷头发女孩) is scrubbing her back in the tub.在浴缸里搓背。

Kelly (黄色长头发女孩) is washing her face.洗脸。

Manny’s (黄头发婴儿) washs his face with a bath sponge.用海绵洗脸。

浴室里面那位戴了浴帽,看不出来是谁,洗澡take a bath或者have a bath, take a shower。


This is the way

We dress ourselves,

Dress ourselves,

Dress ourselves.

This is the way

We dress ourselves,

On a cold and frosty morning.



dress   英 [dres]   美 [dr?s]  vt. 给…穿衣 |vi. 穿衣 |n. 连衣裙;女装 

穿衣服可以说Dressoneself,wear clothes,put on your cloth等. 

Jim (黑头发男孩) puts on his socks.穿袜子。

Tom (黄头发男孩) bucks up his overall.扣上背带裤。

Daniel (黄头发男孩) puts on his sweater.穿毛衣。

Susan (黑色卷头发女孩) puts on her dress.穿裙子。

Kelly (黄色长头发女孩) is wearing her pants.穿裤子。

Sophia (棕色短头发女孩) is lacing up her shoes.系鞋带。

Manny’s (黄头发婴儿) puts on his hat.戴帽子。

新出来的寸头男孩,叫John好了,John is buttoning up his coat.扣衣服扣子。Button按钮,纽扣

红帽子的看不出来是谁啊,heputs on his coat.穿外套。

This is the way

We brush and comb,

brush and comb,

brush and comb.

This is the way

We brush and comb,

On a cold and frosty morning.



comb [k??m]  n. 梳子;蜂巢;鸡冠 |vt. 梳头发;梳毛 |vi. (浪)涌起 

Jim (黑头发男孩) combs Daniel’s (黄头发男孩) hair.

Tom (黄头发男孩) is combing his hair on a bench.

Lily (红长头发女孩) has a pony tail.马尾辫。

Susan (黑色卷头发女孩) brushes her curl hair.梳卷发。

Sophia (棕色短头发女孩) helps Kelly (黄色长头发女孩) comb her hair.

Manny (黄头发婴儿) is combing his hair.

This is the way

We get to school,

get to school,

get to school.

This is the way

We get to school

On a cold and frosty morning.


 Daniel (黄头发男孩) goes to school by skate board.滑板。

Susan (黑色卷头发女孩) goes to school with her mother.跟妈妈去上学。

Kelly (黄色长头发女孩) goes to school on foot.步行上学。

Cathy (黑色长头发女孩) rides her bike to school.骑自行车上学。

Some go to school by bus and some by car.坐巴士或者坐汽车。

新出现的轮椅女孩Linda goesto school on her wheelchair.坐轮椅。

yle='font-family:宋体;mso-ascii-font-family:'Times New Roman';mso-hansi-font-family:'Times New Roman''>梳卷发。

Sophia (棕色短头发女孩) helps Kelly (黄色长头发女孩) comb her hair.

Manny (黄头发婴儿) is combing his hair.

This isthe way

we work all day,

work all day,

work all day.

This isthe way we work all day,

On acold and frosty morning.



Jim (黑头发男孩) is cutting the paper.剪纸。

Tom (黄头发男孩) is learning how to read the clock.学习读时钟。

Daniel (黄头发男孩) is drawing.画画。

Susan (黑色卷头发女孩) is writing alphabet on a white board.在白板上写字母。

Kelly (黄色长头发女孩) is playing a ball.玩球。

Cathy (黑色长头发女孩) is learning math on a computer.用电脑学数字。

This isthe way

We jump and play,

jump and play,

jump and play.

This isthe way we jump and play,

On acold and frosty morning.



Jim (黑头发男孩) is playing hopscotch.玩跳房子。

Tom (黄头发男孩) is jumping on some boxes.在盒子上跳。

Linda (轮椅女孩) and Susan (黑色卷头发女孩) are dancing.跳舞。

Mike (黑色卷头发男孩) is stacking the blocks.堆积木。

Kelly (黄色长头发女孩) is playing with car model.玩车模。

Cathy (黑色长头发女孩) is playing rope jumping.跳绳。

This isthe way

We eat our lunch,

eat our lunch,

eat our lunch.

This isthe way we eat our lunch,

On acold and frosty lunchtime.


















 Jim (黑头发男孩) has rice for lunch.吃米饭。

Tom (黄头发男孩) is eating sausage.吃香肠。

Daniel (黄头发男孩) is having spaghetti.吃意大利面。

Lily (红长头发女孩) has bread and cherry.吃面包和樱桃。

Mike (黑色卷头发男孩) is eating yogurt.喝酸奶。

Kelly (黄色长头发女孩) is eating steak.吃牛排。

This isthe way

We all go home,

all go home,

all go home.

This isthe way we all go home,

On acold and frosty evening.



Tom (黄头发男孩) goes home by sled.坐雪橇。

Daniel (黄头发男孩) goes home by bike.骑自行车。

Susan (黑色卷头发女孩) goes home by skating.溜冰。

Mike (黑色卷头发男孩) and Kelly (黄色长头发女孩) go home by skate board.滑板。

Two dogs are chasing with a ball.两个小狗在玩球。

This isthe way

We rest at home,

rest at home,

rest at home.

This isthe way we rest at home,

On acold and frosty evening.


rest  [rest]  vt. 使休息,使轻松;把…寄托于n. 休息,静止;休息时间;剩余部分;支架vi. 休息;静止;依赖;安置



Jim (黑头发男孩) is wachting TV and eating sandwich.边看电视边吃三明治。

Daniel (黄头发男孩) listens to the radio.听收音机。

Lily (红长头发女孩) is playing with toy train.玩玩具火车。

Susan (黑色卷头发女孩) is playing puzzle.玩拼图。

Linda (轮椅女孩) is reading a book.看书。

Mike (黑色卷头发男孩) is bathing with toy hippo, alligator, fish and ducks.跟河马,鳄鱼,鱼和鸭子一起洗澡。

This isthe way

We say, “Good night”,

say, “Good night”,

say, “Good night”.

This isthe way we say, “Good night”,

On acold and frosty evening.


 看看几个小朋友不同入睡方式,有跟妈妈说good night自己入睡,有听爸爸讲故事入睡,有在妈妈背上入睡,有妈妈抱着入睡。你家小朋友是怎么入睡的呢?


Daniel (黄头发男孩) hugs his mother and says good night.拥抱妈妈晚安。

Lily (红长头发女孩) waves good night to her mother.跟妈妈摇手晚安。

Susan (黑色卷头发女孩) falls asleep on her mother’s back.在妈妈背上睡着了,兔子还拿在手里啊。

Jim’s (黑色短发男孩) dad is reading him a book.爸爸给Jim读书。


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