

 拼搏进取611 2016-11-28

Teaching  contents   



   Teaching  aims     

 1, Can write down the words of school supplies                 

 2, Can write down the words of colors                      

 3, Can write down the words of parts of the body                         

 4, Review the words of animals                         

5, Review the words of foods                       

6, Can use them make sentences                        

  Important  points    


  The words of country, family, fruits and numbers               

   Difficult  points    


  Make sentences use them                            

    Teaching  aids    

  English book , word cards , little blackboard , tape                                        


 Teaching  procedures  




The first lesson                       



     I  Organization                                   


        1 , Greetings                                 

        2 , Free talk                                  

        3 , Let’s sing :    “ A B C song ”                             


     II  Revision                                    


        1 , Review the words of school supplies                    


         ruler ,  pencil , eraser , crayon , bag , pen , book                                  


        2 , Use them make sentences                    


                      I have   {   a bag             

a ruler.             

                                  a pencil           

                                  a crayon           

                                  an eraser          

                                  a pencil box         


        3 , Review the words of colors                    



           red , green , yellow , blue , black , brown , white , orange , pink , purple                        


        4 , Use them make sentences                    


                   I see   {   red.                   




                   Color it   {   yellow                




        5 , Can write down the words of parts of the body              


                       ear , eye , nose , mouth , face  head , hand , arm , body , leg , foot                                                


        6 , Use them make sentences                    


           Look at me. This is my {face.                    







    III  Let’s sing :   “  color song  ”                                    




                  The second class                         



     I   Organization                                  


         1 , Greetings                                    

         2 , Free talk                                  

         3 , Let’s sing :   “ Old Macdonald ”                                        


     II  Revision                                     


        1 , Review the words of animals                        



            pig , bear , cat , duke , dog bird , panda , tiger                           


        2 , Use them make sentences                    


                        What’s that?                     

                            It’s  a  {  tiger                            




        3 , Review the words of foods                      


         juice , egg , milk , bread , water , cake , fish , rice   


        4 , Use them make sentences                    


                        Mum, I’m hungry!                           

                        Have some   {   bread   }.                          

                         Here you are.                


     III  Let’s sing                                   


                 “  Let’s have a picnic today  ”                       







  Teacher and students say hello to each other                    



Students sing after tape   




  Students must write down them on the exercise-book 



  Teacher read them       


  Students read after him   


  Students make sentences  


  Practice in groups       





Students must write down them on the exercise-book 




Teacher read them       


  Students read after him   


  Students make sentences   


  Practice with neighbor         



Students must write down them on the exercise-book 



  Teacher read them       


  Students read after him   


  Students make sentences  


  Practice with partner         



  Sing after the tape       








Teacher and students say hello to each other                    



Students sing after tape                              






Students must write down them on the exercise-book 


  Teacher read them and   students after him            


  Students make sentences  


  Practice with partner      



Teacher read them       


  Students read after him   



Students make sentences  


  Practice in groups          



  Sing after the tape       


blackboard design                                                    



             Review the words of   {   colors                         




Make sentences use them                                  


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