

 自由自在雒惠军 2016-11-29


By now, it is well-documented that working women do more housework and child care than working men. This is what we call the 'second shift': Men and women both go off to work, but it's women who come home to a whole other job. Conservatives like to argue that this is because men work more hours. But what happens when the men are out of work? According to American Time Use Survey, comparing how much housework and caregiving 'nonemployed' Americans do,  even when they don't have an outside job to take up their time and energy, men still manage to do way less housework and child care than women.


Dush, a tenured professor and mother of four, draws on personal experience for inspiration, saying, “From the outset, my husband, a full-time clinical pharmacist, has been a committed partner in caring for our house and raising our children. But I’ve learned that, with our equal division of housework and child care, he’s an outlier. And she shares the results of a new study. In a sampling of 182 working couples, the researchers found “Before their baby arrived, men and women in our study were both working roughly the same number of hours inside and outside the home. And after having a baby, they still worked the same number of hours at their jobs. However, during the first weeks of parenthood, men cut back their housework by five hours per week, while women dropped theirs by only one hour.”


But what’s intriguing about the study — and an insight I’d wager plenty of working moms would not find shocking — is that she says, “New fathers don’t seem to realize that they aren’t keeping up with their partners’ growing workload.… Time diaries told a different story, one where parenthood added much more work for women than men.”


I move in a pretty enlightened feminism era circle, among plenty of families in which the woman’s job success and time commitment to her work is equal to that of the man’s. The straight fathers I know are smart and open-minded; they’re supportive of their partners and eager to share in the child-rearing. So why do I so rarely see any dads in my building’s laundry room? Laundry — it’s a feminist issue.


You’ve got to let your husband do more housework!




I’ve been convicted that for way too long I’ve expected my wife to do all the cleaning, all the laundry, cook all the meals, and make sure our four boys finish their homework and don’t kill each other. My friends, keeping a house going and clean is way more than a one woman job. I commend every single mother who has to wear both hats, but for those who have a partner at home you need to get off the couch. There should be at least one time a week that every man puts forth the effort to pick up some trash, wash some dishes, and scrub some dirt away. Your wife did not create all the mess by herself and should not be expected to keep it all sparkling alone.



Men, when we come from a hard day’s work we may feel like we’re off the clock. A diligent wife and mother never feels off duty. There is always another meal to prepare, clothes to be washed, a kid that has to be somewhere or do something, and they need our help. Any effort to lighten her load and give her a break will be greatly appreciated.



Every time I take time to do some housework I am reminded that it’s an endless job and I have at times very unrealistic expectations of my wife. Dishes are constantly dirty, laundry piles up quickly, meals don’t cook themselves, kids are messy, and combine this with an already busy life is impossible to do all of it by yourself. Earlier I did some deep cleaning in the kitchen and living room. I discovered things I forgot we had, I worked up a good sweat, and I was reminded that my wife deals with this day in and day out. I decided then and there, its’ time to come off the bench and help her out a whole lot more than I have recently.


Now, ladies and gentlemen, I do not care to debate who should do what chores in a household. All I’m saying is that husbands and wives should work together to keep things going. A woman can cut the grass and take out the trash. A man can wash some dishes and vacuum some floors. My point is there is no such thing as it’s her job or my job. It’s our job, our family, our kids, and our responsibility. We are a team and we should operate as a team. I hope this helps at least one man on this planet get out or stay out of the dog house.





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