

 muyangtv 2016-12-02
  allegedly christmas tree first appeared in ancient rome in mid-december saturnalia, the german missionary nikos in the 8th century ad, dedicated to el ni?o using p-trees. subsequently, the german people have december 24 as the adam and eve festival, noodles made from christmas tree at home, put a symbol of the garden of eden, "paradise tree" hanging on behalf of st. cookie cake, symbolizing the atonement; also candles, a symbol of christ. 
  in the west, whether christian, one must be prepared when christmas tree, in order to enhance the festive atmosphere of joy. christmas tree in general is sort of evergreen fir bo made a symbol of life forever. a tree decorated with a variety of deng zhu, color flowers, toys, stars, hang all kinds of christmas gifts. christmas eve, people singing and dancing around the christmas tree, enjoy fun

  christmas socks

  the earliest before a pair of large red socks, size, informality. the christmas stocking is to be used to install a gift, so this is children's favorite things at night they will own socks hanging in the bed, waiting for the next morning gifts

  christmas hats

  it was a red hat, is said to wear at night to sleep in addition to sleep and a bit warm, the next day you will also find that hat put in more a gift from a loved one. in the carnival night audience that it is the protagonist, no matter what you go to the corner, they will find a wide variety of red hat.


  congratulate the christmas and new year's greeting cards, printed above the picture on the nativity story, and "celebrate christmas", "happy new year" and the like wish to say. greeting cards (christmas cards) is very popular in the united states and europe, but also as to maintain the distance between one of the ways family and friends. many families with annual household photo greeting cards or family to bring news, including family members
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