
扭曲:The Twist - Metric

 安口中学王先艳 2016-12-06


Metric,一支来知加拿大的独立摇滚,另类流行,朋友风格乐队。乐队由一个女生和三个男生组成,他们分别是。女主唱兼混音制作Emily Haines,吉他手James Shaw,贝斯手Josh Winstead,还有鼓手Joules Scott-Key。乐队成立于1998的美国纽约,而后来则转迁至加拿大的多伦多。他们第一张专辑于2003年发行,他们以具极个性的女声,甜美中却带有些冷酷与不羁,配合旋律和节奏让人觉得很别致好听。




The Twist - Metric

We were too wasted to close the window

Friends and family looking into my only hiding place

The rhythm of a stranger's skin

Infidel to die for what I am doing

Will happen in the morning when the mirror won't recognize me

He holds a certain gesture when we're lovin' to ask each other

'Do you want it?' 'Do you want me?'

I want it

It is you. 

You are where I want to be

Who is he? *Oh*

Why would I *do*

hitch a ride? *the*

I can drive. *twist*

Who is she? *o0o*

Why would I *do*

hitch a ride *Oh*

When i can drive? *the twist*

Somebody put me back in school, I forget everything

I used to know how to leave the boy behind

Without having to watch him go. *oh*

Infidel to die for what I am doing

will happen in the morning when the mirror won't recognize me

He holds a certain gesture when we're lovin' to ask each other

'Do you want it?' 'Do you want me?'

I want it. It is you. You are where I want to be

Who is he? *Oh* 

Why would I *do*

hitch a ride *the*

I can drive? *twist*

Who is she? *Oh* 

Why would I *do*

hitch a ride *o0o0*

when i can drive? *the twist*..

Circumstantial (o0o)do the twist (do)

Circumstantial (the)do the twist (twist)

Circumstantial (o0o)do the twist (do)

Circumstantial (o0o) (the twist)


Circumstantial (o0o000)do the twist (do)

Circumstantial (the)do the twist (twist)

Circumstantial (o0o)do the twist (do)

Circumstantial (o0o) (the twist)


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