

 gbkY 2016-12-06


西格蒙德·弗洛伊德对梦的诠释:梦有一个非常突出的方式处理对立和矛盾的范畴,这是简单地忽略对梦的“不”似乎不存在。梦睡眠是参差不齐的心理游戏在未实现的愿望和现实之间的焦虑。作品《梦与噩梦》由来自英国拍摄影师Justin Sainsbury策划、摄影。

'The dream has a very striking way of dealing with the category of opposites and contradictions. This is simply disregarded. To the dream 'No' does not seem to exist''- Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams

With sleep comes jagged mind games - flitting between unrealised aspirations and the realisation of our anxieties. Symbols, mixed-up metaphors and chance juxtapositions are found then lost. Perhaps we seek these again through pictures that we can hold on to, when we have the time to make sense of it. A series of photos on 'Dreams and Nightmares', curated by Justin Sainsbury, Street Photographer from Brighton, UK.

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