

 Bookstore75 2016-12-20

编译:Stone  原作者:Savitha Kartha




我的小建议是 1.最好有个医生朋友。2.找自己信任的医院就诊。3.平时常规体检。


What do doctors hate that people normally do?

My brother and sister in law are both doctors. So they would always be telling me things the patients do which totally annoy them. The common ones being: 


1. Patients when come in with any kind of sickness like fever, vomiting and they are prescribed medicines , they advise the doctor which medicine to pen down!. And 99.9% it would be wrong and not relating to the problem they face. Now who's the doctor here??! 


2. when patients are told to take an x-ray or some general tests , they make some excuses saying the diagnostic centre is far away from where they stay or they don't have the money for it but they have the money to carry around mobile phones worth 15–20000 rupees!.


3. when patients are prescribed some antibiotics and are told to have them for a course of say 3/4/5 days depending upon the problem, they stop it half way and then come back complaining and when asked they say they discontinued due to e silly reason like they forgot to have it or they had to attend a family function so forgot to carry the medicines along or some of them don't buy them maybe to save that money and try home remedies!.


4. when patients come in for consultation, they keep on blabbering everything else except their problem. They would want to know if the concerned doctor is married, from which part of the world he / she belongs to, how many kids he/ she have, where do they stay and like these many such unwanted questions.


These are only some general things patients do which my family members have mentioned .



prescribe pre -前的 预先 scrib- 是拉丁词根 写,西班牙语escribir 。本意有 削,刻之意。变体形式有scrab- scrap-

Annoy 来自拉丁短语 in odio 厌恶 憎恨。字母d, y 音变。另外西班牙语 odio -amor hate -love  。

diagnose  dia-穿过  二者间 。gnose - 拉丁词根 知道 =know 。字母g k音变。

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