
★大卫在月球上的工作 | 《美国语文》常青藤版

 昵称2530266 2016-12-30
埃德温·埃尔德曼 主编
标题 | 大卫在月球上的工作
作者 | 霍华德·派尔

“Come, David,” said the Man-in-the-moon, “it is time for your work now. Tomorrow night you shall see something new.” 

Then the Man-in-the-moon led David up to the third story of the moon-house. There was nothing above him but the hollow sky. 

The first thing that David saw was a great basket full of stars of all kinds. Some shone white, and some blue, and some rosy red. The light shone from them, so that all about was a mist of brightness. 

Beside the basket was a bundle of lamb’s wool. 

“There is your work,” said the Man-in-the-moon. “It is to polish the stars with lamb’s wool, so that they may shine brightly when the moon wanes, and the sky is dark once more.” 

David sat down on the wooden bench, and took up a big star. He blew his breath upon it, and rubbed it with lamb’s wool. As he robbed, the star grew brighter and brighter, and glowed with light as though it were alive. 

David did not know how beautiful a star could be until he held it in his own hand and rubbed it with lamb’s wool. 

I dare say that there are some wise folk who will tell you that this is all nonsense. All that you have to do then is to look up into the sky when the moon is full. 

There you will see for yourself that there are hardly any stars to be seen. Those few are so dull and dim that they hardly twinkle at all. 

That is because somebody in the moon is polishing the others with lamb’s wool to make them bright for the time when the sky is dark again.








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