

 gbkY 2017-01-03


来自波兰的摄影师Damian Chrobak的作品已在英国、德国、美国、新西兰、欧洲等国家发表并出版了书籍。他目前在伦敦进行街拍纪录项目的工作。街头摄影的特点是高度敏感的审美兼心理和社会学的洞察力。摄影师揭示那些看似随机的时刻。

Born in Poland, Damian Chrobak studied at the Academy of Photography in Warsaw. Damian moved to London in 2004, where he completed a Black & White Photography Course at the University of Arts in London. Since then he has been documenting the city’s street life. His work has been published in the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States of America, New Zealand, Poland and other European countries. He has also produced photographs for book and recording covers. He is currently based in London and working on documentary and street photography projects.
Street photography is characterised by a high degree of sensitivity to aesthetic, psychological and sociological insight. The photographer plucks out from his surroundings seemingly random moments and reveals their significance. What is important for him in a photograph is a deeply humane reflection on the nature of the individual and society as a whole. The ordinary moments in everyday life often have a hidden meaning and can be interesting, humorous, bizarre or remarkable....

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