

 金翼宇曦 2017-01-06
Pay packages for expats often include extra cash for employee housing, private schools and security. Next up: Extra money for air pollution?
Coca-Cola Co. now offers environmental hardship pay for employees who have relocated to China, where smog has reached harmful levels in several cities, the company said this week.
可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola Co.)本周表示,将向其驻华外籍员工提供环境困难补贴。中国部分城市的雾霾污染已达到有害的水平。
A spokesperson for the Atlanta-based beverage giant declined to confirm the value of the wage premium or how many employees are eligible for the benefit. The Australian Financial Review reported the allowance to be around 15% of an employee's base salary.
可口可乐的一位发言人未证实这一补贴的金额以及有多少员工有资格获得这项福利。据《澳大利亚金融评论报》(Australian Financial Review)报道,这一补贴或为员工基本工资的15%左右。
It is not uncommon for multinational companies to provide hardship allowances to incentivize employees to work in China, in part because of the heavy levels of smog, said Ed Hannibal, global leader of the mobility practice at HR consulting firm Mercer LLC. He said the value of hardship pay will depend on where the office is located, as some cities have higher levels of pollution than others.
人力资源咨询公司美世咨询(Mercer LLC)迁移业务的全球负责人汉尼巴尔(Ed Hannibal)表示,一定程度上受严重雾霾水平影响,跨国公司为了鼓励员工在中国工作而提供困难补贴并不罕见。他还说,环境困难补贴的金额将取决于办公室设在哪个城市,因为一些城市的污染情况比另一些更严重。
'They will provide that as a compensation tool in order to offset the severe living conditions and to keep people on the ground,' Hannibal said. Many companies also pay for air or water purification systems to be installed the homes of China-based employees, he said.
Panasonic Corp., the Japan-based electronics maker, offers a 'lifestyle differential allowance' that compensates for several factors that impact quality of life, including air pollution, a spokesman said.
日本电子产品生产商松下电器产业公司(Panasonic Corp.)的发言人称,该公司为员工提供“生活方式差别津贴”,用以补偿因一些因素而给生活质量造成的影响,其中就包括空气污染。
Exposure to smog has been linked to respiratory problems such as asthma and emphysema. The U.S. Embassy in Beijing alerts American expatriates in China when air-pollution levels reach dangerously high levels and provides an air quality monitor for several cities on its website.
This week, the Air Quality Index for Beijing registered unhealthy levels of pollution, according to the website.

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