

 源源不断 2017-01-06

小编最近出了一次中国乃至世界闻名的旅游城市 ,桂林阳朔,桂林自古就享有 山水甲天下的美誉,到现在隐约记得 我们学过一篇课文,桂林山水

人们都说:“桂林山水甲天下” ,我们乘坐木船,荡漾在漓江山,来观赏山水桂林。课文里面的这一幕出现在眼前。。。

Xiao Bian recently had a China and the world famous tourist city of Guilin, Yangshuo, Guilin has enjoyed landscape enjoys good reputation, now vaguely remember we learned a lesson, Guilin Scenery

People say: 'Guilin Scenery in the world', we take the boat, rippling in the Lijiang landscape, to view the landscape of Guilin. This scene appeared in front of the text...

第一站来到了阳朔县 抵达酒店,上面这副画面就是在酒店窗外的画面。这也是离阳朔西街,酒吧街最近的住地,

上面课文说道游漓江 ,看桂林山水,出的时候刚好,烟雨濛濛,但也挡不住心潮澎湃的心情,烟雨濛濛如画即呈现

The first stop came to Yangshuo County, arrived at the hotel, above the picture is in the hotel outside the window of the screen. This is also from Yangshuo West Street, bar street, the nearest residence,

The above text said visit Lijiang, Guilin Scenery, just out of time, amidst the rain, but can not stop full of excitement. mood, misty picturesque presentation


Former U.S. President Barack Clinton and his wife Hilary July 1998 tour of the river and the scenery of the Yangshuo County, said: the Lijiang River landscape reminds me of the Chinese landscape painting!

这就是美丽的漓江 ,有烟雨濛濛如画的同时 也失去很多美景 ,雨天不能识得真面目 ,不过小伙伴们 也看到了山水,漓江及两岸的山 ,是不是美不胜收!

This is the beauty of Lijiang, a picturesque amidst the rain also lose a lot of beautiful scenery, the rain can not know the true face, but the buddies also saw the Lijiang River on both sides of the mountain landscape, and is not beautiful!

下一站:银子岩,世界岩溶艺术宝库 ,4A 景区,当地有这样一句寓言 ,“游了银子岩,一世不缺钱“  银子岩贯穿十二座山峰,层楼式溶洞 ,溶洞汇集不同年代发育生长的钟乳石,晶莹剔透,洁白无瑕。

Next station: Silver rock, world art treasure house, karst 4A local area, there is such a fable, 'tour Yinzi Yan, I do not need the money' silver rock through twelve peaks, floor style cave, cave together in different years growth of stalactites, crystal clear, spotless.

第三站 ,遇龙河 ,遇龙河两岸山峰清秀迤逦,连绵起伏,形态万千,河畔翠竹叠嶂,四季长青,诗情画意尽显其中。

The third station, the Yulong River, Yulong River and meandering mountain, rolling, shapes, Riverside bamboo peaks, evergreen, which shows a quality suggestive of poetry or painting.

第四站 ,;来到阳朔西街,酒吧街,历史记载,始建1674年,东临漓江,直对东岭,西对膏泽峰,旁靠碧莲峰,宽约8米 长约800米路面,用本地的槟榔纹搭理石铺成,到晚上 就有络绎不绝的游人聚此。

Fourth station; to Yangshuo West Street bar street, historical records, founded in 1674, the East River, West to be straight to the Dongling, peak, near the green lotus peak, 8 meters wide 800 meters long road, with the local areca lines Dali stone, at night there is in a continuous line of visitors this poly.

第五站!天籁蝴蝶泉,山,水,石 ,洞 ,泉水,瀑布,级原汁原味的桐苗风情闻名,倾听天籁之音!

Fifth station! Sounds of Butterfly Spring, mountain, water, stone, caves, springs, waterfalls, level of authentic Tong Miao style is famous for listening to music!


友情提示:当地,闺蜜,好友 叫GOU 友 ,在路上如果有女子踩你的脚后跟 说明就看上你了 ,嘻嘻。

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