

 jimimiluo 2017-01-19

 在这篇《视角》文章中,Ottmar Edenhofer对与源自煤的能源相关价格与可再生能源的价格进行了深入研究,揭示了煤可能没有像它所显示的那样有价值。近些年来,风力发电和太阳能的成本已经有了大幅的下降,但煤仍然是较廉价的选择。尽管中国和美国等二氧化碳的主要排放国正在设立目标:要在未来的几十年中减少它们对化石燃料的依赖,但这只会使化石燃料的国际市场价格下降,并增加其对发展中国家的吸引力,因为后者只是在现在才开始对长期的能源基础设施进行投资。但是,什么是煤的真实成本呢?正如Edenhofer所指出的,全世界各国政府对化石燃料给予了大量补贴,在2013年,全世界的税前补贴额大约为5500亿美元。这些大规模的补贴不仅消耗了可用于其它方面的资金(如改善卫生和减少贫困),而且还劝阻了对低碳能源的投资。此外,由IMF最近发表的一份报告揭示了烧化石燃料的额外的、基础代价,如当地的空气污染及汽车使用的其它不良影响。因此Edenhofer得出结论:认为煤较为廉价具有欺骗性,而在建设长期能源基础设施之前了解煤的真正代价是至关重要的。


King Coal and the Queen of Subsidies


Coal is the most important energy source for the Chinese economy (see the photo). Other rapidly growing economies in Asia and Africa also increasingly rely on coal to satisfy their growing appetite for energy. This renaissance of coal is expected to continue in the coming years (1) and is one of the reasons that global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are increasing despite the undisputed worldwide technological progress and expansion of renewable technologies (2). The implications for long-term GHG emissions are serious because, once installed, a coal power plant will emit for decades. Fossil fuel subsidies support investments in coal capacities around the globe and thereby threaten the achievement of climate change mitigation goals. Targeted reform of these subsidies could yield benefits for climate change mitigation as well as other development objectives.

来源: Science 浏览次数:106

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