

 金翼宇曦 2017-02-06
称黑桃为黑桃;有话直说。  Call a spade a spade. 
烦恼能杀九命猫。  Care killed a cat. 
五月前莫收冬衣;勿操之过急。  Cast never a clout till May is out. 
莫丢第一块石头;责人之前先自省。  Cast not the first stone. 
勿舍本逐末。  Catch not at the shadow and lose the substance. 
卖熊皮前先捉熊;凡事宜按部就班,不要过于乐观。  Catch your bear before you sell its skin. 
仁爱始于家。  Charity begins at home. 
大人说话,小孩别插嘴。  Children should be seen and not heard. 
圣诞节一年才一次;好日子不能天天过。  Christmas comes but once a year. 
此一时,彼一时。  Circumstances alter cases. 
衣冠楚楚者,未必就是正人君子。  Clothes do not make the man. 
即来之事必有先兆。  Coming events cast their shadows before. 
人比人,气死人。  Comparisons are odious. 
良心令人不敢为所欲为。  Conscience does make cowards of us all. 
滴水可穿石。  Constant dripping wears away the stone. 
礼多人不怪。  Courtesy costs nothing. 
渡溪当自浅处过。  Cross the stream where it is shallowest. 
习惯成自然;熟能生巧。  Custom makes all things easy. 
习惯使人适应一切。  Custom reconciles us to everything. 
量入为出。  Cut your coat according to your cloth. 

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