

 玉峰牛 2017-02-08



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A researcher is defined by curiosity, organization and meticulousness. If you are attempting a research project, then finding, evaluating and documenting resources in a methodical way will improve the results of a research project. Define, refine and outline your materials until you have sufficient evidence to write a conclusive report.


Part 1   第一步 确定研究范围

  • Determine a good reason why this research needs to be done.

    Clarify who it will help. The answer may be based on your academic, personal or professional needs, but it should be your motivation for doing a thorough job.

  • 找到进行该研究的理由


  • Define the problem or question at hand.

    You should boil the question down to basic terms, time periods and disciplines. Write down any sub-questions that need to be researched before you can answer the question.

  • 分析研究的问题


  • Consider your thesis.

    Usually a thesis is a response to a general topic or question being asked. You should have an idea what you would like to use your research for; however, it does not need to be fully formed before you begin the research project.

  • 考虑中心论点


  • Submit a research proposal, if this is necessary for your teacher, employer or group.

    Generally, a research proposal is required for research projects that will last more than a few weeks.

  1. Term papers, graduate projects and field research projects will require a research proposal that states what problem you would like to solve through investigation.

  2. State the problem first, and then explain why the problem is relevant and important for the people to which you will be submitting the research.

  3. Include the types of research you would like to conduct, including reading, surveys, gathering statistics or working with specialists.

  • 如果你的老师或老板有要求,你就得先提交开题报告。一般来说,时长达几周的研究才需要写开题报告。

  1. 学期论文、毕业论文和专业领域研究论文需要写开题报告,阐述你准备调查的问题

  2. 先提出问题,然后说明该问题的相关性和重要性

  3. 说明研究采取的形式,包括阅读、调查、搜集数据和咨询专家等

  • Define your project scope and parameters.

    The following topics should be determined before you get started:

  1. The timeline for the research to take place. You will need a timeline to successfully cover all your bases.

  2. A list of topics that should be included in your final report. If you have a syllabus or official assignment, it should explain the scope.

  3. The schedule of reviews by teachers or managers, so you can meet progress checks along the way.

  4. The number of sources that are required. Generally, the number of sources is commensurate with the length of the paper.

  5. The format for your research list, citations and works cited list.

  • 确定研究范围和界限,开始调查前先考虑以下问题:

  1. 研究的时间安排,写清楚各过程的时间分配

  2. 研究报告包含的主题,如果老师或老板提供了课程或作业说明,里面应该规定了研究范围

  3. 阶段性审核安排,这样的话你的老师或老板就能跟踪你的进度

  4. 需要用到的文献资源数量,一般和研究报告的篇幅相关

  5. 引用的格式

Part 2   第二步  查找资料

  1. Start on the Internet with basic search engines.

    Type the basic terms of your research question to get a cursory knowledge on the subject.

  2. Give preference to websites that are sourced by universities, scientists, government research projects and journals.

  3. List any exceptional resources that you would feel comfortable citing.

  4. Use plus signs to search for multiple terms when they are used together. For example, “Christmas+Boxing Day.”

  5. Use minus signs to exclude search terms. For example, “+Christmas -shopping.”

  6. Collect information about the website, such as the published date, the authority that published it and the date you accessed it, as well as the URL.

  • 从基本的网络搜索引擎开始、键入研究的术语,对研究问题有基本的了解。

  • 被大学、科学家、政府和期刊引用过的网站资源更权威

  • 记录你想要引用的资源

  • 用 “+”号来搜索多个关键字。比如“圣诞节+节礼日”

  • 用“-”号来排除。比如“+圣诞节-购物”

  • 记录网站资源的相关信息,包括作者、发布日期、你搜索到的日期和URL(统一资源定位符)

  • Move on to the library.

    If possible, use your local college or university library. If a larger library is unavailable, apply for a library card at your public library.

  1. Consult a librarian in the reference section to find out what collections, journals and dictionaries the library has access to. For example, the Library of Congress directory will give you access to all books published on a topic. 

  2. Do background reading, such as historical books, photographs and definitions in a major dictionary.

  3. Use the electronic card catalog to access books that can be requested from other libraries.

  4. Use the computer lab to access journals and other media that is only available at the library. For example, some scientific journals may only be available on the library computers.

  5. Look in the media lab to see what other sources, such as microfiche, movies and interviews are available through the library.

  6. Request any promising materials through the reference desk or through your online library account.

  • 利用图书馆资源


  1. 询问图书管理员,图书馆里有哪些和你研究领域相关的期刊、词典。比如,美国国会图书馆目录册能让你找到所有相关的出版图书

  2. 阅读背景材料,比如历史书和大词典里的图片和定义

  3. 使用电子卡获得其他图书馆的联网资源

  4. 用图书馆电脑获得网上期刊,比如一些科学期刊只有用图书馆的电脑才能获取

  5. 查找图书馆媒体库资源,比如缩影胶片、电影、访谈等

  6. 通过咨询台或图书馆网上账号获得其他有用的资源

  • Schedule interviews with people who have first hand experience with the research topic.

    Interviews and surveys can provide quotations, direction and statistics that support your research. Interview experts, witnesses and professionals who have conducted relevant research in the past.

  • 约见有相关研究的人


  • Organize observational research.

    Taking a trip to gather information at a relevant location can help to establish a historical and background to your research project. If you are allowed to use opinions in your research report, you will want to note how the research grows and changes from your point of view. 

  • 进行观察研究


  • Refine your search as you develop a direction with your research.

    When you decide your thesis, you should break it into sub-topics that you can research online, in a library or with interviews and observational research individually. Remember that you will probably need at least 6 good sources for each 15 pages of your final report.

  • 提炼调查中获得的材料,确定论文写作的方向和思路


Part 3   第三步  评估资源

  • Ask whether the source is primary or secondary.

    Primary sources are evidence, artifacts or documents that originated from people who had direct contact with a situation. Secondary sources are those that discuss information from primary sources.

  • A secondary source could be a point of view or analysis of an original historical event or document. For example, an immigration record would be a primary source, while a newspaper article about a family’s ancestry would be a secondary source.

  • 选择一级资源还是二级资源


  • 二级资源可以是对原历史事件的分析。比如,移民记录是一级资源,而对某家族祖先的新闻报道是二级资源

  • Prefer sources that are objective to those that are subjective.

    If the narrator of an account is not personally connected to the subject, they are more likely to remain objective.

  • 客观资源优于主观资源


  • Give preference to sources that have been published in print.

    Web sources usually feature less strict controls than articles published in journals or books.

  • 出版资料优于网上资源


  • Look for contrasting sources.

    Subjective sources that take opposing points of view can be extremely important, because they are able to give a larger view of the issue. Find “pain points” in your argument and document any possible ways to deal with them.

  • It is easy to conduct research that supports your thesis. Try to find resources that disagree with your thesis so that you can handle objections to your project.

  • 寻找对立资料


  • 找支持性的资料很容易,找对立性的资料却没那么容易。但只有找到它们才能帮助你应对反面意见

  • Evaluate whether the source is relevant and/or flawed before using the research for your project.

    Keep your sources separate until you determine you want the source to be part of your research. Although helpful in the research process, some resources will not be sufficiently valuable to support published research.

  • 使用前再次评估资源的可靠性


Part 4   第四步  摘录信息

  • Keep a notebook.

    Write down questions posed by your research followed by sources and the answers you found. Reference the page numbers, URLs and sources that answer those questions.

  • 记笔记


  • Annotate all text.

    Photocopy your printed sources and take notes on visual or audio sources. Make notes in the margins about any terms that must be defined, relevance to your research topic and sources that build on each other.

  1. Use a highlighter and a pencil on photocopies. You should do this as you read it, rather than returning to do it at a later date.

  2. Annotation promoted active reading.

  3. Keep a list of citations that may be useful in your report.

  • 注释


  1. 使用荧光笔和铅笔边读边标注,不要读完再回头做笔记

  2. 标注是促进理解的好方法

  3. 记录有用的引用出处

  • Keep a file, so that you can keep all of your research together.

    Separate it into folders according to different topics, if possible. You can also use an electronic filing system, like Evernote to keep scans, websites and notes together.

  • 用文件夹收集研究资料


  • Develop an outline as you go along.

    Separate the topics you need to break down by number. Then letter the sub-topics that you must research and report on.

  • 列出提纲


Part 5   第五步  解决困难

  • Don’t “bootstrap”.

    Don’t base your thesis on generalizations that are made previous research papers. Try not to assume that a past approach is the only approach.

    Step away from your research for a few days, so that you see it with fresh eyes. Take a break every week, just as you would with a job.

  • 独立思考


  • 遇到瓶颈时休息几天,过几天你会有新想法。每周放一天假,才能有最好的工作状态

  • Talk about your research to someone who doesn’t know anything about the topic.

    Try to explain what you’ve found. Ask the person to ask questions that arise as they hear about the topic to see the topic with fresh eyes.

  • 向不了解你的论题的人讲解


  • Try to find sources in different disciplines.

    If you have been approaching a subject from an anthropological perspective, try papers in sociology, biology or another field. Expand your sources through your library’s reference section.

  • 跨学科寻找资料


  • Begin writing.

    Start filling in your outline. As you write, you will decide which sub-sections require more research.

  • 开始写作













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