

 mjsws 2017-02-10













As baidu algorithm improvement, constantly updated site drop right seems to be a common thing, this anytime plagued by countless webmaster, once the site suffered a drop right doom to short time to restore is a very difficult thing.

So site is down right after got to do to restore, to determine site drop right actually very simple, in addition to the new site, site drop right will appear commonly: site only home page, web site, included besides baidu big update at the end of the collapse, keywords ranking hundred outside overnight, included all disappear, domain is not in the home page, etc. So what should we do after site drop right?

1, adjust state of mind

Many webmaster in found site is down right will be caught off guard, suddenly lost heart I didn't know what to do, it is to do the big fear of standing, maintain common heart is the first condition of successful webmaster. Site is down right after we need to calm down, first check before and their ranking about whether there are any changes in the rankings, then observe the baidu station platform if there is a message, or the latest news. Sit continue to update maintenance waiting for baidu ranked recovery.

2, the analysis of site drop right degree

Site drop right has light is heavy, right of mild drop may be baidu's temptation, adhere to the update site will soon restore ranking well, once suffered a severe fall right, website www.a6qp.com is lost, also have to wait for a minimum of 3 months will slowly recovering. This time suggest that we can consider to change the domain name space, packaged site data before moving, removing a optimization, ban robots crawl, all make a new site, but must all source code changes, industry remains the same. The effect is very obvious.

3, adjust the website

Now that the site can be fall right, there exist some problems in the nature of the site itself to check to remove traces page optimization, the weight of original articles is to restore the website good medicine, must be good at using.

4, baidu appeal

If feel website don't have any problems or down right after the problem has been resolved, you can ask the baidu to lodge a complaint, let baidu to a site testing as soon as possible, in order to restore the website weight.

5, to help professionals demand

Many webmasters fall right after a long time can't find the way out, the web site weight struggled to recover, this time can be appropriate to consider seo industry veteran who needs help.

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