
English Corner│预冲泡方式的不同会影响咖啡的最终口味吗?

 街心舞苑 2017-02-11

Over the last few weeks I've made countless brews with different bloom amounts. It has proven to be quite interesting. Traditionally, we have been told to add double the amount of water compared to your dose, so 20g of coffee will equal 40mL bloom. With this in mind, and trying to get the best cup possible, I started playing with different bloom amounts starting from a ratio of 1:1 all the way to 1:5.


The coffee I used was a filter roast, Costa Rican Las Lajas (Black Honey Process), 23g of coffee, 300mL water and a brew time of 2:30 minutes. All the beans were ground on the Helor 101 hand grinder. The grinder was set to the 32nd point. The cups were tasted over a 15 minute period.  

我使用的是手冲滴滤烘焙的哥斯达黎加 Las Lajas 黑蜜处理咖啡,粉量为23克,水量300毫升,冲泡时间2分30秒。咖啡豆是用 Helor 101手摇磨研磨的,研磨参数为32,测试的总时长为15分钟。

I was looking for the most balanced and flavoursome cup. The results showed big differences in taste and one ratio definitely stood above them all. 


* 所有结论均得自个人的感官判断,并非出自科学计算。


标准:4-很差 5-差 6-尚可 7-好 8-很好 9-出色


In conclusion, the bloom dramatically changes the final cup and I felt that the 1:3 ratio gave the best result (my latest V60 recipe uses this bloom method). Feel free to give this a go and taste the difference yourself. 

我得出的结论是,预冲泡水粉比例的变化的确会影响咖啡的最终品质,且1:3是目前我得出的最佳比例(我最新的 V60配方用的正是这一比例)。欢迎大家分享与讨论!



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